Forward thinking since it is far cheaper for us to drive to WDW/Port Canaveral (~$200 round trip + parking vs ~$800-$1,000 for airfare and transfers). Where would you stay if you could not make it all the way down the day before?
It is a ~9-hour drive for us. We would be leaving around 3:30PM. We could be in Jacksonville by 10PM leaving a 2-hour drive the next morning. I would say we would be on the road again no later than 7AM. Our plan would be to park at one of the non-Disney parking facilities and use their transportation to the ship.
It is a ~9-hour drive for us. We would be leaving around 3:30PM. We could be in Jacksonville by 10PM leaving a 2-hour drive the next morning. I would say we would be on the road again no later than 7AM. Our plan would be to park at one of the non-Disney parking facilities and use their transportation to the ship.