How Early to Camp Out for Wishes Fireworks during Easter


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We are going to Disney World during Easter when it is super busy. We have 13 people in our group (4 kids under 4yrs) and I was thinking we would watch Wishes from the second floor of the railroad station. How early do we need to camp out there so we have a good spot?

Other locations suggestions that are within the park and have good spots (especially due to the hub construction) are greatly appreciated. We are trying to stay away from the thickest crowds that will be in Main Street.


Well-Known Member
We have never, ever staked out a spot to view wishes. Sometimes, if it is not too crowded, we might make our way under the cable for Tink's descent, but we never waste time standing around when we could be enjoying other things. My best advice, and this is just what works for us, when it gets time for the fireworks...look up. Works for us, no wasted time.
Oh...we don't camp out for Illuminations either.
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Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
On valentines Day weekend, I think they had 2 in one night because the park was open until 1... We sat down 20 minutes before the projection show started right in front of the castle. There was a pile of people, but there was still plenty of room right up front.


Well-Known Member
During spring break last year, we saw the same family (extended family-mom, dad, kids, 2 sets of grandparents) camp out at the railing of the 2nd level of the train station with tables and chairs for hours prior leading up to the parade and the fireworks. We're talking late afternoon! Grandparents hung out and saved the spots while others rode rides, switch spots, grab a bite, come back. We left the park and came back and they were still there!

Keep in mind the parade comes before the fireworks so a lot of people camp out for the parade and then don't move until after fireworks.....if you want that spot you'll probably have to do the same.


Well-Known Member
Last trip out in July 2013, I got briefly separated from my family at the Tomorrowland bridge while we were heading toward the exit. It was just after the Electrical Parade and folks were swarming around. My phone started ringing (sister calling to find out where I was), and I stopped near the hub to answer it. I was then verbally assaulted by a group of "campers" who decided that I was intruding on their space. "WE were here first! This is OUR AREA!" nonsense. They had a whole spread going, like two or three strollers and one ECV parked right on the sidewalk. I told them I just needed to answer my phone, and they shut up....but still kept giving me the evil eye until I finished the call and walked away. It was the most uncomfortable interaction I've ever had at ANY Disney park.

So, when you say "camp out", all I can hear is "loiter around and block foot traffic while acting like a rude, entitled jack---".

And I really wish WDW would enact a no loitering policy with these people.

Oh no, fight's out. I'm bout to punch yo lights out.

Monkee Girl

Well-Known Member
Standing behind the castle, to me, is just as awesome...if not more awesomer than standing in front. The fireworks are closer and and all around you. And the area is a little more empty because everyone is always clamering to get upfront. I got stuck behind the castle by accident once because I was leaving Mickey's Toon Town Fair and heading out of the park; however, they roped off the exits around the castle and we couldn't leave until after the show. It was the coolest thing I had ever scene.

Another cool thing you can do (and yea...this may get me expelled out of here, lol) is hop on the Monorail to the Polynesian. Get a snack at Captain Cook's and see the show on the beach. I will be there that week as well and it's my home hotel when in The World. Sooooo much nicer than dealing with those psychos in the park.

Another thing you can do, if you time it correctly, is to take a ferry/Monorail ride around showtime. Then you can see the fireworks on the water or from different angles of the Monorail loop.

I honestly can't deal with the people anymore. They are so rude and ignorant! And this is coming from a 33 year old, lol The parades are the worst. If I feel the need to see the 9PM parade, I watch in Frontier land. the people on Main Street act like you are going to rob them or something if you dare try to squeeze into any spot near them.

I remember last year, I was walking with my little cousin on our way out of the park. It was our arrival day, her mom wasn't feeling well after dinner at Be Our Guest, so I stayed with little cousin in MK while her mom went back to the hotel. Though she was having fun, by 8:30, she was ready to head back home. Main Street was, of course, cluttered with people; all the sidewalks taken; it was a mess. There was one gap between to people and I pointed in their direction, telling my cousin we can go through there (in order to get ON the side walk to get out of the park). Well, the family just moved there hands into the gap and yelled (YELLED) that the spot was taken and we couldn't sit there. My cousin was a little upset (she doesn't like to be yelled at) so I very sternly spoke back, "we are LEAVING the park and need to get on the sidewalk. EXCUSE us!" I then pushed through them and went on my way. It was unbelievable.

Anyway, If I really need to see the parade (I do love it), I wait until 11pm. Then I can see the show anywhere I want on Main Street. Whenever I am at another park but MK is open late, I always come in around 11 and have my choice of seating for the parade. All those sidewalk hoggers at 8 are idiots. sorry. I am getting mean, lol

ooops! sorry...end rant....

My main point is: There is a lot of places you can see the fireworks if you are willing to think outside the box and you don't care if you are not in front of the castle.


Well-Known Member
Also, Monkee presents a great point: watching the fireworks from one of the resorts. Poly sounds great, but I also hear tell that viewing the show from Contemporary's California Grill is quite spectacular. I'm sure you'd have to have a dinner reservation though.

Monkee Girl

Well-Known Member
Also, Monkee presents a great point: watching the fireworks from one of the resorts. Poly sounds great, but I also hear tell that viewing the show from Contemporary's California Grill is quite spectacular. I'm sure you'd have to have a dinner reservation though.

I have never eaten at the California Grill but the Contemporary was the first Deluxe resort I ever stayed at. Magic Kingdom view too. Getting a clear view of the show right on your balcony was awesome.

I am not sure if the Grand Floridian has Firework Views or not since I have never stayed there.


Well-Known Member
Another vote for watching the fireworks from behind the castle. It is generally less crowded and so cool to have them going off all around you. It is also louder because the sound bounces off of the buildings. And you don't get stuck in the herd of people.
Also, Monkee presents a great point: watching the fireworks from one of the resorts. Poly sounds great, but I also hear tell that viewing the show from Contemporary's California Grill is quite spectacular. I'm sure you'd have to have a dinner reservation though.

I think there in an observation deck on the 4th floor of the Contemporary where you can view the fireworks.


Well-Known Member
Fantasyland. Hardly ever crowded. As long as you are not in a hurry to exit. Make a plan to hang around and view the second night parade. Lightly attended always. You will of course need to manage the nap time for the little ones.

The other option is if you can figure out the FP minus nonsense you can consider using a FP minus for a reserved area in the Hub. Sorry, I do not participate in that stuff so no help here. Being local, if I have out of area guests visiting I take them to a very secret off MK property with synced audio and enjoy Wishes. If I told you the location, well you know the rest.


Well-Known Member
Or, you could just find a spot (not near a tree, which isn't difficult these days), listen for the music and then look up in the sky. You will be amazed at how visible they are doing that. I'm sorry, but special spots, FP's for something that is taking place in the open sky that can be seen from I-4 is beyond ridiculous to me.

I have no love for fireworks anyway, but, even if I did they are not worth wasting that much time and trying to keep young children calmed down for that long when there are so many exciting things to see at WDW. But, to each his own, I guess!

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