How do you tip at WDW?


Hi All

Maybe this is a strange question to be posting but I just have to ask. I was talking to a friend of mine while we were at dinner. When adding the bill up, I added 25% gratuity to the bill for out waitress who was very attentive and gave her a high praise to the manager of the restaurant. My friend nearly freaked out. He asked what our "normal procedure" for tipping was and I said 20% if it's good service and more if it's even better. I think the lowest tip I've ever left was about 18%. He was astonished and when I asked, he stated that he leaves about 10% to 12% typically and less if it's not good service at all.

How do you all tip when dining at WDW? And, also, do you have a protocol when dining at a Character Dining buffet like Chef Mickeys? I'm very curious about this. Obviously, if it's a buffet, you'd be serving yourself, other than drinks/refills and removing the plates.

Thanks much for any input. Hopefuly I don't "offend" anyone asking about tipping procedures. :)


New Member
I can tell you from personal experience that 25% is pretty common at a Disney restaurant. My wife was a cast member for a restaurant and that 20-25% was common practice. There were even times that 50% tips were left for her. (New Years) Of course tips would be less at a buffet stlye restaurant. At home 15% tops is what I give.
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Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
First of all, I NEVER called them "lowly housekeepers;" those are your words, not mine.

True. I was going along with the spirit of your post.

Does it bother me that I spent 4 years in college getting my education and still make less?

You say no, but twice in your post compared the housekeeper's potential pay levels with yours and even implied that you leave $2/day because of it, which is "more than enough".

As for Las Vegas....been there.....won't go back. It is one of the most disgusting places I've ever seen. Nothing but hookers and players all over. Not exactly what I like to do on vacation.

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New Member
Where do you leave the Mousekepping Envelopes?

My wife and I love the idea of using the Mousekeeping envelopes for leaving tips, but where is the best place to leave it to be sure they know it is for them?

Counting down the minutes now!!! :D
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Well-Known Member
Mustangjohn said:
My wife and I love the idea of using the Mousekeeping envelopes for leaving tips, but where is the best place to leave it to be sure they know it is for them?

Counting down the minutes now!!! :D

I usually leave it on the nightsand with a note or envelope that says "Mousekeepers".

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Well-Known Member
now that everyone is back on topic. With the disney dining plan doesn anyone know what the waiters and waitress get? gratuity is included but i want to make sure it is a decent amount.
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New Member
If you feel that is too low, leave more tip. Personally, I still think it is my choice what I leave. I will be honest. Our family was at a very nice dinner here in our state recently. The waitress was outstanding. However, when it came time to tip, she told us she was required to give 20% of her tip to the bartender since we had drinks. I went over and asked the manager who did state that was correct. The waitress gave us the outstanding service; so to be fair to her, we increased our tip to her. I then saw the manager again and told him I felt this was crazy. " Does the waitress have to share her tip with the cook who cooked our meals, with the d.j. who was very loud and with the bus boys who cleared the table." I know the bartender performs a service, but so do all the others. I now ask before ordering drinks if the waitress must share her tips.
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New Member
jcat2312 said:
I do believe they get 15%....I am hoping that is wrorng, since I think it is too low...

When we were on the old Silver Plan, they got 15%. It said so on the recept. That is why I always left a little more. The service you get at pretty much EVERY restaurant in WDW is so far above anywhere else I've been. The certainly deserve more than 15%. I've only had bad service once at any WDW restaurant. And of all places, it was CRT. She was older, looked tired, and seemed to be having a bad day, and she was taking it out on us. Needless to say, I complained and she did not get any extra tip. I think that is the only time I didn't leave extra tip money. I've been a waitress before; it doesn't matter how bad your day is, you don't take it out on the customers. It is the same way with teaching. You have to do your best even if you have just had a huge fight with your husband, or you got a ticket on the way to work. Your students (or customers) should never know.
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Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
bhg469 said:
now that everyone is back on topic. With the disney dining plan doesn anyone know what the waiters and waitress get? gratuity is included but i want to make sure it is a decent amount.
We just returned from using the dining plan. Every place stated 15% on the receipt except one. The table service for Beaches and Cream stated 18% on the receipt.
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Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
When we were on the old Silver Plan, they got 15%. It said so on the recept. That is why I always left a little more. The service you get at pretty much EVERY restaurant in WDW is so far above anywhere else I've been. The certainly deserve more than 15%. I've only had bad service once at any WDW restaurant. And of all places, it was CRT. She was older, looked tired, and seemed to be having a bad day, and she was taking it out on us. Needless to say, I complained and she did not get any extra tip. I think that is the only time I didn't leave extra tip money. I've been a waitress before; it doesn't matter how bad your day is, you don't take it out on the customers. It is the same way with teaching. You have to do your best even if you have just had a huge fight with your husband, or you got a ticket on the way to work. Your students (or customers) should never know.
I have never left additional tip using the dinner plan. Maybe Disney should increase the %. Now I'm thinking I should consider leaving an additional tip. However, our bill usually runs $125 for table service and we are low maintenance. Doing the math gives them a $18 tip and we are out of there in about a hour.

So I guess I look at how much I give them rather then what % we tip. What is a fair dollar amount.
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New Member
Computer Magic said:
I have never left additional tip using the dinner plan. Maybe Disney should increase the %. Now I'm thinking I should consider leaving an additional tip. However, our bill usually runs $125 for table service and we are low maintenance. Doing the math gives them a $18 tip and we are out of there in about a hour.

If they weren't so attentive, I wouldn't leave more, either. But I never had to ask for a refill or anything. All that attention and they didn't even "hover." I can not stand it when the waiter wants to stand over you and hold a conversation. The wait staff was just wonderful. I'd leave more than 15% in any restaurant with service like that, so why not WDW?
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Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
If they weren't so attentive, I wouldn't leave more, either. But I never had to ask for a refill or anything. All that attention and they didn't even "hover." I can not stand it when the waiter wants to stand over you and hold a conversation. The wait staff was just wonderful. I'd leave more than 15% in any restaurant with service like that, so why not WDW?
I do like the fact the the waiter gives the dinner plan folks great service even knowing that are guarantee 15% no matter what type of service they give us.

I do give more the 15% at home depending on service. The difference is at home I don't pay $120 for a meal at home :D

I edited my last reponse to add :I guess I look at how much I give them rather then what % we tip. What is a fair dollar amount to tip. I do think a $20 tip is pretty good for an hour service, but I'm from Indiana. :D
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New Member
Computer Magic said:
I do like the fact the the waiter gives the dinner plan folks great service even knowing that are guarantee 15% no matter what type of service they give us.

I do give more the 15% at home depending on service. The difference is at home I don't pay $120 for a meal at home :D

I edited my last reponse to add :I guess I look at how much I give them rather then what % we tip. What is a fair dollar amount to tip. I do think a $20 tip is pretty good for an hour service, but I'm from Indiana. :D

LOL! Good Point! :lol: I don't spend that much either!

Look at it this way: You are only going to pay $35/person/day no matter how much/little you eat. For my family, there are three of us. So $105/day for food. Figure at least $30 for the three of us at lunch for counter service, about $10 total for the 3 snacks included. That leaves $65. If we go to CRT or LeCellier (which we do, a lot) That is about a $130 - $150 meal that you are only paying $65 for. So, what is an extra $5 dollars or so? So you only come out $80 ahead instead of $85. :lol: WOW! This dining plan is a WONDERFUL DEAL!!!!

But, in the end, it is just YOUR choice. You are right that $18/$20 is a good tip. Don't leave more. I'm sure MOST people don't. I really don't think it is going to be a big deal. Just enjoy your trip!:D
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Well-Known Member
im glad i know now, 15% is usually a starting point for me. If they dont wow me thats what ill leave. It usuall has to do with how many times they offer to fefill my drink thats my selling point, especially in wdw its so hot ill go through drinks like crazy. Thanks for the info folks.
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New Member
I waitressed for several years to subsidize my income and yes, at the end of every night I tipped out the busboy, bartender, and helpers (the people who carry out the trays if there are 5 or more people at a table). I did keep track of tables that tipped but didn't order alcohal drinks as the bartender had nothing to do with them and I didn't include that when I calculated out the tips for the other people. That being said, I never expected a 20% tip and always amazed that the tables who expected the most service, added to their order, wanted drink refills constantly, were the ones who left nothing but the ones who needed nothing were the ones who left 20-25%. I had a man on New Years Eve who was alone, had a steak and two glasses of wine and left me $200.00. Now that was a tip. Tipping should be about you and what you see as good service. The standards according to Miss Manners and every other eitquette gureau is 15% for good service and 20% for excellent. Above or below is your choice. Buffet restaurants are 10% unless the drinks are also self serve and then it's up to you. Anyone who provides a service to you at a hotel should be tipped. The standards that I have found are $1.00 per bag for anyone who handles your luggage and $1.00 per person per night for cleaning staff.
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Miss Bell

New Member
For restaurants, I follow the 20% rule and then up or down for service. I will always tell the manager of someone who gives me extrodinary service.

As for Mousekeeping, we do $2-5 a night, depending. One year, we stayed at All-Star Movies, the housekeeping set up our daughters stuffed animals in different scenes every day in our room. One day it was as simple as one of her stuffed animals poised with the remote, and the tv was on, and other days it really elaborate. It was so cool! That little extra deserves a bigger tip, in my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Speaking as a tight fisted Scot I still follow advice I was given years ago, look at the Tax round it up and tip that.

I have a little chuckle as some CMs add the old 15% charge as 1 they hope you dont notice and tip further, 2 think we Brits are not accustomed to tipping and wont give one.

However on the 3 ocassions when this has happened the service has been outstanding and I would have given a bigger tip any way so theyve actually lost out.

I must confess that tipping is a culture change, especially to that level.

Man, that's sad. Tax is only like 7%-8%, 5% is standard for not so good and 15% for standard good.

What would you want to be tipped if you were offering good service to others?
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