I was raised in MA and NH, but in the early 1980s i lived a few years in Florida.
It's all about assimitating yourself, and your inner body temperature, to the surroundings.
'Getting used to it', so to speak.
I remember when I first moved to FL, I would get a bloody nose almost every day over a week long period due to the differences in the air quality and perhaps even moisture levels.
Heat does not bother me too much, but humidity sure does.
It took time to adjust, but our local neighbors taught me a few clever tricks to keep cool that I use to this day, AC not being one of them.
I find extremely cold AC to actually work against you in trying to help yourself to adjust to the warmer weather.
The sudden shifts from sweltering heat outside to freezing AC inside is something that can be a challenge when visiting WDW during the warmer months.
I don't live in Florida these days....back up North now....but when I do visit I usually do so in January when the weather is more closely aligned with the cooler temps I'm back to being used to.
It's nice, as the Parks can be sparse then since it's often 'too cold' for the FL locals...'too cold' for them being 60 degrees and under...