horror stories...


New Member
Original Poster
Hi everyone!
I am working on a paper for school and need a quote or two from someone who had a bad experience at WDW but still loves it anyway... any help you guys could give would be great! Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Try the search feature, there are plenty (if not too many negative threads and not enough positive ones) that have the stories you're looking for. What are you writing your paper on, just bad experiences in general or are you putting positive ones in as well? Good luck with the paper and let us know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
Heres a bad experience I didnt get a birthday cake or treat at Liberty Tree for my birthday dinner :( but I still love Disney :) hehe


Le Meh
Premium Member
I have a quote,

Disney takes my money, makes me use up all my vacation, has invaded my home, my clothing, and my every waking thought.....but I love them anyway!!! :p :p :p


Well-Known Member
The airline tried to seat a family apart, the Mears bus was an hour late so we spent $50 on a cab, our reserved room at the Contemporary was taken when we arrived, the 50's Prime Time Diner was a letdown, some CM decided to powerwash arround the pool at 6 AM, the crowds were large and unruly, I saw a woman in a crowded restaurant dive on a table to claim it, my kid bought $1000 worth of pins before I knew it BUT, I still had a great time :wave:


New Member
Sometime around 1996 we were staying at disneys caribbean beach resort. We arrived at like 900am and when we got there,there was actually a room ready we all so happily walked to our room when u got there, their were suit cases in the room. we had just opened someone elses room which was suppose to be ours(thank god there was no one in there just their stuff). My mom was so mad we went to teh front desk and told them that we had never been so embarrased in our whole lives. They really fixed it after they sent us a little cbr cooler with 2 gift certificates to any disney restaurant of our choice sent us cookies sodas and let us keep our room mugs at no extra chare they also gave us rooms so close to old port royal we could get there in less than 5 steps. Now how could u hate disney after all that kissing. I still love disney and if thats what they do everytime they make a mistake please continue. :xmas:


New Member
In February of this year I took my family to MGM. We got up early, for early park opening. We made sure to confirm what was open. We decided to go to Star Tours. (not a short walk.) When we arrived we were told they were still doing some painting and they were not open. By then it was too late to head
across to Rock n" Roll and Tower of Terror. We ended up waiting a half hour and by then, there were quite a few people there. My wife asked "management" about this and they pretty much blew her off.


New Member
I have a pretty wierd one....I went to Disney last year for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party and i decided that i wanted to ride the Haunted Mansion ( i have always felt uncomfortable about this ride for religious reasons but like a big moron i got on it anyway) and while boarding the ride i felt something telling me that i shouldnt ride it but i did anyway. While throughout the course of the ride, i started getting very uncomfortable and started feeling very nautious (sp?) and sick. I got off and about threw up and i started crying shortly after. I have no clue to why i felt this way (possibly because a lot of the stuff in there is very wicked if you look at it through a christian stand point) but i know i will never ride HM again. But in the end i still love Disney!!! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
DisneyFreak777 said:
I have a pretty wierd one....I went to Disney last year for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party and i decided that i wanted to ride the Haunted Mansion ( i have always felt uncomfortable about this ride for religious reasons but like a big moron i got on it anyway) and while boarding the ride i felt something telling me that i shouldnt ride it but i did anyway. While throughout the course of the ride, i started getting very uncomfortable and started feeling very nautious (sp?) and sick. I got off and about threw up and i started crying shortly after. I have no clue to why i felt this way (possibly because a lot of the stuff in there is very wicked if you look at it through a christian stand point) but i know i will never ride HM again. But in the end i still love Disney!!! :kiss:

Now wait a min, I am a chrstian and love the Haunted Mansion :king:

General Grizz

New Member
se8472 said:
Now wait a min, I am a chrstian and love the Haunted Mansion :king:
Ditto. "A Kingdom of Fantasy." :)

Disney horror stories: Magic ("Tragedy") of Disney Animation, Goofy's Dancing Jamboree, and Journey into YOUR Imagination. . .


Active Member
with the Christian thing, you have to look at it as being make believe. If you take it literal then it becomes a problem.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple that I have previously mentioned, but will mention again to help you out.

The first one was from a year ago and some girl in the Canada pavillion was mean to me. I wanted a stamp in my autograph book (I'd been collecting them from the countries) and I waited an insane amount of time letting kids cut line in front of me (I guess they didn't know I was in line. The parents must have thought I was standing there for my health). After like 20 minutes of this (and yes the cm knew I was there the whole time), I politely asked her if she could stamp my book between kids so I could be on my way. She responded with the comment "Welcome to WDW, we're here for the kids." That comment just angered me because places like WDW, while special to kids, need to make the adults happy too or there won't be anyone to take the kids.

The other was on my trip last July. My friend and I wanted to do E-ride nights (we were staying in AKL). The problem is that she was a cp and cms apparently are not allowed to go to e-ride nights, even when they meet all requirements by staying in a room, paying for the room, and are willing to pay for the tickets. We were told conflicting stories by the gr cms and it was quite frustrating and angering. After GR had said no that morning we were disappointed because central reservations had said they thought it was okay. Later, we saw them passing out wristbands at splash and I asked him why cms couldn't do it. He said they definitely could, we were given wrong info, and to go to GR and buy the tickets - that there wouldn't be a problem. GR said no again and were rude about it. When I asked for a manager (at this point we were mad because we'd been given the runaround and we'd just walked all the way to city hall from splash only for the e-ride tickets), no one came and the cm wouldn't get him/her. I was very polite about it and after requesting a manager again, she went backstage and came back willing to sell the tickets, but she did so with attitude (like the way she swiped my card and acted about it. It was like the manager had said to just do it and she didn't really want to). The whole situation was bad and quite frustrating. I would have mainly wanted them to make sure all the cms knew the rules so no one else will have this happen (the whole several conflicting answers thing). I wrote a lengthy e-mail on this to GR (the only thing I've ever formally complained about in my life!) and the response was a 3 minute phone message telling me that they're re-evaluating e-ride nights and that cm's definitely are not allowed to attend them.

Both cases were what I'd consider horror stories. I have some good ones too if you need any good stories. Good luck on the paper or project or whatever.

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