Well-Known Member
I only stayed there once. I won't stay there again. Yes, AoA is aimed at families with kids, but the size of AoA means there are a LOT of kids.Lol. Why would you ever want to stay there if you hate being around little kids? It is a resort aimed at families with young kids. You do realize there was a time YOU were one of those monsters.
And yes, I do realize that at one point in time, I was a kid. It was the early 60s, and kids acted different back then. When I stayed at The Poly at Christmas 1971, I was 8 and it had to wear slacks and a polo during the day, and a blazer for dinner. When my kids were young (late 90s/early 00s), we didn't allow them to run amok like screaming banshees in public places except at the pool area where playing is to be expected. They didn't do it in the food court. There is a time and place for everything. Including reining the kids in a bit.