Time to call in Evergreen. the worlds largest firefighting super tanker
The Supertanker offers many dramatic efficiency improvements related to drop capability, mission diversity and response time. And, when it comes to costs, the Evergreen Supertanker will put out fires in less time, require fewer aircraft, flight missions and hours flown.
Increased Tank Space
Compared to the existing aerial firefighting fleet, the Evergreen Supertanker offers at least eight times more drop capability over other commonly used large airtankers. This large gallonage increase gives the Supertanker an opportunity to save a substantial amount of time and money fighting fire.
Advanced Drop Capability
The Supertanker’s significant loiter time will allow it to place a single large drop or various segmented drops at multiple intervals while in flight. This allows the aircraft to fight multiple fires on a single mission. And, depending on the mission's requirements, the Supertanker’s versatile application system will disperse retardant under high pressure, for an overwhelming response, or drop retardant equivalent to the speed of falling rain.
An aircraft this size will also provide a suitable platform for advanced GPS navigation and forward looking infrared (FLIR) capabilities. These tools could enhance navigation, possibly leading to night operations, and help the flightcrew identify specific drop zone locations.
Response Time
The aircraft will be fully loaded and on alert status 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Supertanker will be able to cruise at Mach .86 or close to 600 mph, getting to a fire much sooner than existing aircraft and well within the aircraft’s design limitations. Current air tankers, when fully loaded, are at their maximum design limitations which inhibit aircraft performance and maneuverability. In addition, a greater power to weight ratio provided by a Supertanker will enhance aircraft performance in all phases of flight.