Hollywood Tower of Terror


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Hollywood Tower of Terror (maybe not so widely known) Rumors and/or Facts

- The TOT is full of artifacts and interesting memoribila from around the world, many of these items from Hollywood auction houses. It is widely known that most furnishings inside the attraction were bought not made, some of which came from some of the biggest names throughout Hollywood. Many items in the hotel (lobby in particular) are extremely valuable including one set of leather chairs that are authentic Renaissance antiques(similar sets can be found in New York's Metropolitan Museum and others in London's Victoria's and Albert's Museum).

- The TOT is WDW's tallest attraction reaching a height of 199 feet. I'm sure the Imagineers at WDI would have made the building much taller if they could but that was not allowed due to the fact that the FAA regulations state that any building 200 ft. and up would have to adorn flashing red lights on the top. This would have taken away much of that old Hollywood nostalgia.

- In the pre-ride video Rod Serling from "Twilight Zone" plays himself for a short time. They took his voice and body from previous episodes of TZ and made them fit into the story line. It's actually Rod Serling's voice until he states that famous line, "This, as you may recognize..", which is where a camera cuts to the scene of an elevator. After this a really great impressionist ( I believe his name is Robert Rhine) and finished the rest of the video.

- The little girl in the pre-ride video is holding an original 1935 Mickey Mouse doll while she is riding in the elevator.

- Real "Twilight Zone" episode pieces are used throughout the ride. You can see many in the "basement" after the ride is over and you are about to be let off. Another place that they often switch the pieces for originality is the gift shop and photo area where they often have summaries about what episodes the props were used in as well as history of them.

- The maximum speed of the ride is 28.4 mph, the maximum capicity of each ride elevator is 22 riders, and guests experience 1.3 G's while inside the ride.

- TOT oficially opened on Halloween night 1994.

Hope some of this stuff was interesting. See what else you can come up with and tell me. Have fun!



Well-Known Member
I've noticed a lot of Disney building never go over 200ft. I think they don't want the red light on ANYTHING to take away the magic. The one time some guy tried to tell me the earful tower was taller than tot. I was like "uh uh". HeHe :lol: Who do these ppl think they are. Have you ever noticed red lights atop anything?


New Member
Originally posted by diznutz
Hollywood Tower of Terror (maybe not so widely known) Rumors and/or Facts

- In the pre-ride video Rod Serling from "Twilight Zone" plays himself for a short time. They took his voice and body from previous episodes of TZ and made them fit into the story line. It's actually Rod Serling's voice until he states that famous line, "This, as you may recognize..", which is where a camera cuts to the scene of an elevator. After this a really great impressionist ( I believe his name is Robert Rhine) and finished the rest of the video.

Actually, the impressionist performs the entire ride video. Rod Serling is lip-synched throughout the entire thing. You were right about them cutting away though at that particular line. In the actual episode, Serling points to a map instead of an elevator

Cool Facts, though! I love hearing stuff about the Tower of Terror.:)

I was really interested to read a lot of that stuff, especially the thing about the antique Mickey Doll!


New Member
I think that the only thing to ever go over 200 ft was the hand on the Epcot ball when it still said 2000.....i might not have this rght but im pretty sure i rememebr hearing that somewhere.....hey didnt care tho that it was over 200 bc the red flashing light blended in pretty well with the red numbers


New Member
Twilight Zone props

Howdy folks!

Just to throw something in here, I had heard that the pre show room, where you see the pre show vid obviously, is filled with props from Twilight Zone episodes, and each of the props can be associated to an episode. I also remember noting dates and quotes scribbled down beside the telephone which I was told have some meaning, and that there was newspapers which held key references to Twilight happenings!!!

I dont know if it was here, or another discussion thread where we talked about the news board, which is on a wall that you pass before going into the left hand side preshow room. Note the missing letters that have dropped off the board and have landed at the bottom. Put your head to the glass, move your eyes down and now read!!!!.........now do you still want to ride!!!!!!!??????

Also fyi, they are supposedly building two more towers side by side, one for Disneyland Paris, and the other for California Adventure (which I think they are gradually studiofying). They basically make all of the mechanics, then disassemble for shipping out in packages, to be reassembeled on site, then they facade it over with the actual hotel.

Have a Disney Day!


How about some Disney smileys???


Well-Known Member
I've heard the the seatbelts are actually safer then the lapbars. Yet everyone was afraid of the dreaded seatbelt seat! Maybe a CM knows why they changed it. Maybe they are safer cause I flew out of my seat more with the lapbar. The seatbelt forms to me, but I always keep it a little loose. :lookaroun


New Member
The seatbelts are such a hassle in my opinion. It was so much easier to just push all the lap bars down. Plus, the lap bars were more fun!! :) They are also the only ones the buckle from left to right. (or maybe it's the other way around) anyway, they buckle the opposite ways from all other rides with seatbelts....I am also not a big fan of the new recorded rules that are heard in the elevator right before the doors close. Now the bellhops don't get to say all that fun stuff.


New Member
i was on the tower once and it broke down while we were in the 4th dimensions area where it moves forward.

I saws how all the stuff worked because the work lights came on. The bigd doors are actually mirrors, i don't know the reasining for that. There were also two or three survelence cameras. the floating characters were attached to fishing string. The ones that sorta move, there were two plastic shapes of each on which a film was projected and the front one rotated in little circles.

Everything was really neat to see so i took a picture, but it didn't develop
Originally posted by Creekboy25
i was on the tower once and it broke down while we were in the 4th dimensions area where it moves forward.

I saws how all the stuff worked because the work lights came on. The bigd doors are actually mirrors, i don't know the reasining for that. There were also two or three survelence cameras. the floating characters were attached to fishing string. The ones that sorta move, there were two plastic shapes of each on which a film was projected and the front one rotated in little circles.

Everything was really neat to see so i took a picture, but it didn't develop

OMG...I dont know about anyone else, so I will just speak for me. I dont want to know how they make their rides work and move. This the whole idea behind these parks...ITS THE MAGIC of the UNKNOWN that gives you the awe of it all and making you want to come back for more. But more then anything, YOU ARE NOT supposed to be taking pictures while you are on these rides. They tell you this for reason such that a flash can set something off time because of the sensitivity of the electrical works.:hammer::brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MagicalDreamer
OMG...I dont know about anyone else, so I will just speak for me. I dont want to know how they make their rides work and move. This the whole idea behind these parks...ITS THE MAGIC of the UNKNOWN that gives you the awe of it all and making you want to come back for more. But more then anything, YOU ARE NOT supposed to be taking pictures while you are on these rides. They tell you this for reason such that a flash can set something off time because of the sensitivity of the electrical works.:hammer::brick:

Add a ' = ' inside and after 'SIZE' in the first Size Brackets :D


New Member
Originally posted by MagicalDreamer
OMG...I dont know about anyone else, so I will just speak for me. I dont want to know how they make their rides work and move. This the whole idea behind these parks...ITS THE MAGIC of the UNKNOWN that gives you the awe of it all and making you want to come back for more. But more then anything, YOU ARE NOT supposed to be taking pictures while you are on these rides. They tell you this for reason such that a flash can set something off time because of the sensitivity of the electrical works.:hammer::brick:

True, it is the magic that keeps people coming back...but most of us here are more than just the average Disney fan, so we like to know how things work and how they make it happen. I have seen some things that could have killed the magic, but because I believe in so much more than the magic, I love to go behind the magic and see how these things actually work. Even though I know things about Mickey Mouse, it never once has kept me from waiting in a long line to get my pic with him. I still see him as Mickey Mouse. Ya know what I mean?

If I was on Tower during a down time I would have taken pix just to have. Would I post them on the Internet and even this site? Absolutely not. But I would like them for myself. Same with Space Mountain with the work lights on, I have tons of pix of that, but I would never try to ruin the magic for anyone who might be affected by that. :)

I apologize if this post doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I have been sniffing perfume for hours on end today. (I work as a fragrance model!!!) :)


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I'm sorry if I offended you, Magical Dreamer, by my the intention of my post was to let other Disney fans such as myself attain the knowledge of just a little more magic. Just as AriBelle said, we're more than just average Disney fans. A lot of the things we see at Disney or Disney World are the same when we go back time after time, but after you realize these "secrets" it makes each trip almost so much more magical knowing all the time, effort, long nights, and hard days the people at Disney go through day in and day out to keep us entertained. The "secrets" of Disney can open up a whole new process of thinking that gets us to use our imagination and think how great the entire world could be if everyone had the thought process of an Imagineer. It opens up our imaginations and lets us know there's more than we think or could possibly comprehend below the surface of most everything at Disney. I'm sorry if I offended you but that was certainly not my intention.


Well-Known Member
Re: Twilight Zone props

Originally posted by marchofthecards

Also fyi, they are supposedly building two more towers side by side, one for Disneyland Paris, and the other for California Adventure (which I think they are gradually studiofying). They basically make all of the mechanics, then disassemble for shipping out in packages, to be reassembeled on site, then they facade it over with the actual hotel.

I was at DCA recently and they were well along with the building but nowhere near completing the facade. However it was impossible to tell if it was piece mealed together from offsite construction or not.

O I Sleep

New Member
Last time i went to disney world we were on splash mountain when it broke down. the work lights came on and we were stuck in there for at least 10 minutes. seeing everything sorta messed up the ride experience for me:(


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Um... isn't learning the secrets the reason for this thread? If you don't want to know the secrets, why would you be reading this thread?

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