Hollywood Studios stage


Well-Known Member
I'm actually used to the hat now, it's like an ugly dog that you learn to love regardless. I often wonder how much it cost? The reason I ask is that if the general public dislike it as much as the majority do on here, you'd have to wonder why Disney leave it there unless it's because they spent a fortune on it. My only conclusion is they wanted something Mickey related to be seen in the Studios and felt the small Mickey atop the globe at the entrance was going unnoticed :shrug:

I'm sure it cost quite a bit...and I don't think they're keeping it up because of the money they spent on building it, but more on the money they would have to spend to remove it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it cost quite a bit...and I don't think they're keeping it up because of the money they spent on building it, but more on the money they would have to spend to remove it.

You'd think it would be fairly easy to remove unless it had deep foundations? I'm sure they'd be enough volunteers on here to remove it with a few cans of gasoline and matches for no fee at all one night :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I clearly stand corrected. Since I do not live and breathe this stuff 24 hrs a day, and did not bother to validate the story, I accepted it as fact and moved on with my life.... (something that the haters of the hat might want to consider.)

On a side note, did it really take so many people to point out that I was wrong. Would I have been any less wrong if only 1 person had pointed it out. Did most of the others do anything other than pile on, or did they actually contribute to the conversation (as I tried to do). The person who pointed out the copyright laws, cool thanks that helped. For many of the rest I am just glad to have been able to help you pad your post count.

In the end I was 100% wrong and will be very willing to stand up, admit it, and take full responsibility for it. :hammer: :eek:


Well-Known Member
I clearly stand corrected. Since I do not live and breathe this stuff 24 hrs a day, and did not bother to validate the story, I accepted it as fact and moved on with my life.... (something that the haters of the hat might want to consider.)

On a side note, did it really take so many people to point out that I was wrong. Would I have been any less wrong if only 1 person had pointed it out. Did most of the others do anything other than pile on, or did they actually contribute to the conversation (as I tried to do). The person who pointed out the copyright laws, cool thanks that helped. For many of the rest I am just glad to have been able to help you pad your post count.

In the end I was 100% wrong and will be very willing to stand up, admit it, and take full responsibility for it. :hammer: :eek:

Did you know you were wrong about your claim my friend, not read the whole thread :)

Seriously though, I don't think people wanted to make you feel bad (I would hope not anyway), rather because the subject matter was something they knew about they just wanted to join in regardless. It's very refreshing to see somebody admit they're wrong, you've more than redeemed yourself I would say by having the courage to do so. Besides if it wasn't for mistakes, the 'know it alls' would have very little to say :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Did you know you were wrong about your claim my friend, not read the whole thread :)

Seriously though, I don't think people wanted to make you feel bad (I would hope not anyway), rather because the subject matter was something they knew about they just wanted to join in regardless. It's very refreshing to see somebody admit they're wrong, you've more than redeemed yourself I would say by having the courage to do so. Besides if it wasn't for mistakes, the 'know it alls' would have very little to say :animwink:

I could take this conversation totally off track (see my signature). thank you, I did not know at the time I was wrong, but do now. As for the several posts repeating each other, o well, that's internet life.


I clearly stand corrected. Since I do not live and breathe this stuff 24 hrs a day, and did not bother to validate the story, I accepted it as fact and moved on with my life.... (something that the haters of the hat might want to consider.)

On a side note, did it really take so many people to point out that I was wrong. Would I have been any less wrong if only 1 person had pointed it out. Did most of the others do anything other than pile on, or did they actually contribute to the conversation (as I tried to do). The person who pointed out the copyright laws, cool thanks that helped. For many of the rest I am just glad to have been able to help you pad your post count.

....OR , if you look at the time stamps amd see some of them were sent within minutes of eachother, so it is possible they didnt see the other comments.

On top of that, you came across as kinda arrogant dismissing someones comment like that when you were actually doing exactly what you were scolding the other person for. But yea, seems like you stepped on quite a few toes with that one.


Premium Member
I could take this conversation totally off track (see my signature). thank you, I did not know at the time I was wrong, but do now. As for the several posts repeating each other, o well, that's internet life.

Not to beat a dead horse, but your tone was insulting and demeaning, and the statement you made, while totally wrong, sounded like you knew 100% that you were right when it in fact showed that you didn't check your facts before you made a very pointed post directed toward those of us who happen to not like the hat.

As for your signature, things aren't so black and white in the world. One of the things wrong with the world are people who think in such black and white terms...

It is a good thing in life to have the stones to admit when you are wrong. Hopefully you will check facts in the future, both in your internet posts and in your real life. I've been wrong many times in life, but being wrong is how one learns lessons.


I'm sure they'd be enough volunteers on here to remove it with a few cans of gasoline and matches for no fee at all one night :animwink:

After reading the many posts about the dislikes about hat, I would have my lawn chair, & popcorn bucket ready. This would be absolutely hilarious to watch :cool: :lol:


Active Member
I like the hat , i just don't like where it is . They should move it to the front of the studios by the lines to get in. That way guests will be shaded and you'd still have the large icon but not ruin the feel of the park


Premium Member
I like the hat , i just don't like where it is . They should move it to the front of the studios by the lines to get in. That way guests will be shaded and you'd still have the large icon but not ruin the feel of the park

I think that would be a good solution. This way the hat lovers and the hat haters and the hat indifferencers (not a real word, I know) should be happy.

Of all the temporary installations (Cake Castle, the Wand) the Hat is the only one that stands on its own...literally and figuratively. I wonder if it is a strong enough structure to disassemble, move, and then re-assemble.


Well-Known Member
Just got home from Studios. The stage itself is gone, but the roof and scaffolding-like supports are still there.

Nice to know its being taken down finally. (I could see as previously mentioned that it needed to be there for July 4th. Hopefully they finish the rest tonight ??


Well-Known Member
Not to beat a dead horse, but your tone was insulting and demeaning, and the statement you made, while totally wrong, sounded like you knew 100% that you were right when it in fact showed that you didn't check your facts before you made a very pointed post directed toward those of us who happen to not like the hat.

Yeah, if you are going to get annoyed and say, "For the 423th time..." and then berate people like we're all new, *and* be wrong in the first place, you are going to get some responses. ;)

As to the hat, I'm hearing quite a bit that yes, it is bye-bye. Interesting though -

I'm sure it cost quite a bit...and I don't think they're keeping it up because of the money they spent on building it, but more on the money they would have to spend to remove it.

That sucker is in there, I can tell you. I was there when they were building the monstrosity, and it's obviously in a hard, cement foundation. It's gonna take Jackhammers and such - I imagine it will be quite a project. I mean, it's been there for ten years (it was ten years ago this summer actually that I was there and saw it being built).

Like others have mentioned, though, I'd be all over that Volunteer Day - I'd happily work for free for Disney if I got to help jackhammer that sucker out of the foundation. :)


Well-Known Member
I clearly stand corrected. Since I do not live and breathe this stuff 24 hrs a day, and did not bother to validate the story, I accepted it as fact and moved on with my life.... (something that the haters of the hat might want to consider.)

On a side note, did it really take so many people to point out that I was wrong. Would I have been any less wrong if only 1 person had pointed it out. Did most of the others do anything other than pile on, or did they actually contribute to the conversation (as I tried to do). The person who pointed out the copyright laws, cool thanks that helped. For many of the rest I am just glad to have been able to help you pad your post count.

In the end I was 100% wrong and will be very willing to stand up, admit it, and take full responsibility for it. :hammer: :eek:
Hey....you're wrong...

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