
The Mom

Premium Member
I'm sure you're going to take this the wrong way (or I wouldn't even suspect you would) but why have so many Dis members from their News/Rumors boards decided to visit here recently? (within the past 48 hrs.) I'm not saying you're unwelcome (at least not by me, and I'm sure there are others who agree) but am just curious about the sudden interest in our little group from so many of you.


New Member
I'll answer (since I'm the "Greg" scoop references.)

It was my idea (so blame me.) The DIS Boards have 30,000+ members. Often, more than 1,000 members are on at any time. Most are in the theme park discussions, community board, inspiration board, etc. All small talk, and chit chat. The DIS boards get bogged down and are very slow at times. Almost unusable.

There is a small group of us (about a dozen) that spend all of our time in the Rumors and News Board. All guys and gals that have been going to WDW since the dawn of man, all with different opinions about all the decisions that are made by Disney management. We don't have a need for all those other forums over there that are slowing the place down. We want to talk nuts and bolts, x's and o's of Disney and the future.

I found this board (have been conversing with Steve for quite some time.) One thing I noticed was that the Rumors board is at the very top of the forums list. Not buried near the bottom like it is at the DIS. I also noticed that the post count for the Rumors board was very high in comparison to the other forums. That looked very encouraging. And the boards moved very, very fast.

Also, if you look at the "what's new" front page on this site. It's all geared toward Rumors and News.

I thought it would be the perfect home for a bunch of Disney Nerds like ourselves that seem to eat, drink, and sleep this stuff.

So, I invited about 6 guys from the DIS rumors board to join me over here.

But, unfortunately, our style of critical analysis was taken to be trouble making. Far from my intent. It seems as though criticism of any kind of the Disney Company is not just frowned upon here, it's nearly forbidden.

In general, I'm very positive about the Disney. But, I don't spend too much time focusing on the hundreds if not thousands of things that make it great. Instead I tend to root out the very few things that I think need improvement.

Still, I get caught up defending many of the great aspects of WDW against those who are heck-bent on doom and gloom. But, it seems that I come across as one of those folks here. Far from it, and it will take time for me to repair that image.

This post is pretty long, but I'll use it as sort of an introduction. Probably about 48 hours too late.

I live in Miami. Have been to WDW about 65 times. In the past three years (since my daughter turned 1) we go up to WDW about 12 times a year. My first trip was in the summer of 1977 and consistently travelled there 1 to 4 times a year through the mid-1990's. I'm a big studier of the company's history, all the players that have come and gone, the highs, the lows and everything in between.

I hope to have a major positive impact on these boards and undo any negativity that I have been directly or indirectly the cause.

The Mom

Premium Member
Thank you for the explanation.

We tend to be pretty low key around here, and most new members are fairly tentative (at least I was) when first posting. I "eased" myself into the existing group, and am now a (I think) respected forum leader whose opinion is generally valued. I'm afraid that your confidence was mistaken for arrogance....we're just unused to new members coming on like gangbusters, and it makes us very uncomfortable and defensive. We've had too many incidents lately where folks have purposely come aboard only to cause trouble. I'm not implying that you fit that description...I'm just trying to explain the reason for some of the hostility you encountered.

I suggest you (and other new visitors) slow down and get to know some of us. I can't guarantee that you will like all of us, or any of us, for that matter. Just realize that some of us have been through A LOT together, and are a bit close knit. Try communicating through PMs, too. I've gotten to know many members better that way, so I'm less likely to misinterpret their posts, and more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt on an issue on which we disagree.

We were all new here, and most of us are able to find our little niche. Welcome, and have a cookie! ;)


New Member
Originally posted by gcurling
I live in Miami. Have been to WDW about 65 times. In the past three years (since my daughter turned 1) we go up to WDW about 12 times a year. My first trip was in the summer of 1977 and consistently travelled there 1 to 4 times a year through the mid-1990's. I'm a big studier of the company's history, all the players that have come and gone, the highs, the lows and everything in between.

I hope to have a major positive impact on these boards and undo any negativity that I have been directly or indirectly the cause.

Welcome Greg!
I´m sorry for the misunderstanding, and the not so warm welcoming, but The Mom has already explained what happened.
I´m Maria, live in Mexico, love Disney and admire it as a huge company, (but don´t really die for it or fight for it, or get into big arguments for it.. hehe). I worked in Epcot and had a blast there. Can´t remember how I ended up getting so attached to this forums, but now it is a daily need and part of my routine to come and check what´s going on here! ;)
Knowing that you are in Miami..... do u also speak Spanish? ;)


New Member
Don't know how the double post occured, but I deleted the second one.

Maria, I really don't speak Spanish. I'm a Miami transplant, have been down here for 6 years. I've been told I don't have an "ear" for new languages. Guess that means I don't pick them up well. Despite Spanish being spoken all around me, I still don't have a clue as to what most folks are saying.

Thanks for understading "The Mom" I've been participating in Disney online discussions from RADP to DIS to Intercot for a good three years now. Probably logged about 5,000 combined posts. I just hopped right into a discussion and let loose. Much like many newcomers do to those other larger boards. Things are different here, I now realize it. I'll take it slower and easier.

Take care all!

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by gcurling
Don't know how the double post occured, but I deleted the second one.

Thanks for understading "The Mom" I've been participating in Disney online discussions from RADP to DIS to Intercot for a good three years now. Probably logged about 5,000 combined posts. I just hopped right into a discussion and let loose. Much like many newcomers do to those other larger boards. Things are different here, I now realize it. I'll take it slower and easier.

Take care all!

When I double post, or make any mistakes, I always blame it on a "senior moment" ;)

No problem. I post on some of those other boards, but am careful to never mention my involvement here...when in Rome and all that! ;) (and no, I'm not The Mom there....gotta get away from the kids sometime! :) )


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by gcurling

Maria, I really don't speak Spanish. I'm a Miami transplant, have been down here for 6 years. I've been told I don't have an "ear" for new languages. Guess that means I don't pick them up well. Despite Spanish being spoken all around me, I still don't have a clue as to what most folks are saying.

HEhe...join the club..I. too am in miami and have the same lack of espanol. I live with 2 people who speak it fluently..and yet.and have been down here for a good 5 years now...still no good...

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