High School Graduate going to Disney!


New Member
My cousin is graduating from High School. She has been a straight A student since Kinder and deserves an unforgettable Disney Vacation. We are going the week after graduation, my question is... What would be something we can do for her special occasion there? Maybe something to buy? I need ideas!


New Member
If you guys do a celebration dinner, mention that you'd like a cake or something.

And straight A's...WOW! That's a feat. Where is she going to school?
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I'm taking a trip right after graduation too :) It's celebratory, but not for straight A's...rather, it will be celebrating that fact that I'm actually going to graduate, haha. I'm been more of a straight C with a couple of D's and F's (and an A in choir :lol: ) mixed in student since early elementary school, so I'm very proud of graduating, haha.
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I am very proud of you! Congrats!!! I hope you have fun. I was not good in school at all, I dropped out and decided to go back to high school at 20! I finally graduated, What matters is that you Get-R-Dun!!!!!!:D
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I don’t care if you are a straight A or a straight C student if you are celebrating anything, nothing beats the castle for a meal. You said “She”, maybe a princess breakfast in the castle. I know that the PS is very hard to get, but you can do lunch or dinner easier.
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Well-Known Member
So many things come to mind - a fireworks cruise, character meals, a night out at Cirque, or any of the "tours". Perhaps you could contact your hotel ahead of time to arrange something, or have a special delivery made to her through the disney florists!
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Active Member

You can arrange for a cake at a dinner. Also the big store at DTD has stuffed mickeys with cap and gown. We bought one last year for law school graduate daughter in law.
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New Member
First things first. You will want to get her a bottle of tequila. Next, get her drunk. When she wakes up after passing out, remind her that she needs to further her education and not become a drunk and a bum like my sister did. The getting drunk part will let her know just how crappy a hangover feels. Maybe it'll keep her from going down the wrong path. My sister was a straight A student when she graduated and now she is almost a crackhead. Most importantly, remind her that school actually is the best time of your life and don't screw it up. Just an opinion.
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jrobinson424 said:
First things first. You will want to get her a bottle of tequila. Next, get her drunk. When she wakes up after passing out, remind her that she needs to further her education and not become a drunk and a bum like my sister did. The getting drunk part will let her know just how crappy a hangover feels. Maybe it'll keep her from going down the wrong path. My sister was a straight A student when she graduated and now she is almost a crackhead. Most importantly, remind her that school actually is the best time of your life and don't screw it up. Just an opinion.

Ummmm... Thanks? :lookaroun
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New Member
P74724 said:
My cousin is graduating from High School. She has been a straight A student since Kinder and deserves an unforgettable Disney Vacation. We are going the week after graduation, my question is... What would be something we can do for her special occasion there? Maybe something to buy? I need ideas!

Have a great trip!
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Active Member

:wave: I agree with the Fireworks cruise. that is awesome. Also, the cap and gown Mickeys from DTD. You can have flowers brought to your room and a cake anywhere you eat if you let them know. Congratulations and have a magical vacation at the most magical place on earth!!:animwink: :sohappy:
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