Hey Canadians, when do you think we’ll be able to get back to WDW?


New Member
Original Poster
My wife and I are booked for November, but even if we are vaccinated, the very strict and cumbersome travel restrictions on both sides of the border may make it very difficult to get down and back for us regular working folk who can’t take the time off to quarantine for two weeks when we get back. I wonder if they’ll be lifted by then? I’m trying to be optimistic, but unfortunately I believe it will be well in to 2022 until any of us canuks can get back there. I hope I’m wrong.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I think you’re right.

Travel won’t be safe until herd immunity has taken hold everywhere. Even if every Canadian and US citizen is vaccinated, there’s still all of the poorer countries that aren’t able to vaccinate as many as quickly. If people are traveling, variants become more prevalent, lengthening the time before herd immunity is sufficient.

I’m booked for a DCL cruise, the MK 50th and then another cruise 20 September to 8 October. I’m pretty certain the cruises will both be canceled and I’m not sure I’ll be allowed to go to the 50th.

The quarantine requirements/recommendations and negative test requirements are likely to be in place for months, whether you’re vaccinated or not. They still don’t have much data on whether vaccines stop you from carrying anyway.

I hope we can go, I won’t cancel until I have no choice. But... I’m not gonna cheat or try to get around any rules.


Well-Known Member
Not really. America has a new President who would not play along with that risky game.

Rules for re-entering Canada are set by the Canadian government. The biggest deterrent for travel outside of Canada right now is the mandatory 2 week quarantine upon return, even if you test negative at the airport. That could change with a different government, especially one who might push the narrative of "personal freedom" or "reopening the economy".

The only rule to get into the USA right now is a negative PCR test, which any Canadian can get.


Well-Known Member
Rules for re-entering Canada are set by the Canadian government. The biggest deterrent for travel outside of Canada right now is the mandatory 2 week quarantine upon return, even if you test negative at the airport. That could change with a different government, especially one who might push the narrative of "personal freedom" or "reopening the economy".

The only rule to get into the USA right now is a negative PCR test, which any Canadian can get.
Ah. Well, I wish the Canadians the best of luck if they go that route.


Well-Known Member
Ah. Well, I wish the Canadians the best of luck if they go that route.

I believe Alberta was experimenting with a shortened return quarantine if you tested negative a 2nd time a week after arrival. That seems to be a good compromise between "2 weeks no matter what" and "nothing at all". Hoping that's what happens when most are vaccinated regardless of who's in charge.


Well-Known Member
Well I never.

Yeah, I think even Canadians don't understand how there aren't a lot of hard rules preventing travel to and from the USA. Lots of Canadian politicians got in trouble for doing so after telling their constituents to stay home during Xmas.

Again, the biggest roadblock is the 2 week quarantine when you get back into Canada. Most people can't take that time off of work.

Many retried snowbirds still went to their winter homes in the states. They could even get travel medical insurance (excluding COVID coverage). Some even got vaccinated because they had a Florida address.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound all that Draconian as previous Canucks have claimed.

Well in that particular poster's case, I believe his biggest sticking point seemed to be wearing a mask.

He could go to Florida right now, and visit WDW, AND stay there for up to 6 months and not loose his government health insurance....

But he'd have to wear a mask at the airport, and on the flight, and at the parks and any other business that required them.


Well-Known Member
Is there a mask mandate or similar in the Canada ?

Yes. Must be worn indoors, recommended for outside when distancing isn't possible. If in a restaurant, you have to keep it on if you're not eating etc.

It may vary province to province and Individual cities may have their own rules, but in general it's similar to Orange County, FL (but enforced).

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Yes. Must be worn indoors, recommended for outside when distancing isn't possible. If in a restaurant, you have to keep it on if you're not eating etc.

It may vary province to province and Individual cities may have their own rules, but in general it's similar to Orange County, FL (but enforced).
Thanks 👍🏻


Active Member
I am from Alberta myself and I am considering booking a large family trip in May 2022 to WDW. I am seriously hoping things are back to normal at that point. As I see the ramp up of vaccinations in the US I am particularly hopeful that this bodes well for travel from Canada into the US. As well, I am hoping restrictions upon return travel are lifted by then. As mentioned no one can afford to take additional time off work upon return from a trip. We need a return to normalcy for the travel industry to survive. Airlines here are on the verge of going under and they if they have to live this way for another year some will not survive. So to the OPs original point, I hope your trip in November is perfect and that significant, if not all, restrictions have been removed!


Well-Known Member
I’m a furloughed cast member from the Disney Dream. I’m from Toronto and my partner lives in Celebration. I’ve come down a few times now to stay with him as he can’t get into Canada but I can fly into the US. Like most have said, the biggest pain is I have to do a 2 week quarantine every-time I return to Canada. Now that they want to do the $2000 forced hotel quarantine I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’m in Florida right now and hoping that they don’t extend that mandate as there’s no way I’m paying that. My tourist visa is good till June and I have a work from home job now so there’s nothing rushing me home. But yah, who knows. I know the government is scared of variants entering, but there’s so many Canadians that have partners/family on either side of the border that are being punished with this $2k quarantine.

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