New Member
Nov 29 - Dec 5
Dec 10 - Dec 17
Which dates would you choose and why? i will be staying at the Poly. Will free dining and/or the 4/3 deal impact either of these dates differently? Does the Pop Warner thing really make it unbearable during the second week of December? opinions, advice needed! i would be saving a little money if i went on the dec 10 -17 dates but will be willing to let that go if it will be better to go earlier as far as crowds go.
Dec 10 - Dec 17
Which dates would you choose and why? i will be staying at the Poly. Will free dining and/or the 4/3 deal impact either of these dates differently? Does the Pop Warner thing really make it unbearable during the second week of December? opinions, advice needed! i would be saving a little money if i went on the dec 10 -17 dates but will be willing to let that go if it will be better to go earlier as far as crowds go.