Height Phobias and Soarin'


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I took my girlfriend to WDW last October which is where she became my fiance. She loved it...we wanna go back in May of 2006...Taking a break this year for the honeymoon....anyway..one thing we have in common is a fear of heights...we can handle anything else...spinning, speed, simulators, whatever as long as were planted firmly on the ground. I really want to try Soarin when we go back...I was wonder if Soarin would play into these fears.


Well-Known Member
The major place I see this affecting people who have a fear of heights is on "take-off" and on "landing"....especially on take-off...


Active Member
Soarin' is an excellent ride and easily my favorite ride at DCA but I took my father-in-law last year, who is deathly afraid of heights, and talked him into going on it. He rode the ride and admitted it was amazing but was seriously shaken up afterwards. It took him a minute to get this composure back and he was breathing a little heavy because of one particular scene, I'll leave it out as not to spoil the ride for those who want to experience it fresh but he admitted although he'll never ride it again he's glad he did it. The ride is realistic, more in some parts than others, so as long as you are to the point of being sick from height you'll be fine, but since it might be the first and last time you ride if you're like him make sure you get into the front row for the full experience, anything else just takes away from the ride.:)


Well-Known Member
CubbieMan said:
I took my girlfriend to WDW last October which is where she became my fiance. She loved it...we wanna go back in May of 2006...Taking a break this year for the honeymoon....anyway..one thing we have in common is a fear of heights...we can handle anything else...spinning, speed, simulators, whatever as long as were planted firmly on the ground. I really want to try Soarin when we go back...I was wonder if Soarin would play into these fears.

Have you been on ToT?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
are the gliders in rows from side to side and columns from front to back? how many across by how many from front to back?


New Member
As someone who is afraid of heights, I had to force myself to go on Soarin' but I am glad I did. It is such an unbelievable attraction and will definitely be very welcomed at Epcot.


Active Member
jmaxwell007 said:
are the gliders in rows from side to side and columns from front to back? how many across by how many from front to back?

I think there are a few rows that seat six if I'm not mistaken, I haven't been in a little while, anyone whose riden it recently help me out but I suggest sitting in the front because anything else you don't go over the globe all the way and you see people's feet the entire time above you. When you ride you'll understand....


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Disneyfan1981 said:
I think there are a few rows that seat six if I'm not mistaken, I haven't been in a little while, anyone whose riden it recently help me out but I suggest sitting in the front because anything else you don't go over the globe all the way and you see people's feet the entire time above you. When you ride you'll understand....
oh, thanks.............. i really dont want to see a bunch of feet. lol but if i have to, ok! lol


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objr said:
Have you been on ToT?

Yes..I have Although I will probably never do it again..I'm glad I did. It's an amazing attraction. Freefalling plays into exactly what my fear of heights plays into..

I will do Soaring...Just as I'm sure I'll do Everest when it opens...I will do any Disney attraction at least once....My main concern is my fiance's fears.....it sounds like an attraction that should be experienced...at the same time I don't want to force her to do anything she will regret.

Then again she got me to do TOT for a 2nd time..when I took her on her 1st Disney trip


CubbieMan said:
I took my girlfriend to WDW last October which is where she became my fiance. She loved it...we wanna go back in May of 2006...Taking a break this year for the honeymoon....anyway..one thing we have in common is a fear of heights...we can handle anything else...spinning, speed, simulators, whatever as long as were planted firmly on the ground. I really want to try Soarin when we go back...I was wonder if Soarin would play into these fears.
As others have said- the take off and landing probably will be the worst for her- once you are up in the air- it's not really noticeable- however, I wouldn't have her look over the side- I did that out of curiousity to see how high up we were (and I don't have a lot of issues for acrophobia)- but, I was kind of freaked out- because you are REALLY high.


New Member
Height of Sorin' Seats

I heard from someone on another site that the seats in the first row go up to 40' or so, the second row around 30' and the last row 10'. I don't know exact numbers on height though so don't quote me on it.


i don't like to drop.

do you drop fast like tot? i don't like that feeling. i could do regular airplane-like takeoff and landings as long as i avoid the freefall feeling. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Umm....I have the same thing about Soarin...until now I didn't think about that, and yes, I have a fear of heights. Until I saw this thread, it made me remember about that. Anybody who's gone at DCA have any tips?

PS- No, I have not gotten on ToT for thsi reason, as well as any roller coaster (plus the fact I don't like going upside down), but yes, I've ridden BTMRR. Also, I REALLY hate when you drop suddenly as mentioned above in airplanes or anything else, so if you have any tips, please post. Thanks! :wave:


New Member
OK, I have issues with heights, and I have balance problems, so I don't do anything that does loops, or stuff like that. I rode the DCA version of Soarin', and lived through it. I think you will have more problems with it if you don't like simulators (like back to the future) than if you don't like heights. As the movies change every few minutes, you realize that you aren't really soarin' over the Golden Gate Bridge, or an Orange tree grove, or the other things.

The only time I really didn't like it well enough was the very last scene, and there was just something about it that made me very nervous. That's all I'm sayin'.

You strap into your seat, 3 rows of 6 or 8 people. then when you "lift off", you're going around a curve toward the top, so you do see people's feet at first hanging over your head and a few feet in front of you (unless you're in the front row), but once the scenes start below you, you don't notice that at all, your attention is down toward the scenery.

All in all, the "ride" is very short, you get in place, and you come back. In between, there's swaying left and right as the movie "turns", and you get the motion of gentle movement, but nothing abrupt that I remember.


Well-Known Member
CubbieMan said:
Yes..I have Although I will probably never do it again..I'm glad I did. It's an amazing attraction. Freefalling plays into exactly what my fear of heights plays into..

I will do Soaring...Just as I'm sure I'll do Everest when it opens...I will do any Disney attraction at least once....My main concern is my fiance's fears.....it sounds like an attraction that should be experienced...at the same time I don't want to force her to do anything she will regret.

Then again she got me to do TOT for a 2nd time..when I took her on her 1st Disney trip

If you've been on ToT then Soarin' shouldn't bother ya too much...I mean you don't really see how far up from the floor you are unless you really force yourself to look down...and maybe not even then (I think it depends on what row you get)...

The screen is right in front of you...like Back to the future in Uni...except you're hanging...

Would the video play on your fears though I wonder? After all these films are taken from the air....

Let us know how it goes...


Well-Known Member
I think if you can do ToT, then clearly you don't have that big of a fear of heights. You couldn't get my corpse on ToT. I am terrified of being on a second floor balcony.

But...I'm personally going to try Soarin' mainly because I can always close my eyes if I get too scared. Since it's basically just a movie with some effects, I don't think it'll be too hard to get through it if I really panic.

Come on though, if you can do faster-then-gravity freefall, I can't imagine why Sorain' is even a question.


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
I think if you can do ToT, then clearly you don't have that big of a fear of heights. You couldn't get my corpse on ToT.

Here! Here! i have a mild fear of heights...it took me years to get on a roller coaster (i still don't ride *all* of them) and i don't think i'll ever get on ToT. i am looking foward to Soarin'. if i start feeling kinda funny i'll just find a spot to focus on in the movie or just close my eyes real quick ;)


Well-Known Member
CubbieMan said:
I took my girlfriend to WDW last October which is where she became my fiance. She loved it...we wanna go back in May of 2006...Taking a break this year for the honeymoon....anyway..one thing we have in common is a fear of heights...we can handle anything else...spinning, speed, simulators, whatever as long as were planted firmly on the ground. I really want to try Soarin when we go back...I was wonder if Soarin would play into these fears.

I am deathly afraid of heights and I rode it twice yesterday without any problems whatsoever. (Its not really heights, and not really falling, its a fear of LANDING).... Well, i did get a little nervous when i thought my feet were gonna get wet, but thats it.


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MissM said:
I think if you can do ToT, then clearly you don't have that big of a fear of heights. You couldn't get my corpse on ToT. I am terrified of being on a second floor balcony.

But...I'm personally going to try Soarin' mainly because I can always close my eyes if I get too scared. Since it's basically just a movie with some effects, I don't think it'll be too hard to get through it if I really panic.

Come on though, if you can do faster-then-gravity freefall, I can't imagine why Sorain' is even a question.

Well...I really dislike that freefall feeling on TOT...the only reason I went on it the 2nd time was with my girlfriend's insistence..and a promise she would ride R&RC with me afterwards(I don't get the same feeling of heights on that)...since she hates rollercoasters...go figure...she welched on the deal.


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objr said:
If you've been on ToT then Soarin' shouldn't bother ya too much...I mean you don't really see how far up from the floor you are unless you really force yourself to look down...and maybe not even then (I think it depends on what row you get)...

The screen is right in front of you...like Back to the future in Uni...except you're hanging...

Would the video play on your fears though I wonder? After all these films are taken from the air....

Let us know how it goes...

Well it sounds as if I should be ok then...since I could handle Back to the Furture fine....it's been awhile since I've been to Universal, but if memory serves me there are a few moments in the film made to feel as if you are higher then you really are.

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