Having Second thoughts already :(


New Member
I had decided on POFQ for the surprise trip for my husband....but I keep second guessing my choice!!

It's our first trip alone....for six nights. I'm worried that since POFQ is a small resort we will be...bored? The pool area seems to be more for kids too :(

The reasons I'd stay at POFQ are:
*LOVE the theme

I keep contemplating CSR though because it seems more deluxey and has a more mature pool area (as well as quiet pools!) The only reasons I didn't choose it is because I had heard service complaints, and comments about the "atmosphere" wasn't as Disney as the other mods.

Help reassure me that POFQ is the right choice, or tell me that switching is better for our trip! :)


Well-Known Member
STAY THERE!!! :) Dont have doubts!

And if you DO decide to switch, you cna onjly switch to PO Riverside.

Orders from the WDWPrincess :D

Hehehehe Have a great trip!!!
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New Member
sorry to throw you off track, but i reccommend Coronado Springs.
The atmosphere, its beautiful, and it's a little more towards adults, even though my family with teenagers stays there. There's a huge hot tub, and a great thing is, the resorts a little more quiet, because there's some conventioners, so the buses wont be as crowded, and buses will be easier to get, and nothing compared to the atmosphere. i think it's a lot better of a choice. and the pool isn't too kid-ish, it's the perfect amount. We stayed at Caribbean Beach for 9 years, and found the atmosphere to be even better! and we loved the service. i think CSR is better, but just my opinion, good luck. :)
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New Member
Port Orleans Is The Best Moderate Hotel At Disney. We stayed there before the renovation. & I have to say for the money it is the best. The theme is not very very kiddy although the pool area is themed for kids. This hotel has my vote for the best because of its size & location. Carribean beach in comparison is huge & it takes 20 minutes to walk:rolleyes: to the f/c or pool.
This hotel is great stop worrying
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Well-Known Member
My vote is for Coronado Springs. I just returned from a recent trip and we stayed at Coronado Springs. I feel out of all the moderates this resort has more of a deluxe feel it to like you mentioned. THe castmembers who were superb. We have no complaints at all. And like Heyyall said the busses are no where near as crowded as the others are. No matter what you choose though you are going to have a great trip. All of the Disney resorts are beautiful.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chefjason1974
Port Orleans Is The Best Moderate Hotel At Disney.

Whoa. That's a bit of a stretch...


It's my favorite hotel on property, period. I've stayed at a few of the deluxe resorts and prefer Port Orleans (River Side more specifically) significantly; maybe I'm just not uptight enough.
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New Member
POFQ!!!! I will have to say it again. POFQ!!! After 30 + trips in all my traveling years it still remains my favorite mod. resort. My husband and I are going to stay there in Oct. Don't think of the resort as small. Think of it as quaint and romantic. Great new rooms and the proximity to DTD and Epcot is wonderful. I have NEVER had a prob with the buses. Just remember(and this goes for every resort) that peak times of the day will always be busy. Request a water view/king room. You will have to pay a little more but you will also have a nice view with a great location. (Almost every king room is on a corner, which means 2 windows!!) Don't even give it another thought. Your husband will love it! I try not to down any resort but I have a thing with being charge an automatic gratuity.10%!!! I hate this about the Pepper Market and the food is not that good. (sorry to all yal who like CSR,I have never been impressed) So just don't worry, you will love it!
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Original Poster
Thanks for all of your comments. I feel just so confused :veryconfu and its very disheartening! I've never had this problem when planning a Disney vacation before! Pluse, we've always been able to split our stay. Disney told me we can't with a Dream Maker Silver package unless we do 2 (3) night packages and it costs more than a regular 6 night package! :( I'm going to try and work with guest services more and see if they will let me do it anyways...I feel like no matter which resort I pick I won't feel content! :brick:
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Active Member
Originally posted by Boardwalk!
[...I feel like no matter which resort I pick I won't feel content! :brick: [/B]

If you really feel that way, than I suggest that you just stay with your first impression (they are usllay correct) and don't worry about the place where you will stay. Put that behind you and start planning other details of your teip---what days you want to visit MK, Epcot, etc, make a list of those special places to eat, rides and shows you want to see, souvenirs you might want to buy. DON'T let your resort ruin your vacation. You'll be at the most magical place on earth, so enjoy and soak in the magic that is at every Disney resort!
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Well-Known Member
I have the perfect answer....do both. Do a trip in July as planned and then another one at whichever resort you dont go to for this trip. Both resorts honestly are nice and each has it's ups and downs. Have you reviewed all the pictures and information on our site as well as Deb Wills' www.allearsnet.com? Make sure you read all the resort FAQ. For example if having a gym is a priority, CSR is the only choice. If you want a hotel without a lot of walking POFQ is definitely your answer. If you want a sit down restaurant for breakfast CSR is the one. Riverside is the closest for that for POFQ but it is a decent walk. Depends on your needs and preferences. Did you review the other websites I sent on the previous thread? Belle
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I would strongly recommend POFQ. Although I haven't been there since the rehab, I've stayed there probably 10 times over the years and I always love it. As for Coronado, I just stayed there a couple months ago and we hated it. The Pepper Market is a pain...there's no where to get a quick, cheaper meal. The service was terrible and there was a huge conference at the center which created huge problems just getting out of the parking lot. I would strongly recommend POFQ :)
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Originally posted by wannabeBelle
I have the perfect answer....do both. Do a trip in July as planned and then another one at whichever resort you dont go to for this trip. Both resorts honestly are nice and each has it's ups and downs. Have you reviewed all the pictures and information on our site as well as Deb Wills' www.allearsnet.com? Make sure you read all the resort FAQ. For example if having a gym is a priority, CSR is the only choice. If you want a hotel without a lot of walking POFQ is definitely your answer. If you want a sit down restaurant for breakfast CSR is the one. Riverside is the closest for that for POFQ but it is a decent walk. Depends on your needs and preferences. Did you review the other websites I sent on the previous thread? Belle

:lol: We gotta stop runnin into each other like this Belle!!!! :p

That was exactly what I was going to say. We couldn't decide for the life of us. We went back & forth between 2 hotels for a long time! We even threw in a 3rd at some point. My DH has already said he wants to go again the very NEXT year... (I'm pushing for near Christmas! :xmas: ) Unless we're just completely enamoured (is that how its spelled?) with the Contemporary... if we couldn't bear to stay *anywhere else*... then we'll hit the other choice. Which was the GF. If we do make it a Christmas trip, then I'd definately want to pick GF. It's supposed to be really spectacular & magical then isnt it?

Anyhow.... I'm rambling again... I've been doing that all night. Go with your first gut instinct. It's always the right one. Checkout allearsnet also. They've got GREAT hotel info! I loved the Fact Sheet and all the other things they have for each hotel. Not to mention disney.com also has the really neat virtual tours of the hotels on their website. Try it out and plan a 2nd trip to try out the OTHER hotel! Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Hey Sen, You are correct the GF is Magnificent during the holidays. Roasting chestnuts in the lobby, the life size gingerbread house, the caroling in the lobby atrium!!! Very impressive. Also another option is to schedule a meal at the GF while you are staying at the Contemporary. I have only eaten at 1900 Park Faire and the Grand Flordian Cafe there. I enjoyed 1900 Park Faire, GF cafe just never impressed me for some reason. They do have some amazing restaurants there for dinner though including Victoria & Alberts which is a five star restaurant!!! Very tough to get a ressie though, must call way in advance. Belle
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
You are right about V&A Miss Belle. It's 180 days out for the Chefs table and 120 out for the regular seating.

I am also going to suggest POFQ. The theming is absolutely beautiful!
Keep in mind that CSR is very spread out and it does require a lot of walking.

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
Keep in mind that CSR is very spread out and it does require a lot of walking.
The Riverside resort (POFQ & DL) is also spread out - however the old FQ site is quite compact.
As for the pool - it only water where-ever you go :lol: and just because there's a serpent and some crocs doesn't make it a childs pool.
Stick with POFQ - you'll both enjoy it:king:
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Well-Known Member
Stay with POFQ! It's our favorite on-site resort. The canal is very romantic, and the central location means a short commute to just about anywhere. Every time we've been there, we've taken the boat ride down to Downtown Disney, and it's really added a lot to our trip. The pool is a lot of fun - and as many times as we've stayed there, we've NEVER been overrun by kids, so don't worry about hordes of little ones.

Now STOP WORRYING - you're going to have a great time! I'm a worrier, too, but making yourself sick with anxiety ahead of time is pointless! RELAX!!!:)
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Original Poster
Thanks for all of your comments!! Wow I went to bed, woke up and there are a ton of posts!! :sohappy: You guys are great!

Ok, well my first impression ORIGINALLY was CSR. But then I heard all about POFQ rehab and in honesty I've always wanted to try it out....so who the heck knows at this point :hammer:

On another board someone mentioned to me that it might be hard to go from deluxes (which is the only hotels we've tried) to moderates, and especially for six nights. That has also made me slightly anxious. :zipit:

I really wish we could split our stay but it seems really complicated to try and do so. I'm going to think about it more I guess. My husband did complain a lot about the long hallway walk at the BWV :lol: so maybe POFQ would be better. I just worried that CSR would be a better choice for a six night stay because it seems to have more amenities.

I"m going to shoot myself in the foot here pretty soon! :hammer: :brick: :zipit: :fork:
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Well-Known Member
The amenities at both resorts are quite similar actually with the exception of the gym and salon available at the CSR. The Salon is very pricey though. The last time I was there I went for a manicure and it was $30.00. I can get the same thing in NYC for $10!!! Other than that, as the level is the same the amenities are supposed to be the same. Friends have said the same thing about going to a Moderate from a Deluxe but as I havent done this yet, I cant comment!! Just pick a resort, & go with it. No use beating yourself up over it and I have said before you really cant go wrong with either one!! BTW you may want to look into booking a romantic Carriage ride in Port Orleans. I know they have them, but I dont know the particulars. Belle
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Original Poster
OK I'm on the phone with WDTC LOL They are trying to work out a split stay...I explained the stupidity of being charged more to split the stay! I'm driving myself crazy!
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New Member
Originally posted by Boardwalk!
I feel like no matter which resort I pick I won't feel content! :brick:
You sound like you are having the same problem with your resort as most of us have in a restaurant. Whatever you order, there is often the suspicion you should have picked what “that guy over there is having”. :lol:
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