Have you ever proposed to someone in WDW?

Grim Grinner

New Member
Original Poster
My original plan to proposed to my future wife was to take her to WDW and into the Haunted Mansion. When the 3 hitchhikers appear, I would unravel a paper with "Will You Marry Me" written backwards in spooky scrawl...

I had this all set up, but my wife's folks would not let her go with me. Until we were actually married, she wasn't even allowed to spend the night!

So this got me thinking... Has anyone else proposed in WDW?

If you're planning to, feel free to use my idea. I don't think I'll be needing it.

(The actual proposal was a small, yet terrible affair that involved filet mignon...)


New Member
I haven't been proposed to at WDW (heck I'm only 20 I haven't TRUELY been proposed to at all) but I was "asked out" in Epcot. This was in Dec and I had been spending the week with my friend Joe who was on vacation and it had gone.. well just really well. We were watching Illuminations at one of the BEST places (the little alcove by the UK pavillion that is usually blocked off by Guest Relations but that day it was open). Now take it in mind that I already love Illuminations and that I work at Epcot... and that I had had a great week with this guy. After the song "We go on" and before "Promise" he looked into my eyes and said "I hope we can go on... Will you be my girlfriend?" I mean I couldnt' do anything BUT say yes. It was a very magical moment for me. Unfortunatly he went back to CO and then I moved back to CA and we broke up like 2 days before New Years. *blah* but the romance was there. In WDW you believe that anything is possible.. it is afterwards that sometimes you have second thoughts I guess LOL. Okay nuph of my rants... have I mentioned I HATE VALENTINES... okay *goes to take an evil evil math test*

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I saw a proposal in WDW. When we went to go visit Cinderella and friends in the Toontown Hall of Fame. A guy proposed to his girlfriend there after they met Cinderella and Prince Charming. He said something like, "we should end up happily ever after like them. Will you marry me?" they made us all get out of the room so the couple could get pictures with the characters. They also gave them the Bride and Groom Mickey ears for free.


New Member
I didn´t get a proposal either, but I got my first kiss there (well not actually my "first" kiss, but a first one with the guy I´ve loved the most). We were working at Epcot too and when we got out to go home, he asked me if I would go to Lost and Found with him to return a pair of sunglasses he found, so I went with him and on the way back, he asked me to stop by my favorite thing: the Fountain of Nations in Epcot, and while we were watching it dance, he held me and kissed me. aaawwww.... he was more surprised when I kissed him back! :D :kiss:

I don´t like Valentine´s either.... it is a very commercial date and I have only had two Valentines. Amazingly, I have always been away or without a bf on that day! :( *shrug* ;)

Grim Grinner

New Member
Original Poster
Hate Valentine's day, try being me and being born on that day! It's a curse I tell ya. I couldn't even get a date until I was 21 'cuz all the girls thought that I'd be cheap on the gifts on that day...

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Yet another response here from someone who didn't propose there. However, in a sense it was the first place my wife and I ever really talked about getting married. I'd been with here all through college and hadn't planned on asking her soon, but when we were down there and passed the W Pavillion and other things we kinda satrted talking about it and then agreed later to get hitched there. Romantic, huh? I know, lame. BUt the wedding was sweeeeeeeeeeet!


New Member
I proposed to my wife at Epcot in April of 1998 and we were married in Nov of 2001(not at disney).I proposed on that cement terrace that sticks out onto the World Showcase Lagoon over by France,the bigger one with three tiers.Disney has been special to us during both of our lives and now even more special as it helps form a bond between us.great memory.


New Member
Originally posted by lamarvenoy
I proposed on that cement terrace that sticks out onto the World Showcase Lagoon over by France,the bigger one with three tiers.

It´s called "The French Island". ;)

How sweet!:)


Well-Known Member
Have neither proposed, nor been proposed to at WDW, however we want to renew our vows as WDW for our 25th wedding anniversary. It's still 16 years away but it is something we have talked about doing for 4 years now. :) :)


Well-Known Member
I Proposed to a beautiful woman at EPCOT once. It was at World Showcase at Germany...she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. ::sigh::

Needless to say...she said NO and my wife was ed off at me for a week!!:lol:


I proposed to my wife beside Cinderella's castle. We've now been married 8 years (9 in March) and have spent all but two of our anniversaries at Disney World. Unfortunately, I don't think we make it there for number 9. However, we plan on renewing our vows at Disney for the 10th.


New Member
wdw engagements

Disney has a engagement cordinator. My roommate is planning on popping the big question in the Magic Kingdom. I got all the prices e-mailed to me from a guy named John, who was very helpful. If any of you want the e-mail fowarded to you I will be happ to do so. My e-mail address is mark4wdw@aol.com. It is on my computer at home. they have prices from as low as $295.00 to a couple of thousand, depends how detailed you want to get with it. E-mail me if you want info fowarded to you.


Kevin Page

New Member
Not only did I propose to my wife in front of the Xmas Tree in Magic Kingdom Dec 4th, 1999, we also were married at the Grand Floridian and Wedding Pavillion this past Dec 2, 2001.

I do wish we did an Illuminations Dessert Party afterwards, but we had spent enough $$$ already :)

Kevin Page


Well-Known Member
I once asked minnie, but she just did that 'covering her mouth' trick and said nothing. Typical. So I'm still looking for that bad duck Daisy...
I proposed to my wife at Pleasure Island just before midnight and then when the clock struck 12:00 the Island celebration began. I actually got someone to take pictures of me proposing. It was actually perfect timing. If I new then that I would be changing diapers and driving a mini van I may have skipped that night all together.:lol: We will actually be there on our 5th year anniversary in May. We havent been to Disney since then and we will be bringing 2 extra passengers this time.


New Member
We are seriosly thinking about getting married at Disney. I brought the suggestion up the other night just as a fantasy thing and last night he said we actually might be able to afford it. WOW ! I cant even imagine how awesome that would be!
We talked about getting married there as well but we wanted all of our family and friends to be at the wedding and a lot of them couldn't afford to go. Looking back I wish we did. I say go for it. If its in May Ill come.:)

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