Have you ever come up with an idea before disney?...


Well-Known Member
I snet Walt the idea for Disneyland. That is what I called it, I suggested Sleeping Beauty Castle and everything!

Did I mention Im only 21?


Active Member
Bottom line, anyone can "claim" they had an idea for a ride or attraction before Disney. But the majority is all talk. Even if you sent an idea to WDI, your ideas or concepts eventually become property of the Walt Disney Company. Which is why some imagineers hide hints in attractions to give credit to themselves. Unless you are employed by Disney as an imagineer, you can dream, but you will never have any input into any ride or attraction, aside from information gathered through Disney organized surveys. Disney is a machine, and as we all know, the decision of what goes into the parks is ultimately in the hands of money hungry CEO's.


Active Member
Too funny

I also sent a ride idea to Disney when I was younger. I think I was in 4th grade, so this would be 1993 or 1994? I sent a letter (addressed to Michael Eisner) to the Disney headquarters. They sent me a very nice letter back, saying that they are unable to take ideas from outside of the company, but that maybe one day I would be able to come work for the Disney company as a ride engineer. They returned my original letter, along with a "signed" photograph of Disney characters in front of the castle.

I thought it was so cool that someone actually wrote me back instead of just throwing my letter away. I still have the letter and the photograph is hanging on my wall. I promise to take pictures this week and post them for you guys to see!


Well, this wasn't an idea for an attraction, but for a game. It was more of a darker Disney game that took place in the Disney Parks, kind of like the Kingdom Hearts series except minus the Final Fantasy characters. It was supposed be along the theme of "Dream becomes nightmare". Some time later, low and behold, Disney starts making Epic Mickey, a game that utilizes a darker Disney theme and that whole theme. :lol:

But of course my idea didn't have a Disney character as the main character...


Active Member
Here is my incredibly dorky letter to Disney.





imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I remember I wrote an idea on these forums years and years ago about a 3-D review starring Mickey and where Donald caused loads of trouble (this was before Philharmagic opened.) One main idea had Donald accidentally being blasted towards you (3-D effect) and landing in the audience where the seats would move to feel like Donald was crawling under you to get back to the stage. Well, the finale to Philharmagic is a little similar to that.

So it was kind of weird, it was like, "Did my idea just get realized?" :lol:


I remember I wrote an idea on these forums years and years ago about a 3-D review starring Mickey and where Donald caused loads of trouble (this was before Philharmagic opened.) One main idea had Donald accidentally being blasted towards you (3-D effect) and landing in the audience where the seats would move to feel like Donald was crawling under you to get back to the stage. Well, the finale to Philharmagic is a little similar to that.

So it was kind of weird, it was like, "Did my idea just get realized?"

As far as I know, ride ideas etc. would come under engineering development and technical knowledge. Following engineering patent laws (which I had to pay attention to when writing), posting your idea on a forum makes your idea public domain and therefore any new technical/knowledge leading to technical competitive advantage cannot be protected after being made public. So I think it should be fine for WDI to draw some inspiration from these boards (but I'm no legal expert so I may be wrong).


Active Member
Years ago when I was little I made attractions in my basement. This required a lot of black sheets hanging up on the walls. Ten years later- Spaceship Earth.
It's not an idea for an attraction, but when I was younger (perhaps five or six) I had always wondered what it would be like if a Disney princess somehow came into our "real life" world and met her prince here. This is why Enchanted is so dear to my heart. :)

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
For example, I had the idea for a ride that simulated actual space flight in high school, and I think they built m:s about 6 years later. Of course, my concept was not nearly as complicated or sophisticated as what disney designed. Also, at the time I didn't realize that previous concepts of the same idea were developed by Disney, but this still counts.

I forgot a crucial detail. The name of my attraction was Space Mission. So when Mission:Space came out, I started wearing a tin foil hat so Disney could no longer steal my thoughts :lookaroun

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