have any interesting ride breakdowns ever happened to you?


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Once when we were on UoE, The ride broke down at the very end when they are revealing the final jepordy answers. The movie just cut off and we never saw what ellen's answer was. (Some guy on the ride told us as we were leaving, though) They had us sitting there for a while before they gave up and told us we would have to exit the ride. We had to leave through and emergency exit and everything.

My question is: has anyone else had and experience like this or something else that makes a good story?


I have a couple actually..

I was on Splash and the ride stopped right before a drop (not THE DROP) ..I think it's the one going into the laughing place. And the lights came on and we saw ladders and stuff...it was kinda neat.

Then on Haunted Mansion we got stuck going up the steps toward the ballroom. It was funny b/c it was completely dark...and my friends were terrified...it's fun though when you stop on a ride..it's not planned..I like things like that..:animwink:


New Member
I was once on a broken ride once but not in Disney. I was at Six Flags and we got stuck on the Wild Catter not sure how high it is in the air but right when we got to the top it just stayd there and we never moved. We were stuck up there for at least an hour before they could get the saftey bars unlatched. But we got free drinks and got to go on another ride withought wait so i guess it wasnt a total waste of time.


New Member
My oldest daughter and I were stuck on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad about half way through, going up a steep incline. We had to wait a while till we were rescued by a CM, who helped all the passengers climb out onto the steps next to the track. Then we were escorted underneath the ride to an exit, with the same CM jokingly letting us know if we valued our lives, NO PICTURES were to be taken. It was cool seeing the ride from this vantage point.

We were stuck on Haunted Mansion for what seemed like an eternity (30 minutes). The CM's would come on the loudspeaker system and said that someone would be there to escort us off the ride, then another anouncement to remain seated the ride would resume in a few minutes, then again that the ride would resume in a few minutes. We were stuck going up the stairway where it is really dark and nothing to look at. One of my daughters and a number of the other kids got into "who could scream the loudest" contest to break the boredome! eeek! My ears!! It was a lot of fun, but I could have done without the screams.

Got stuck on Pirates too, at the end, for about 15 minutes. Listening to "Yo Ho Yo Ho a Pirates Life for Me" got old quick. Same thing with Splash Mountain, got stuck on that ride at the end for about 20 minutes. That was miserable because we all had to get to the bathroom! We all had the wiggles!


I haven't ever had any major break downs while on a ride at Disney, but at IOA i was stuck on the Hulk at the bottom of the launch, it was cool sitting there looking up wondering when we were going to blast off...



Well-Known Member
At Disney - on COP we sat through the last scene 4 times as the Caroussel Of Progress wouldn't progress any further !
At SeaWorld - on Kraken as the carriages climb up the first ascent at the beginning of the ride. As we left the loading area, one of the staff saw a girl crying hysterically (obviously dragged on against her will) and they stopped the ride on the incline while she was released from her seat.


That must be so bad if you are a coaster wimp and are forced to go on one fo the biggest roller coasters in the US.


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Twp major ones for me, one of which I posted on here


The other was ToT when it conckedout just as wewere entering the shaft, we sat in the dark for a good 5 - 10 mins, lights came on and a maintenance guy game up and reasured us we were getting sorted, in the end I think it was another 30 mins till we got off, the only good thingwas being wheeled in the carrage into the maintenance area and get a better understanding of how things work. We were offered another ridebut decidednottoas the kids were waiting outside.


New Member
Universe of Energy - had to walk out through the dinosaur scene.

Star Tours - a recorded voice tells you that you are having to make an emergency return to base. A CM then leads you straight to the next free flight.


New Member
I was on Star Tours and the screen didnt work! A we had was the movement and the sounds! It was kinga cool but also very disorentating! :king:


Well-Known Member
We were stuck underwater on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea for over an hour. We got on the ride at like 11:30pm and didn't actually start moving until after park closing at around 12:37am.

I was 6 and it was very dramatic, lol. Little kids around me were hyperventilating b/c they said the air was getting thin (tho we were assured the air was still ON) and a little girl wet herself. In that cramped, dark, skinny, humid, and hot ride vehicle. Eww.


Well-Known Member
I hadn't had a ride breakdown until recently when I was on JIYIWF. It broke down in the sight lab and we got this recording of a very flustered sounding Nigel Channing assuring everyone that they would figure out what was wrong and fix it quickly. Being in that lab, I noticed a couple of small things I hadn't before, including another hidden mickey from the lights overhead shining on the floor.


Connor002 said:
once when we were on UoE they ride broke down at the very end when they are revealing the final jepordy answers. the movie just cut of and we never missed out what ellen's answer was. (some guy on the ride told us as we were leaving) they had us sitting there for a while before they gave up and told us we would have to exit the ride. we had to leave through and emergency exit and everything.

my question is: has anyone else had and experience like this or something else that makes a good story?
When was this? We had the same exact thing happen to us in March. :lol:


New Member
It's funny (to me, anyway) to see how many of these stories attribute fairly common ride stops to a ride "breaking down."

The most interesting, unplanned event I've ever experienced while on a ride is, for better or worse, a trip through Space Mountain with its work lights on.

As our rocket climbed the lift hill, the ride stopped for one reason or another. We sat still for a few moments as each of the rockets beyond the lift cleared their blocks and stopped on a midcourse brake. We on the right side lift -- I'm not sure if this designated as side A or B -- and had a rocket stop on the block brakes to our lift's right side. If you're intimately familiar with Space Mountain, you'll know what I'm talking about.

The work lights came on and we had a conversation with those in the other rocket while I explained to my father more about how the ride worked. A few minutes later, some Cast Members came up to the rocket on the brakes and pushed them off into space. I was quite surprised that the rocket needed to be pushed -- usually gravity is enough to get a coaster train off a midcourse brake. A moment later, the lift came back on and we got a complete, uninterrupted ride through Space Mountain with its work lights on.

It was fascinating for me, as a big giant dork, to see more about the layout of the track and structure. It was quite boring, however, as a ride goes and you begin to realize how important sensory deprivation is to the entire experience. Much of the track is straight and you travel very, very slowly throughout much of the ride. While I always understood the ride's top speed was only 28 MPH, riding in the light illustrates exactly how unimpressive that is.

At the end of the ride, we were offered another ride without waiting to set things right and my father and I gladly accepted. That ride was fun for me because I was able to predict the track ahead. I don't know that I'd remember now how the layout is set up, however.

Also, as an aside, Kraken is not near being one of the largest coasters in the US. The 10th tallest height reached by a coaster and the 12th tallest coaster in the United States is 215' tall, 65' taller than Kraken. It is 1217' short of being the 10th longest roller coaster in the US.


Well-Known Member
Well playful spooks once interupted my tour of the Haunted Masion. I simply remained seated in my Doom Buggy as I knew we would proceed at any moment.

:lol: Sorry, couldn't resist! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Melerella said:
......Then on Haunted Mansion we got stuck going up the steps toward the ballroom. It was funny b/c it was completely dark...and my friends were terrified...it's fun though when you stop on a ride..it's not planned..I like things like that..:animwink:

This is totally off subject, but as I was reading this post about the Haunted Mansion I have to ask:

Is it a tradition for people to reach over and bang on the car in front of them? I always go to the Haunted Mansion and everytime I get on that ride, you always hear other guests banging on the backs of the cars in front of them. The last time I was at Disney, my g/f got "spooked" (no pun intended) when the guest in the car behind us banged on the back of our car. :lol: You should've seen that girl jump! LOL


Premium Member
I'm not aware that I've ever been caught in an actual breakdown, just a whole bunch of safety stops.

Once on Thunder Mountain, one of the afternoon thunderstorms hit while we were riding and just as we got to the geyser pool near the end, the rain came down so heavy, the sensors thought 2 trains had gotten too close together (initially a theory but confirmed by a CM) and stopped everything. So there we were, lap bars down to keep us in our seats, in a complete downpour and soaked to the skin. At first it was a little annoying then we starting talking to the couple in the row behind us and couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the whole thing. By the time a cast member came out and they were able to release our train back into the station we were so wet that staying out there longer wouldn't have made any difference. Thankfully it was summer so we didn't have to freeze for the rest of the day.


New Member
Disneydreaming said:
My oldest daughter and I were stuck on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad about half way through, going up a steep incline. We had to wait a while till we were rescued by a CM, who helped all the passengers climb out onto the steps next to the track. Then we were escorted underneath the ride to an exit, with the same CM jokingly letting us know if we valued our lives, NO PICTURES were to be taken. It was cool seeing the ride from this vantage point.

Wow. That is the same place in the ride, and the same ride (BTMR) where I got stuck late may this year.

First, 2 cast members came and said they were waiting for a fully trained CM. We waited for about 10 mins, and we got unlatched. We got free fastpasses for anyride at any time. and we got sort of an "Unofficial" Tour of the back stage of BTMR.

Thats pretty much it. Oh, and I got stuck on IASW for 1 hour listening to that song over and over. "GET ME OFF!"


Well-Known Member
rides that broke down.

two rides have broken down when i have been on them: the first one was Space Mountain i only went on with my cousin as i didnt want her going on it by herself even though its not my fave ride. we were going round and the lights started flashing then the ride stopped and we were on the top level. people on the blue line were looking at every one and pointing we were stuck for about 20 minutes but one of the cast members did come up to our level and say that they were having technical difficulties. it was weird at first when the lights went on as Space Mountain is in a small space with the lights on but with them off it feels massive.

The other ride that broke down was rock and rollercoaster on my first time riding it, it broke down at the tunnel and i was terrefied but now its one of my fave rides.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Madison said:
I'm not sure if this designated as side A or B.. I was quite surprised that the rocket needed to be pushed..

Right side is designated Omega. When you saw the other train being pushed (loved the bit about chatting to them!) in their section there is a double dip - they would have had to have been pushed over the 2nd dip and out of the lift hill area (behind you).

Anyone ever been evacuated from Horizons? Now that WAS strange - since you rode side on, the evac doors were in the backrests - you exited out the back of the Omnimover, onto an escape walkway that ran behind (or parallel to) the ride path.

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