The first time a road on HM was a year ago when i was 15. It didnt freak me out much. However, it has that special erie tone that is still semi-scary, but is soo cool and fun to ride. I love that ride.
My first time on it I was 11, and mom had to drag me in, I was crying so much! She kept reassuring me throughout the whole thing, but I kept my eyes shut. I *think* I may have taken a peek near the end, but I know for sure I was still terrified when I came out because we have a video of the trip, and it shows me hugging my mom and with the face all wet.
Nowadays, only the blasted jumping faces get me every freakin' time! :lookaroun
I have a map that shows where every pop-up ghoul is if you want it.
as for the blast-up skulls: those were never at WDW (to the best of my knowledge). they're at DL in CA, and totally need to be shot.
for people who are bothered by the pop-ups: try plugging your ears as you enter the attic. most of the effect is the loud screams, although some of them do appear quite rapidly even still.
in the graveyard, they only appear between verses of GGG. the most frightening one can be found emerging from the crypt in front of the crashed hearse a little bit past the singing busts. it's an old woman and she startles the beejeezus out of me every time.