Haunted Mansion Holiday at Orlando


Well-Known Member
TP2000 is absolutely, 100% correct. I HATED the Nightmare movie and concider HM to be "untouchable" and even I fell in love with HMH. This is one recent attraction Disney mgmt DID NOT screw up.


Well-Known Member
I can't belive you people would actually say no to something that has already been proven to be quite successful in two continents no less! I know that there are people who are purists to the bone but that is just ridiculous.

The Floridian Haunted Mansion is in major need of a rehab, by putting in the new seasonal overlay it would not only revitalize the ride technically but it would also breathe new life and attention to the ride. So what if it's down a couple of months a year? at least it will be well taken care of and stay interesting. And so what if they add in new effects? I'd much rather see 21st century ride effects than dated 70's era ones.


New Member
I grew up with the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland, and in 2000 I moved out of the area. When I got the chance to get back there in 2002 with my family we went in october during the HMH overlay. At first I was sad that I couldn't show them what the original HM was like that I grew up with, but we got to experience something new together and that was as cool (to me).
Personally seeing how a ride can go from this-to-that and back again is pretty awesome. In a way it is like having two rides for the price of one. This satisfies many different people instead of just the one type.

I mean it's not like it is for ever. It will go back after the holiday. I mean think of all the rides that are getting pixar-overlay's for life (or whats left of it). This way a classic ride gets to remain a classic ride, but every once in a while it can have new life breathed into it.

Besides if you don't like the thought of an overlay, don't ride it during the time it is scheduled (if that ever happens for WDW), and ride it later after the holiday.
I've never seen the HMH overlay, it sounds great. The truth is, I hate the idea of a yearly 2 month rehab for any ride, especially my personal favorite. I usually travel the off season and have gotten used to Eticket closures, but to know that EVERY September and January there's no mansion..... :cry:


joshwill said:
what good would it do?

the only thing the mansion needs is the odd refurb every so often.

it is just fine the way it is.

It's not like they're going to take things away from the mansion forever. It would be very good for the mansion because it needs a bit of a refurb. I hold the mansion sacred too. HMH will help the HM a lot. Just look at DL's mansion and how great it has been recently after the upgrades. I would love for our HM to have the same. It's a beautiful work of art and I really hate it when in my doombuggy the audio is horrible. The new Leota at DL is amazing from what I have heard. I would love to see something like that here.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
The HM is one of my absolutely favorite attractions, and I would be first in line to complain to Disney if they did anything bad to it. However, from what I've seen and heard of HMH, it would be a wonderful seasonal alteration to the attraction. The whole overlay is very much in the same *ahem* spirit of the original, and the benefits of a regular rehab on the mansion would be wonderful. Please, for those who are balking at the idea of HMH in WDW, check out the Holiday section of doombuggies.com, then form an opinion.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Well, if the idea of combining NBC with HM was so great, why didnt they star Jack Skellington as the lead in the HM movie....jeesh, give me a break. The two "story lines" in no way mesh and its a simple excercise in making money....


New Member
I'd like to know how many people are slamming the idea are just doing so because they are resistant to any sort of change and have never been on the Haunted Mansion Holiday in California or Tokyo.

If it were up to many of the people on these boards, we wouldn't have Test Track, Mission Space or Soarin at Epcot either. MGM's most thrilling ride would be Star Tours. If you listen to Walt's philosophy, he wanted every park (especially Epcot) to be a work in progress, to never be completed. He wanted people to experience new things, which many on this board seem afraid of or dead set against.

If the ride only takes 3 weeks to turn back into the original ride, a trip in early February is just as much the "down season" as mid-January. And the parks have been deserted the past two weeks, so early May is also a down time with much nicer weather than in January.


Le Meh
Premium Member
ChrisH9339 said:
I'd like to know how many people are slamming the idea are just doing so because they are resistant to any sort of change and have never been on the Haunted Mansion Holiday in California or Tokyo.

If it were up to many of the people on these boards, we wouldn't have Test Track, Mission Space or Soarin at Epcot either. MGM's most thrilling ride would be Star Tours. If you listen to Walt's philosophy, he wanted every park (especially Epcot) to be a work in progress, to never be completed. He wanted people to experience new things, which many on this board seem afraid of or dead set against.

If the ride only takes 3 weeks to turn back into the original ride, a trip in early February is just as much the "down season" as mid-January. And the parks have been deserted the past two weeks, so early May is also a down time with much nicer weather than in January.

Well, if NBC is such a good thing, why doesnt it get its own attraction instead of having to ride on the back of one of the parks main arteries?


ChrisH9339 said:
I'd like to know how many people are slamming the idea are just doing so because they are resistant to any sort of change and have never been on the Haunted Mansion Holiday in California or Tokyo.

If it were up to many of the people on these boards, we wouldn't have Test Track, Mission Space or Soarin at Epcot either. MGM's most thrilling ride would be Star Tours. If you listen to Walt's philosophy, he wanted every park (especially Epcot) to be a work in progress, to never be completed. He wanted people to experience new things, which many on this board seem afraid of or dead set against.

If the ride only takes 3 weeks to turn back into the original ride, a trip in early February is just as much the "down season" as mid-January. And the parks have been deserted the past two weeks, so early May is also a down time with much nicer weather than in January.

You said it! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Well, if the idea of combining NBC with HM was so great, why didnt they star Jack Skellington as the lead in the HM movie....jeesh, give me a break. The two "story lines" in no way mesh and its a simple excercise in making money....

you are obviously just scraping the barrell to find reasons against HMH when it's apparent the HMH is a good thing. I'm guessing you're also the kind of person who doesn't want the parks to change at all.

HMH is an excellent way of giving an attraction new life so take a picture of your ideal WDW and get over it.


Le Meh
Premium Member
stitchcastle said:
you are obviously just scraping the barrell to find reasons against HMH when it's apparent the HMH is a good thing. I'm guessing you're also the kind of person who doesn't want the parks to change at all.

HMH is an excellent way of giving an attraction new life so take a picture of your ideal WDW and get over it.

Your guess is incorrect. I am a proponant of change, but only if the change brings in better things. I am ellated that they brought in Soarin from California. I am dissappointed that they used the video from the California version. I am happy that they rehabed IASW. I am sad that they closed 20K and removed the lagoon to put in a yet another place to meet WTP. I am not upset that they took out AE, but dissappointed with what was put in its place, that it obviously was sub standard storyline wise and now they are spending unknown amounts to improve it. I would like to see a tie in to the POTC movie with the attraction. It already is similar, but would not be drastically changed if some of the Movie characters were placed in the sets.

My basic point is that HM has nothing to do with NBC and NBC has nothing to do with HM. Disney decided they could market a line of merchandise by NBCing the HM. To me it would be the same thing as putting nike shoes on Walts statue and selling nike shoes in the parks.


Well-Known Member
Count me in as one that likes the classic attractions, but I think HMH is a great addition. My only qualm is having it up during the actual Holiday Season. MANY guests make their annual trip to Disney during that time, so to have HMH a semi-permanent thing would mean they never got to have the classic Mansion. However, if they put it into rotation (i.e. DL to TDL to WDW) so that the overlay was every 3 years, I think it would be great. That also, as someone said, would mean that Mansion gets a guaranteed strong refurb every 3 years.

On a side note, I would love to see little quirks worked out for each park to coincide with the little differences in each Mansion.

Also, I was also one that didn't understand how the story lines could intertwine, but the imagineers have done a great job. The whole notion of the Mansion being an actual house-house, and Jack and company "invading it" for Christmas is very well done. NBC could have its own ride IMHO, but this is a great way that keeps it fresh and appealing with limited ridership ability and a dual audience (HM fans and NBC fans).


Well-Known Member
Living in Las Vegas, we make it to Disneyland about twice a year and WDW once. We go to DL once during the holidays and once not. We have found it amazingly easy to NOT go when the ride is in rehab. See, you just DON'T SCHEDULE YOUR TRIP THEN! Similarly, if you don't want to experience HMH, you don't go while it's running OR you go and don't ride it. Seems pretty simple to me. Besides, HMH is awesome, as is the original.


Active Member
hakunamatata said:
Your guess is incorrect. I am a proponant of change, but only if the change brings in better things... To me it would be the same thing as putting nike shoes on Walts statue and selling nike shoes in the parks.

Well said!


hakunamatata said:
Your guess is incorrect. I am a proponant of change, but only if the change brings in better things. I am ellated that they brought in Soarin from California. I am dissappointed that they used the video from the California version. I am happy that they rehabed IASW. I am sad that they closed 20K and removed the lagoon to put in a yet another place to meet WTP. I am not upset that they took out AE, but dissappointed with what was put in its place, that it obviously was sub standard storyline wise and now they are spending unknown amounts to improve it. I would like to see a tie in to the POTC movie with the attraction. It already is similar, but would not be drastically changed if some of the Movie characters were placed in the sets.

My basic point is that HM has nothing to do with NBC and NBC has nothing to do with HM. Disney decided they could market a line of merchandise by NBCing the HM. To me it would be the same thing as putting nike shoes on Walts statue and selling nike shoes in the parks.

I don't care one way or another about the Haunted Mansion Holiday- but that was a very compelling argument! I was thinking that they could find another theme for the HMH if they ever bring it, making both the one at DL and the probable one at the Magic Kingdom different.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Well, if the idea of combining NBC with HM was so great, why didnt they star Jack Skellington as the lead in the HM movie....jeesh, give me a break. The two "story lines" in no way mesh and its a simple excercise in making money....

You haven't been on Haunted Mansion Holiday at Disneyland, have you? :goodnevil

This thread is really making me laugh because it's a complete time warp back to the Disneyland fansites circa Summer, 2001. It's like some of those old posts complaining about the HMH concept were dug up and copied by users here on the WDWMagic boards.

What is the most telling is that there is not a single person on this board who has actually been on Disneyland's HMH who doesn't think it's a good idea to install this seasonal overlay to the WDW Haunted Mansion. Everyone who is complaining about it has never been on Disneyland's HMH, or even been to Disneyland to see the even more popular Small World Holiday.

If I was a billionaire I would take all the grumpy folks here complaining about a ride they've never been on and ship them out to Disneyland for a weekend to see Haunted Mansion Holiday, Small World Holiday, and the Believe... In Holiday Magic fireworks. And then this message board would be full of people complaining that WDW doesn't have those things and wondering why Disneyland gets all the attention at Christmas. :cool:


Le Meh
Premium Member
TP2000 said:
You haven't been on Haunted Mansion Holiday at Disneyland, have you? :goodnevil

Actually you are right. When I was in DL last October, IT WAS CLOSED due to NBC install. Even if it would have been open, I would not have liked it because I did not care for NBC. Now, a Christmas themed IASW on the other hand I would enjoy. I would even enjoy a Christmas themed HM. But to bastardize an existing attraction with a movie theme that has no other relation to the attraction (i.e. stitch replacing A.E.) is what the issue is with me.

If you want to make attractions about movies fine. If you want to make movies about attractions, fine. If you want to pretty up or theme an attraction for a holliday fine. But in my opinion, Walt would not have approved of this.


Here we go with the "that's not what Walt would have wanted" comments....

People, it's temporary. It's not like they're replacing the attraction completely. If you can, just try not to go when the Mansion is in it's holiday overlay or when it's down for rehab. That's it. No need to be grumpy.

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