Haunted Mansion hanging man-better vision?


Original Poster
On Friday, when I last visited the Magic Kingdom, I rod the Haunted Mansion. In the strething room, the part with the hanging man is usually very vague, but I could see it perfectly on Friday. I know that it is a rather small detail, but it heightens the experience. Did anybody else notice this? Was it just for the night of the Ride-a-Thon, or was it a recent rehab that did this?


New Member
Originally posted by Walter
On Friday, when I last visited the Magic Kingdom, I rod the Haunted Mansion. In the strething room, the part with the hanging man is usually very vague, but I could see it perfectly on Friday. I know that it is a rather small detail, but it heightens the experience. Did anybody else notice this? Was it just for the night of the Ride-a-Thon, or was it a recent rehab that did this?

I definitely noticed this too. I have been going for years, and when we were there last week, I was like WOW.. You could see it crystal clear, and I never realized how detailed the scene was before.

I attributed it to not paying enough attention in the past, but I guess it wasn't just me afterall. :)


Well-Known Member
When my brother went on it when he was young he freaked out in this scene and kept his eyes shut the rest of the time and that led to me not going on it until 6th grade. I love it now though but I never look up in that part. When I was little and I heard about it I had bad dreams. Well maybe next time I'll look up.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Eddie Murphy Rehab?

Just a thought...with the movie being released...does anyone think that the HM should be either made more scary or perhaps have an Eddie Murphy rehab? As it is...it's not really scary...many of the things really corny actually. Don't get me wrong...I LUV the ride...but the effects are rather corny and perhaps Eddie Murphy interrupting our "ghost host" would bring more comedy into the ride...perhaps making the doom buggies move more and stuff. Can't wait 'till the movie though!!!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Re: Eddie Murphy Rehab?

Originally posted by CaptJackSparrow
Just a thought...with the movie being released...does anyone think that the HM should be either made more scary or perhaps have an Eddie Murphy rehab? As it is...it's not really scary...many of the things really corny actually. Don't get me wrong...I LUV the ride...but the effects are rather corny and perhaps Eddie Murphy interrupting our "ghost host" would bring more comedy into the ride...perhaps making the doom buggies move more and stuff. Can't wait 'till the movie though!!!


I beleive that they should update it a little, but no Eddie Murphey!


Well-Known Member
by golly, if they even think of adding Eddie Murphy to HM, then i better be seeing Capt. Jack and Will Turner added to PotC!

really, i don't think they should. HM is scary depending on your level of fear...as a kid, HM scared me silly. but besides that, it's a classic! adding Eddie would suck the classicness right out of it. ...i dunno, maybe i feel this way because i can't stand Eddie Murphy. but HM should be left as it is.


Active Member
POTC too!

I agree...ship at beginning of POTC should be changed to the Black Pearl as well as other small rehabs to reflect the success of the movie. I guess rehabs to HM will be determined by it's success or lack there of. We'll just wait and see...but Murphy's got nothing on me! Yo ho yo ho...no haunting ghosts for me!!!


Maybe your eyes are just better adjusted at night so you see the hanging man more clearly?

I always wear sunglasses at the parks during the day and remove them for the rides -- I haven't noticed a difference in the brightness or clarity of the scene between night and day -- always seems pretty clear to me.




Original Poster
Re: Eddie Murphy Rehab?

Originally posted by CaptJackSparrow
Just a thought...with the movie being released...does anyone think that the HM should be either made more scary or perhaps have an Eddie Murphy rehab? As it is...it's not really scary...many of the things really corny actually. Don't get me wrong...I LUV the ride...but the effects are rather corny and perhaps Eddie Murphy interrupting our "ghost host" would bring more comedy into the ride...perhaps making the doom buggies move more and stuff. Can't wait 'till the movie though!!!





Seriously, though, I don't think that this would please many people. If that were to ever happen, I think that the hanging man would be me. :dazzle:

No offense, I'm not insulting your idea, it's been brought up before. I want these attractions to stay the same, that's all. I believe that many people feel the same.

And I don't think that my eyes were just adjusted better. Usually, during that part, the room is silent, but, on Friday, I heard "Wow"s being said all around the room. And it seemed that most of the people in the room knew the attraction pretty well. I saw many people mouthing the speech of the ghost host.


New Member
ok. you're saying..if they added Eddie Murphy to the ride you'd think it would be better?

anyone remember how upset people were over witht he removal of figment? thousands of letetrs sent, etc.

well, JII didn't have NUMEROUS websites devoted to it on the internet. JII didn't have athe domain name already taken (www.hauntedmansion.com is NOT disney owned, hence when
they made the site for the mocie the - in it.)

The addition of Eddie Murphy to the last ride walt had any influence on would cause such an uproar witht he fans that well..to put it nicely, the "addition" would not last long.

now if they updated the ride to add more ghosts, i wouldn't mind. (www.doombuggies.com has some sketches of "plans" such as a ghost trapped in a mirror that looked pretty cool).

the ride may not be scary, but for a majority of it's fans they were scared when they went on it when they were younger (like myself, loved it the first time hated it til 96 :lol: ).

in short, an Eddie Murphy adition would be a VERY bad idea. that and Disney ahs said they would not be updating the rides to reflect the movies.


New Member
ahem and to validate my point, here is an excerpt taken from doom buggies, it was an interview with Corey Burton (the HMH Ghost Host)

Has Haunted Mansion always been a favorite of yours? Any Scene in particular?

More than that, it has been the single greatest inspiration in my life. Upon my first childhood visit, I vowed that I would one day meet the man who possessed that most remarkable voice I'd ever heard, and that I would somehow make a career doing voices myself. It also gave me an appreciation of great writing, showmanship, sound recording and music, illusion, engineering, art and architecture, the supernatural... The whole thing was simply "Perfection Itself" to me, and I couldn't imagine people creating anything that could top it. ...I'm still waiting.

THAT'S why the Haunted Mansion will not have Eddie Murphy.


Active Member
It was just a thought...

Like I said...just an idea I threw out...perhaps not even changing the ride all that much, but mainly having Murphy throw in some quips now and then interrupting the Ghost Host voice.

As far as your comment, are you sure that's a final decision on not up-dating the rides to reflect the movie? I heard that Madamme Liotta was definitely going to be changed to Jennifer Tilly. Anyone have any info on this?

Also...I think it would be rather silly...with the success of POTC to not up-date it to reflect the movie. Easy changes like changing the boat at the beginning to be the Black Pearl and I'm sure the Imagineers can come up with some way to make the pirates change from skeletons to flesh in the moonlight!

Just a few thoghts...I guess only time will tell! :)


New Member
Re: It was just a thought...

Originally posted by CaptJackSparrow
Like I said...just an idea I threw out...perhaps not even changing the ride all that much, but mainly having Murphy throw in some quips now and then interrupting the Ghost Host voice.

As far as your comment, are you sure that's a final decision on not up-dating the rides to reflect the movie? I heard that Madamme Liotta was definitely going to be changed to Jennifer Tilly. Anyone have any info on this?

Also...I think it would be rather silly...with the success of POTC to not up-date it to reflect the movie. Easy changes like changing the boat at the beginning to be the Black Pearl and I'm sure the Imagineers can come up with some way to make the pirates change from skeletons to flesh in the moonlight!

Just a few thoghts...I guess only time will tell! :)

I can see justification in a few small PoTC additions to incorporate some aspects of movie references that were good... like Jack Sparrow, but we need to see what is presented in the sequel too. I don't think the PoTC ride story should change, but just have some additional characters featured in the movie.

I have to see Haunted Mansion (movie) first, but I cannot see Eddie Murphy being added. He is a circumstantial (sp?) character in the movie. Why would he interrupt the Ghost Host? Wouldn't that mean he's a ghost too? Or is he hiding in our Doom Buggy?:lol: The HM previews do show some surprisingly scary scenes like the zombies. Not scary on an adult level as much, but much more creepy than I was expecting to see in a Disney ride based film.


New Member
how about this UPGRADE!

The doombuggys spin and jump.
How about some new SPECIAL EFFECTS.
Eddie Murphy... well how about we add him somewhere... like.. in a mirror...
A new BASEMENT section...


I was at the Mansion Saturday night and the stretching room I was in was broken.
The ceiling didn't go up at all, and was actually stuck about 2 feet from the normal position.

The hanging body looked great though.


New Member
Re: It was just a thought...

Originally posted by CaptJackSparrow
Like I said...just an idea I threw out...perhaps not even changing the ride all that much, but mainly having Murphy throw in some quips now and then interrupting the Ghost Host voice.

As far as your comment, are you sure that's a final decision on not up-dating the rides to reflect the movie? I heard that Madamme Liotta was definitely going to be changed to Jennifer Tilly. Anyone have any info on this?

Also...I think it would be rather silly...with the success of POTC to not up-date it to reflect the movie. Easy changes like changing the boat at the beginning to be the Black Pearl and I'm sure the Imagineers can come up with some way to make the pirates change from skeletons to flesh in the moonlight!

Just a few thoghts...I guess only time will tell! :)

first of all, the changing of Madame Leota to be Miss Tilely was a rumor started by her.

second of all, it was stated by WDI that no attractions would be changed to reflect the movies. they have no NEED to change them, that's why they were made into movies because they were the most beloved attractions. to dos o would be "interesting" but would anger many. the change to JII is evident by that how much JII was loved and how much it became hated after the change.


Well-Known Member
Re: It was just a thought...

Originally posted by CaptJackSparrow

sure the Imagineers can come up with some way to make the pirates change from skeletons to flesh in the moonlight!

Actually, I'm pretty sure the guys that made the film took that part of the movie somewhat from the skeletons in the ride. The story of the ride is that the further you go along the river, the more "alive" the skeletons get, untill you finally reach the full-living pirates in the main section. The skeletons at the begining are completely lifeless, like the one on the shore with a sword through its chest. Then as you go further down the river, you see the skeletons "doing" things, like drinking out of a bottomless bottle of rum (which was also used in the movie), or navigating a ship. Its not the exact same concept as the movie...but I can see how it would have inspired it.

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