Has time run out on Spaceship Earth?

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
The Insider: Thought, talk, speculation from the Orlando Sentinel CFB Monday, July 19, 2004

Speculations continues that Walt Disney World may eventually retool Epcot's Spaceship Earth. Last month, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published notice that Disney Enterprises Inc. had applied for a trademark on "SSE: Time Racer" for unspecified "amusement park services." The company filed its application in spring 2003. Word about Disneyphiles is that the existing, slow-moving ride inside the giant sphere can't be dismantled without taking apart the entire building. Still, last month's notice suggests that Disney is still keen on protecting the name, just in case something works out.


And I have no doubt that these mentioned "Disneyphiles" are some of you! ;)


New Member
I wouldn't get worked up just yet. This may not have anything to do with changing the ride itself.

Maybe it's another attraction movie. :lookaroun :lol:



Account Suspended

Accurate report. Thanks Grizz.

However, when it comes down to it. Anything that will require taking the building down (even if replacing it) will not happen. Remember, that sphere is Epcot's image. It's no different than the castle at MK> Point is, to rebuild that sphere would be a project like no other current being done at Disney. It would require millions upon millions and they won't be shelling out that kind of cash anytime soon.

That sphere is there to stay.


Well-Known Member
It would be sooo sad on Disney's part if they change Spaceship Earth. They've already ruined other rides and they prolly will go and ruin this one too. Just give it time...it'll happen.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
The sphere won't be going unless Disney management is more nuts than it is now. :lol:

Disney IS looking at changing the entire ride. . . and post-show to go with that. Their target is the 25th anniversary of Epcot.

I will be truly disheartened and VERY upset if they don't add a family-fun, inspiring, AUDIO-ANIMATRONICS attraction if they were to replace this.

It's the last one, folks. . .


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
thanks grizz.....................

lets hope for post-show with the time racers crap, eerrrrrr, thought. anywho, i wouldnt mind them rehabing the inside with newer ani's as long as the basic ride systems and show were the same. just a little updating please....... oh pretty please.

i was telling my wife in target this weekend, if this thing goes down then im taking off work on a friday, traveling down there, riding that attraction all day saturday, driving back on sunday. knowing how much i love that ride, she said she totally understood that it was one of her favs as well.


New Member
General Grizz said:
The sphere won't be going unless Disney management is more nuts than it is now. :lol:

Disney IS looking at changing the entire ride. . . and post-show to go with that. Their target is the 25th anniversary of Epcot.

I will be truly disheartened and VERY upset if they don't add a family-fun, inspiring, AUDIO-ANIMATRONICS attraction if they were to replace this.

It's the last one, folks. . .
It does seem as though disney is doing away with a lot of the AA attractions. I don't know why. It is one of the things that sets them apart from other theme parks. I think they need to leave this one alone really. I know it is dated but it is one of only a few orginal attractions left at Epcot.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I would agree with the ride being a bit uncomfortable. Other than that, no complaints, leave it be. It tells a tale, teaches us a bit about our past, and gives us a glimpse into the future. It's an experience, not a ride. But that's a rant for a different thread....

*browses to Grizz's Roar thread*


New Member
I have never found it to be that uncomfortable. It is my favorite ride. I ride it a couple of times every trip- one to actually experience the attraction, and the other to take a cat nap.

It is the best place to sleep right up there with Hall of Presidents and Walt Disney: One Man's Dream video.


Well-Known Member
I would say post-show. I don't think the sphere is going anywhere, and it won't be dismantled, due to the fact that, walking DIRECTLY UNDER the sphere is the only way to get into EPCOT, besides International Gateway, and that is no where near equiped to handle the crowds at the main enterance. that is the main reason i believe it is staying. Maybe it will be like the HM at DL, where you will view a film (planaterium style) inside the current spaceship earth, and then go underground to a location outside the park and ride the coaster, or ride, then see the show. lol. just an idea. :lol: Disney just likes to patent things so the competition doen't copy it, whether Disney uses it or not, they still have to patent, so no one else can use it!


Well-Known Member
It is really sad and shocking to think that it has come down to this. I don't think anyone could imagine the insane driving force that the Disney Corporation does now. It's all about, entertain the thrillers, Audio Animatronics? "Like that is soooo 1963". :zipit:

I am soooooooooooooo glad I got a video of SSE, it's not the absolute greatest, but atleast I got to see that, and the infamous global neighborhood just about a month before AT&T swept outta there. It's pretty much one of last things we have left to remind us of the great EPCOT Center, how can they be so crazy to gut out a great and inspiring ride???!!!

Are the imagineers drunk, or are they mere puppets of Eisner and his crew? :fork:

The ride is dated in it's Omnimover Track, vehicles, sounds, and lighting system. We go by the AA's fast enough to not even notice their limited movements, which do need mechanical fixings, like they should. With the excpeption of the musical score, narration, and TV screens int he beginning, the ride is pretty much the same until we go past the family of three in the 60s watching all their tv sets. Imagine that, the finale 1/3 of the show bores people the most.

Without a sponsor and proper presentation, the ride countinues to lack its charm and suffiency it was had. Disney I bet loves this, and they are blood suckers waiting to knock that sphere off it's foundation. If they take the ride out and /or remove the sphere how could anyone really go to that park anymore, I sure won't.

The park has now gone from EPCOT Center, to EPCOT, back to Epcot Center, then Epcot. Maybe they couldn't copywrite the acronym, but 1994 was the last year of pretty much the original EPCOT Center. 1999 was the year the park in MHO finally crumbled, Epcot Center, the park we were greeted with in 1996 with new inspirations such as an already going SSE[ though Walter Cronkite's was better], we saw Horizons still, Innoventions took many by surprise for the good [in 96] and Ellen welcomed us to the universe of energy.

But so much is lost now, and so little remains. Yes Test Track and Mission: Space are great rides, I enjoy them both, espically Mission: Space because it is 21st centiury futuristic, but were they turly worthy of the rides the destroyed?

While that flashy second rate vegas sign sparkles over SSE, and the stars all around it clutter the sphere, let alone the barren entrance.

For those who never saw EPCOT Center or Epcot Center, I hope you can get something out of it from the numerous photos and videos of the rides and exhbiits that exist on the internet. It was great to see it, I'm so glad I got to see it. I was in shock when I went back in 2004, let alone I hadn't been to the park since 1995. The park is slowly dieing. The Land I hope does not become a nightmare to walk around when Soarin flys in, yet we now have an empty global neighborhood, which would be great for an ultra new "Earth Station", and wonders of life, and innoventions just keep on crumbling.

We can't let this happen. I enjoy thrill rides and excitment, BUT I also have great respect for rides that present inspiration and understanding. For those of you that dis Epcot so much, than why even go? Don't bother, go to six flags or Universal, I don't care, but don't complain about Epcot being so boring, you already got two wishes, Test Track and Mission: Space, but curse Disney even you ever get our beloved Spaceship Earth!


Well-Known Member
SpectroMan said:
I have never found it to be that uncomfortable. It is my favorite ride. I ride it a couple of times every trip- one to actually experience the attraction, and the other to take a cat nap.

It is the best place to sleep right up there with Hall of Presidents and Walt Disney: One Man's Dream video.

That is just evil! :drevil: My wife does the same thing and I yell at her all the time. She even sleeps in the CoP and American Adventure. I ask he if she remembers and she says she's never been on the CoP. I remind her that she slept there and she says, "Oh yeah, they have comfy seats, so comfy, I don't even remember any of the show!" :snore:

Makes me mad and sad at the same time because all these things aren't going to be there forever. :cry: :mad:


New Member
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Spaceship Earth is a great attraction, why get rid of it? I am sick of it, freaking Disney management! It doesn't need a change. It is fine the way it is, fixing up yes, but which older rides don't need rehab. If Spaceship Earth changes, and the reincarnation of it is worse (such as Test Track, Mission: Space, the middle Journey into your Imagination, and loss of seacabs IMO) I might lose even more interest in my previous favorite Disney park, not saying I won't give the new ride a chance, but the old one shall be missed a lot by me an many others... Epcot was great and with the Land changes, WoL situation, and all the other pavilions losing focus, I don't know, it just bothers me. I know this is more of a rant than a post but I am just a little frustrated. As Grizz said, this is the last one. Thanks for dealing with me right now, I feel better getting this out.

:brick: :fork:


Well-Known Member
You're so right, Expo Seeker. It is sad and shocking that it has come down to this. With space for at least two new parks, I do not see the reason Disney management has in removing the beloved rides that used to be Epcot to put in new thrill rides. It's not like they're out of space. If you ask me, Epcot isn't Epcot anymore. It used to be my favorite park. If they get rid of Spaceship Earth, then like Grizz said, Disney management is even crazier and more stupid than we already thought! The park most certainly is slowly dying, and I'm afraid, so are the people who loved it and enjoyed it.

I hope Eisner is happy now. He'll end up turning Disney into one big tawdry City Walk/Universal or Six Flags and then he'll say "Isn't it beautiful?" What's next, beer stands in Fantasyland??


New Member
I have always loved SSE. It is one of the greatest concepts they've had post-Walt. I agree it yearns to be updated but not changed. They need to really make it grand once again.

Maybe the Time Racers will just add to it by maybe just changing the theme and making it broader. It is just a hope I guess. The ride itself is awesome, an update wouldn't hurt anything but to replace it....I would have another problem with the M.E. thought process.

Jekyll Baker

New Member
I love SSE - it's about the only place left in Future World to really relax for a couple minutes. But don't be fooled into thinking they won't tear it down because it's the symbol of Epcot - they'll just build another sorcerer's hat (or something equally inane) in front of it first :rolleyes: .

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