Has DINOSAUR been toned down again?


New Member
ClemsonTigger said:
Good to hear he's back on track!
I'ts just a hamstring injury that acts up from time to time...:D
He isn't back on track... I rode several times yesterday and he was stationary. Quite a shame--- that animatronic effect is my favorite part of the ride, and I haven't seen it operational for quite a while now. :(


It was working back in October when I visited (Thank goodness, as I only get to visit once every 4-5 years!). I'm sorry it isn't working now and kind of upsets me :mad: that WDW doesn't see it as a priority to keep their rides up to snuff! I have read on the forums alot lately how certain parts of Splash Mountain, Test Track, Haunted Mansion and Dinosaur aren't fully functioning! I used to think WDW was the best on the upkeeping of all their rides but it looks as if they are going the way Disneyland was a few years back (before they finally got busy with bringing Disneyland back up to par for the 50th).


Premium Member
dzlandSr said:
I have read on the forums alot lately how certain parts of Splash Mountain, Test Track, Haunted Mansion and Dinosaur aren't fully functioning! I used to think WDW was the best on the upkeeping of all their rides but it looks as if they are going the way Disneyland was a few years back

And yet, people complained last week when two of those attractions were closed for maintenance.


Original Poster
Thursday, January 26 is the SAME day I rode it several times after the Everest preview. The Carno was in no way working properly.
As for incomplete operations of several attractions, I believe this is due to the complexity, mechanics, and sometimes the age of the AA's. The Haunted Mansion often looses a few effects due to it's daily use for nearly 35 years. Over time, these issues are corrected, but Disney cannot close an entire attraction for one simple AA/effect. Yes, they should, Walt would have wanted it that way, but they won't, there would be more guests upset that it was closed than those of us who wanted a better show.
For example, my beloved Spaceship Earth needs a refurb in the WORST way. I rode it 4x over the 4 days I was in Disney, and only once did I have a flawless audio in the vehicle. The first ride, there was no audio AT ALL. I could only imagine what a first time rider would think of the attraction without a single line of narration to guide them. In Disney's eyes, the actual ride is working, so they keep it going, regardless to the fact that the essential audio narration is nearly null and void. In some cases, only MAJOR refurbs can correct the ongoing breakdowns and mishaps of certain minor/major effects.


SoFlaDisneyFan said:
. Over time, these issues are corrected, but Disney cannot close an entire attraction for one simple AA/effect. Yes, they should, Walt would have wanted it that way, but they won't, there would be more guests upset that it was closed than those of us who wanted a better show.

Aren't the rides checked daily by ride operators or maintenance as to what is working and what isn't? And if so, can't some of these simple AA/effects be fixed after hours, before the park opens back up? (you wouldn't have to close down the entire ride during park hours) If they can great, and if not (something more complex) then the next evening/morning when the park is closed continue work on the specific AA/effect until it is working. I understand all the different things that can and do go wrong, but don't let things drag on for months.....


Original Poster
dzlandSr said:
Aren't the rides checked daily by ride operators or maintenance as to what is working and what isn't? And if so, can't some of these simple AA/effects be fixed after hours, before the park opens back up? (you wouldn't have to close down the entire ride during park hours) If they can great, and if not (something more complex) then the next evening/morning when the park is closed continue work on the specific AA/effect until it is working. I understand all the different things that can and do go wrong, but don't let things drag on for months.....

I do agree with you, I feel the same way. After hours is a time when all the behind the scenes magic should be taking place. Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, obvious signs of bad show do drag on for many months at a time. My only reasoning has to be $$$. It always comes down to the $$$.


Well-Known Member
SoFlaDisneyFan said:
In Disney's eyes, the actual ride is working, so they keep it going, regardless to the fact that the essential audio narration is nearly null and void.

Did you tell a CM. Sometimes the speakers/audio in some cars will stop working. Unless someone tells them they will have no way of knowing.


New Member
Dinosaur Ride

First of all let me say I am a roller coaster and scarey ride junkie......normally.

However out of all the rides that I go on (which is everything - have also done a bungy jump) Dinosaur is the one ride that freaks me out slightly. Wouldn't say it scares me cos I go on it everytime but somehow it makes me uneasy. The only thing I can put it down to is the last encounter with the big dino - I think I wait for it to happen and when it does I am so wound up about it that I always look dead scared in the photo!!!!

Very sad and a little embarrasing - but I like to be honest about these things
:lol: :eek:


Active Member
SoFlaDisneyFan said:
Thursday, January 26 is the SAME day I rode it several times after the Everest preview. The Carno was in no way working properly.
but Disney cannot close an entire attraction for one simple AA/effect. Yes, they should, Walt would have wanted it that way,

I don't believe Walt would have wanted that at all! There is a picture that has floated around the Disney sites for a while which shows new sets being installed on Jungle Cruise at Disneyland, when Walt was in charge, Shutting an entire attraction because ONE animatronic isn't working, shouldn't be done.

For example, my beloved Spaceship Earth needs a refurb in the WORST way. I rode it 4x over the 4 days I was in Disney, and only once did I have a flawless audio in the vehicle.

They can only refurb so many attractions at once. The alternative is lots of closed attractions and lots of unhappy guests.

The first ride, there was no audio AT ALL. I could only imagine what a first time rider would think of the attraction without a single line of narration to guide them. In Disney's eyes, the actual ride is working, so they keep it going, regardless to the fact that the essential audio narration is nearly null and void. In some cases, only MAJOR refurbs can correct the ongoing breakdowns and mishaps of certain minor/major effects.

I once rode Test Track and it broke down on the outside loop, on the bend and stopped, rather painfully, on the steepest part. These things happen, you can't always worry about the first timers, who probably realise they are exceptions considering they will mostly see the majority of the park/resort. And I'm sure If the audio is completely off they'd be doing their best to fix the problem. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm having a go at you, I just disagree a bit on what you've said.



New Member
SoFlaDisneyFan said:
After preview riding Everest several times, my girlfriend and I headed over to our all time Animal Kingdom favorite, Dinosaur, and took about 3-4 spins around the Cretaceous Period. Knowing full well that Dinosaur is a toned down version of its original CTX glory, we were shocked and upset to see that some of the still remaining intense scenes have also been toned. I am speaking of the second encounter with the Carnosaur (however you spell his name). Where the once ferocious beast charged your vehicle from the thicket of trees and shrubs, he now stands stil in full view as your ride vehicle approaches, his legs running in place as if on a dino-treadmill. Hoping that the sudden encounter was a ride mishap, we took a few more spins to verify what we had seen. Sure enough, as we rounded the corner, there he was, already charged, the missing backside of his body clearly visible in the dim lighting.

I truly hope this is not another softening of an already softened ride. I know many fans are not wild about Dinosaur, but I believe it to be an amazing dark ride, and I enjoy it several times over each time I visit Animal Kingdom. Heck, I found Dinosaur ten times more enjoyable and thrilling than all of Everest, but that's another story. All in all, I just wanted to point this little factor out to fellow Dinosaur fans, hoping someone here can shed some light onto what has happened. I know it's not a big deal, but the charging effect was perfect psychological perception. Having the feeling that the charging monster was about to tear me from my seat was always a favorite moment for me. Ugh, if they continue to mess with this classic dark ride they might as well throw in an Ellen AA and call it a day.:hammer:

I want to be scared again!

It was like that when I was there the 2nd week of December.


New Member
sillyspook13 said:
Whenever an anamatronic in Dinosaur isn't working it's typically kept in a show-ready pose like you saw with the carnotaur. This isn't a result of the ride being toned down.

When Countdown to Extinction was switched to Dinosaur it was toned down by making it less rough and a little slower. This was to lower the height requirement by a few inches because Dinosaur was to be both a "family" movie and a "family" ride.

weird, i remember it being less rough before than it is now :veryconfu

Mecha Figment

New Member
When i rode Dinosaur the stand buy animatroic for the runner was up. it's the head that just pops out of the ground and roars at you. the other was covered and concield.
Mecha Figment said:
When i rode Dinosaur the stand buy animatroic for the runner was up. it's the head that just pops out of the ground and roars at you. the other was covered and concield.
yea the dino could just be in rehab right now and the stand buy is up in place.


Original Poster
This is the runner himself, for he has half a body, and his legs are running in place. I have yet to see his stand-in, but perhaps thats a good thing. His head pops out of the ground and he roars at you? What, is he a gopher Carnosaur now?:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I hope they get it working again. There's a lot more visitors in AK now thanks to Everest and they should experience Dinosaur the way it should be. Dinosaur and Tower of Terror are my 2 favorite rides in WDW.


New Member
I have a question about Dinosaur.

At the end...is it just my imagination or did it once have a very large head come at you out of the mist instead of the 1/2 body?


Well-Known Member
d'Isigny said:
I have a question about Dinosaur.

At the end...is it just my imagination or did it once have a very large head come at you out of the mist instead of the 1/2 body?
That is still the ending.


Active Member
where's the best on-ride video for CTX or Dinosaur?
generally i'm screaming so much that i miss out on half the details, i'd like to watch on my computer

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