Has anyone seen the new "I'm going to Disney World" Commercial?


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Since the NFL and Fox aren't going to have the annual, "Hey, (insert winning team member name here), you've just won the Super Bowl, what are you gonna do next? commercial, I see where WDW has come up with a new commercial, which is very cute. Has anyone seen it yet? It's been on for a couple of days here already.


saw it a few minutes ago

- Young boy laying or sleeping on a bed with When you wish upon a star playing
- Boy is playing in a peewee football game, not paying that much attention
- The ball is fumbled and the boy somehow ends up with it
- Runs it in for a touch down
- The line - you just won the big game, now what are you going to DisneyWorld



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i felt like given the fact that Disney has been asked not to participate this year, that this was a cute preemtive strike, if you will. Was just watching NFL Films earlier and Steve Sabin (think that's how he spells it), was mentioning that when Disney first approached the NFL with this, the year that the Giants and Denver played, they went to Phil Simms and John Elway. Word has it that Disney "assumed" that the quarterback of one of the teams would be the MVP. Anyway, the night before a teammate of Phil Simms heard him in his hotel room, practicing the tag line for after the game. I thought that bit of trivia was funny too.

The good thing is that Disney/ABC has said they hope to be asked back for next years Super Bowl.


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
i felt like given the fact that Disney has been asked not to participate this year, that this was a cute preemtive strike, if you will. Was just watching NFL Films earlier and Steve Sabin (think that's how he spells it), was mentioning that when Disney first approached the NFL with this, the year that the Giants and Denver played, they went to Phil Simms and John Elway. Word has it that Disney "assumed" that the quarterback of one of the teams would be the MVP. Anyway, the night before a teammate of Phil Simms heard him in his hotel room, practicing the tag line for after the game. I thought that bit of trivia was funny too.

The good thing is that Disney/ABC has said they hope to be asked back for next years Super Bowl.
Are you sure Disney was asked not to participate. All of the articles said Disney decided not to do the commercial this year, in favor of other ads such as for the 50th. Everything in print has said this was Disney's decision. With ad costs around two and half million, I doubt fox would care who was paying. All of the articles also said that ABC has the game next year. Therefore Disney shouldn't have to worry about being "asked back."


New Member
They Are Not Doing It This Year, It Was In The Usa Today Last Week. First Time In 19 Years, They Might Do It Again Next Year Since It Wont Be On Fox


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Peter, I am sure you are correct on this. Just trying to recall some of this from memory last week, when I had read some news on the subject. Thanks for the correction.



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They also did the ticket give-away and commercial at the college "national championship". I figure it was a combination of doing that commercial and Fox having the game. There is also the "parent groups" that are ready to jump on any company that has anything to do with the game if something goes wrong, ie Janet Jackson.


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I thought the ticket give-away at the National Championship Game was good for business, and was very generous of Disney. The Wife and I were thinking, and wishing we had been at the game.


Naturally Grumpy
Disney made a business decision NOT to do the commercial. With the cost of a super bowl ad, they figured they could get a bigger bang for their buck elsewhere. Fox or any other station would not turn down or ask someone not to participate that is willing to pay the fee.


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Agreed. As I stated earlier, I was mistaken in my comments regarding the circumstances surrounding their not doing the commercial. I apologize again for the error in my statement. But, it is interesting that they chose not to do this, since they do seem to get some bang for their buck with that ad. I would think that millions of people all over the country know of this post-game ad. I certainly can understand Disney wanting to put their advertising dollar to work elsewhere though. Like I always say, it's a business.


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Agreed. As I stated earlier, I was mistaken in my comments regarding the circumstances surrounding their not doing the commercial. I apologize again for the error in my statement. But, it is interesting that they chose not to do this, since they do seem to get some bang for their buck with that ad. I would think that millions of people all over the country know of this post-game ad. I certainly can understand Disney wanting to put their advertising dollar to work elsewhere though. Like I always say, it's a business.
Don't forget, Disney said they would not be using "that" commercial for the super bowl this year. However, they never said they wouldn't have a commerical during or after the game. Just not that one. I believe they said they wanted to focus on the 50th and the MYW program.


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Yeah, I can certainly understand their feeling like the ad dollars could be better spent. And with the promotions they are currently running, it's a good idea on their part.

I hope they return next year though.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, but I think there might be a little more than Disney simply deciding all of the sudden to stop a long tradition because they wanted to concentrate their $$ on 50th commercials. That may very well be true, but I remember back when Disney said Star Wars Weekends wouldn't be held the year Episode II came out because they "wanted to concentrate on the 100 years of magic promotion". It seemed there was more to that story as well involving George Lucas and wanting to hold his own major Star Wars event for the opening of Episode II or something to that effect.

With ABC/ESPN/Disney currently in tough negotiations with the NFL to keep Sunday Night and Monday Night football on the networks, despite MNF losing millions each year from their current contract and the NFL demanding price increases for a new one, there might be a little more behind this decision to not do the commercial this year....

The fact that they seemed to create a new "What are you going to do next?" type commercial on their own might mean something as well....


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I'm not sure about that. I wonder if Disney actually paid the same 30 second rates that everyone else did for this post-game perk. This year it's 2.5 Mill, which isn't small. But when you consider the money put into a new ride, upwards of 100 Mill sometimes, that seems pretty small to me. It could have been something with Fox having the broadcast, or just the whole NFL thing. Who really knows, except for those in charge.


Well-Known Member
They will get more exposure during commercials that happen earlier in the game. Generally Super Bowls arent competitive to the end and viewership drops off. By having the commercials early they will definetly get more viewers.


Active Member
CTXRover said:
Does anyone even know if Disney is airing any type of 50th commerical during the superbowl at all?

I would imagine that they would at least use the "Coming Home" commerical that premiered during the Rose Parade.... :veryconfu


Premium Member
I was thinking about the same thing. While they will not do a WDW commercial, I didn't see anything saying there was not going to be a Disneyland commercial. It is the 50th anniversary, and it seems odd not to at least advertise that. But again, it's Disney's decision.


Well-Known Member
maxime29 said:
I was thinking about the same thing. While they will not do a WDW commercial, I didn't see anything saying there was not going to be a Disneyland commercial. It is the 50th anniversary, and it seems odd not to at least advertise that. But again, it's Disney's decision.
Well, they also didn't say their wouldn't be a WDW commercial. Only that the wouldn't do the "I'm going to Disney World" commercials. They specificaly said they would focus on the MYW program and the 50th. MYW is entirely WDW, and the 50th is is being advertised with all Disney parks world wide. Also their is an interesting new video clip on the bottom right corner of the official 50th site here.


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