In the past I might expect a few Disney themed toys, or costumes around Halloween in your normal Targets and Walmarts... but recently it seem I see not just toys but lots and lots of clothes and other things in not just Walmarts but Dollar Generals. Hell I even see Mickey Mouse ice cream on a stick like you would find in the parks in my Walmarts... It brings back memories of Izod back in the 80's when some fool in their company thought if they could sell them in k-marts that they would make even more money than their original plan of only selling in higher end department stores.... I can't help but wonder what this is going to do to the sales of Disney merch in the parks... Sure some of the stuff will still be different, but when you can buy a box of Mickey Ice cream bars in a Walmart for the price of one in the park... Surely some people are going to notice and say, no thanks to most everything in the parks.