Has anyone had a medical emergency on their trip?


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Original Poster
We unfortunately had our first hospital visit during our stay at WDW during Christmas. Five minutes after getting into our room at the Polynesian on Christmas Eve, our 5 yr old daughter slammed our 2 yr old son's middle finger in the bathroom door and pretty much cut off the end tip of the finger. The Polynesian staff was pretty quick to respond to our emergency call and the paramedics showed up pretty quickly to wrap the injury and take myself and our son in the ambulance to the new children's hospital in Orlando. Unfortunately, the taxi service that the Polynesian uses to take my wife and daughter to the hospital took her to the wrong one and then left her there. That hospital was kind and paid for her trip to the correct hospital, though. The Polynesian took care of the taxi fare for everything else. They were able to re-attach the finger tip and he is expected to make a full recovery. Unfortunately we missed our Candlelight Processional that night with Gary Sinise.:( Overall, the Disney and Reedy Creek staff were very responsive and we were able to enjoy the rest of our stay. Has anyone else had the unfortunate luck of having a medical emergency during their stay?


Well-Known Member
Nothing quite as bad as that, but my daughter got sick at Boma once and they took her and my wife to an Urgent Care center in a private van, and waited for them. Then brought them back to property and to our hotel room at Pop.The rest of us had to catch the bus back, but my wife says they took very good care of them both.

Glad to hear they took good care of you guys, sorry about your son's incident and hope he's okay.

Jillie Fish

Active Member
oh no poor baby! I'm glad to hear that they took care of you guys so well at least!

Luckily I've never had a true emergency, but I did cut my foot open once on my flip flop.... o_O and easily obtained a band-aid from a cast member without a problem.


Well-Known Member
Wow what a terrible experience but it sounds like WDW did what they could to minimize the trauma of it. Glad everything will be OK.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Not an emergency, but on Disney Trip #4 (1997 edition - read all about it) my brother got too much swimming pool water in his eyes and made them sting something bad. He put up with it as long as he could, but when we got to EPCOT in the evening he could no longer take it. So we went to the first aid centre which was located in the "
building between Test Track and Mexico with all the bridges going to it". He was given medication and was OK afterwards.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I caught Bells Palsy if that counts, Dr reassured me I hadnt had a stroke, which was nice considering I hadnt thought I had either not having any of the major signs. I guess thats what you get when you pay for health care.


Well-Known Member
They said on the news one day how many emergency calls Disney gets each year. Over tens of thousands. Most of them were not life-threatening, but even that number was higher than I'd have guessed.

So, yes. A LOT of people have had emergencies (big and small) at WDW.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the emergencies and injuries. The finger injury sounded painful!

We've used the park's first aid stations a few times. The most notable time was when we were waiting for Studios to open. Dd had something in her eye. I told her not to rub it, and we tried to flush it out with a water bottle no luck. Dd was crying, and even that didn't help. We were close enough to the turnstiles that I was able to ask a cast member if we could get to first aid now rather than waiting another 20 minutes or so for the gates to open. We were immediately escorted to first aid, which at Studios is close to the park entrance. It turned out that dd had an eyelash curved inward and stuck in her eye in an odd way. It was scary--the nurse tried rinsing for a long time and eventually plucked it. Dd had to hold very still, not easy when scared. The nurse was excellent and gave us eye drops to use later in the day in case dd's eye was irritated.


Well-Known Member
On our trip in '06 DD came down with pink eye. Not really any sort of emergency but it hit her while we were at breakfast in CRT...that was a huge bummer. She must have been feeling it but ignored it since it was her first trip to Disney. Her fever spiked just then and we ended up at the clinic that morning. A day of bed rest and we were back at it though!


Well-Known Member
So sorry to hear about your son. Glad to hear he's going to make a full recovery.

I'm a "newbie" poster (but have enjoyed reading everyone else's posts for quite some time!), but wanted to share our experience with an emergency we dealt with on the last night of our very first trip in '06 with our DD3 at the time. We were staying at the CBR and waiting outside near Banana Cabana waiting for a reservation at Shutters when DD decided to swing on two chairs (you know - had her arms; one on each chair, lift her legs up and swing like a little monkey!) and one of the chairs gives out underneath her and she fell chin first into the concrete. She was bleeding quite hard from her chin and we felt she would definitely need stitches. We ran into the bathroom to try to stop the bleeding and the lady from the DVC desk came rushing in with ice and stickers for DD (very sweet). We were able to get the bleeding to slow down long enough to get back to our room and call emergency services to have someone come out to see if we should take her to the hospital for stitches. Within minutes, there were two EMT's at our room checking her chin; they felt the cut wasn't deep enough for stitches so they bandaged her up really well. So with a little Motrin, the bandages and a new "stuffie" from the CBR Gift Shop, she was all better. But every person that helped us out that night was superb. We were expecting an additional charge on the bill for them to come to our room, but there was no charge for dispatching the EMT's to our room. Not the best way to end a great week, but it helps when you have such caring people around you.


Well-Known Member
12 days into our 2 weeks there my son woke up with a fever. My wife called the front desk who has a nurse on staff who brought a disposible thermometer. 102 degrees so CSR bussed my wife and kids to Urgent care (I had woken up early to hit Epcot and Test track and they were to sleep in and meet me later in the morning). After seeing the doctor there CSR bussed them back to the resort. for prescriptions we were on our own. They do have a prescription delivery service but the delivery is not free or covered by our insurace. But I would say CSR went above and beyond when my son fell ill being diagnosed with the flu. Glad it was at the end of our trip and not the beginning. Either way he's back to his self again.


Well-Known Member
Nothing more than a blister or annoying headache from the heat. Thankfully all our vacations to the world have been uneventful ones. My wife has medical issues so her doctor calls a colleague of his who is nearby to inform him that shes going and he might need to see her. We're grateful weve never had to. Hope your child forgives his sister and he is young enough to not remember the pain after a while, but what a story he will have to tell in the future.


Oh, poor thing! :( I'm glad to hear that he made a full recovery. Disney did a great job with the quick response.

I didn't have a medical emergency, but when I was last at Disney (2009), I had massive pain in my right foot when we had just arrived at Animal Kingdom, which was our first day. We went to first aid immediately and they had to wrap my foot for support and gave me some medication for pain. Unfortunately, I had to take the medicine everyday to make it bearable to walk, along with keeping my foot wrapped up. :( It was able to heal up after we got home, thank goodness.


Well-Known Member
I am glad that everything worked out in the end. Only bad thing so far is having to take my son to the Clinic for a double ear and sinus infection on the first morning of our trip. We were up the whole night with the poor kid.


Well-Known Member
I caught Bells Palsy if that counts, Dr reassured me I hadnt had a stroke, which was nice considering I hadnt thought I had either not having any of the major signs. I guess thats what you get when you pay for health care.

Bells Palsy was named after a Scotsman. Are you sure that this wasn't some sort of subconscious patriotic loyalty?


During my family trip in 2009, on our first day my younger brother had to go to the Urgent Care because of strep throat. I was also feeling really sick for the same reasons but wasn't about to leave the park to go to the doctor so my when my brother's doctor heard he not only wrote a prescription for my brother but for me as well. I always thought that was so nice of him and the medicine did drastically improve my vacation

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