Has anybody read the book "Cast Member Confidential"?


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So I was browsing around on Amazon about a month ago and I came across this book called Cast Member Confidential. Supposedly a tell-all book of hijinks and assorted stories about being a Disney CM on-stage and off written by a guy who did the CP. I'm a former CM myself, not for very long about 6-7 months but naturally I was intrigued when I saw this book. I myself found the experience of being a CM something I'll never forget to this day, good time and bad. Before I decided to possibly buy it, I looked at the many reviews on Amazon and found mostly negative and very few positive reviews and I decided I didn't want to take the chance if it's that bad but I couldn't help but be a little interested still. So have any of you on here read it? I'm looking for mostly former CM opinions. Is it worth a read at least? I was thinking I may just go find it in the book store and sneak a read of a few pages there.



Frank Rizzo

Hi I do not know about the book Cast Member Confidential, but I did just buy a book on Amazon that is just like it. It is called stories from a themepark insider and I absolutely loved it. He shares many stories about his Time workin at the Magic Kingdom, mostly at Tom Sawyers Island. I would definitely recommend you try this one as it matches the type of book you were interested in. Here's the amazon link http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/09838...ile?redirect=true&ref_=oh_details_o03_s00_i00


Well-Known Member
I started to read it, got to page 65 and lost interest. It's been a while since I looked at it but it started to get into lives of cast memebers away from work and not stories about WDW and I didn't really care about where their apartment was or what parties they went to and the people at the parties. Maybe I'll go back to it when I need something else to read.


Well-Known Member
It's not incredibly well written but a fairly fun read overall. It's more adult themed and I think I blew through it in a couple of days. Mousetrapped and Stories from a Theme Park insider are decent reads as well. The latter is a pretty short read.


Well-Known Member
I have this, Dark Side of Disney and the Mouse Tales/Realityland books. Only Mouse Tales is worth reading and even then a Disney fanatic will know all that stuff anyway.


New Member
I own this book. I'm a Cast Member and found the book somewhat irritating. From what I read, the CM was a contractor, not an actual contractor, otherwise I don't think they could have gotten away with the book. IMO, the CM that wrote it didn't respect Disney and what it means to be a part of it. I think they did have a true love for Disney and, don't get me wrong, I know a lot of the stuff he talks about happens, but the book rubbed me the wrong way. My sister owns it as well, didn't know that I had already read it and told me about it saying it would irritate me lol. I don't regret buying it as I buy most books written about Disney, but don't expect to be impressed.

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