I rode Mansion Holiday twice this morning, and Leota is indeed floating inside a giant, old-fashioned Christmas tree ornament. There are smaller colored ornaments floating around behind her. A few of the floating decorations are glowing pumpkin heads It's a very dramatic scene now, and it looks FANTASTIC!
Imagine these types of old-fashioned decorations floating and bobbing around the seance circle, with Leota in the biggest decoration in the middle of the room.
The new digital projections in several places throughout the ride look great, the audio is perfect, and the lighting is very well done. The exterior is beautifully decorated again this year, and there are new purple and black bows all over that I don't remember from previous years. Jack Skellington and Sally were also out doing meet n' greets in the fountain plaza near the Mansion today, and they also were fantastic. By the time I left around 2PM the lines for HMH were 50 minutes long, and Fastpass was pushed out past 6PM. A very popular ride on an otherwise mellow day at Disneyland!
Overall I don't think I've seen Haunted Mansion Holiday look better!
I'm going to save Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy for a time when I can be there at night, as I love watching the digital projections on the dome after dark.