Legacy said:
I'm curious...
To those of you who are scaracters this year, how much were the individual characters of the house emphasized? Did managment make them an important part of the event, or was the scare itself the important part?
As far as Terror Mines goes, we didn't get much emphasis on our character... I mean we did a short character exercise on the first night where they explained how the dwellers were to react to the light... we were told to act like cockroaches and once the light hits us to dissappear from it... but other than that there wasn't much emphasis... we acted out our characters for like 2 minutes as a group to get in the mood and then they put us in the house... from there we were shown spots and different ways to scare, but after that we were left on our own... everynow and then the performance captains would run through saying "Good Job!" and such... or "Keep up the energy!" but nothing more about characters... as for a background, we were told that we were in battle with the orcs and not to act friendly to them whenever the two of us were in guest view... and also that we live in the mines and don't want anybody in there and to 'attack' the guests to get them out of there...
But Terror Mines isn't really a character driven house where as something like Body Collectors or even Blood Ruins is... in Terror Mines there are really only two 'characters' ... the Dwellers (alien looking guys) and the Orcs (Lord of the Rings guys) ... we have different names, but we all do the same thing... the name really just pertains to our location in the house... but like in Body Collectors they have different characters and like heirarchy and everything... so somebody from there may have gotten more character direction... they really leave the characters up to us to create... I also do other events like MACY's Holiday Parade and all and during that we are assigned a character but they leave it up to us to develop a backstory and all for the character... coming from a performer stand-point I really enjoy the ability of creating my own character but from a guest stand-point, they may enjoy the Disney method of nitpicking and writing down everything the character will say and how they act, anywhere from their smile, to their poses, to the way they wave...
Personally I think the first weekend is more of 'test audience', sort of like how movies are screened and based on the audience polls from that screening it determines what needs to stay in the film and what needs to go, and how it can be fixed for the national premiere... most of the changes are subtle at HHN but they do make the event more enjoyable... I feel your pain for paying full ticket price for getting a test event... I think the first weekend should either be discounted or that we should do more rehearsals... such as adding an aditional AP Preview... that'd really help...
As for Howl-O-Scream... they have the same problems... the event grows as the run continues and stuff is added and fixed... HoS isn't as popular as HHN yet and the Busch Gardens park is larger so the lines don't nearly get as long but I have waited for 45min-Hour for a house and that was during the Preview... so they have the same problems HHN does... but their actors may be more in tune with the scares because they're working the same houses over and over year after year and it's the same situation/scare they did the previous year...
And one final thing... I don't think HHN would be as popular as it is if it wasn't a good event... it's clearly the most popular annual haunt event in the South East and maybe on the East Coast for that matter... Actually, according to
Amusement Today, Halloween Horror Nights (24%) is the second best Halloween Haunt event, only second to Knott's (25%)... and Busch Garden's Howl-O-Scream which had an ad campaign stating how it was the "#1 Haunt" according to a magazine, which were the same people that just happen to design their houses, wasn't even in the top 5... so that's gotta say something for the event...
I hope that you'all give it another chance later in the run... but don't go on a Friday or a Saturday (or the 13th) because those are the worst days to ever try to enjoy this event... and having an express pass wouldn't hurt...