@LAKid53 Four times around deck four is a mile on the Dream. I usually do the Castaway Cay 5k when we are on the island. I'm good for a 5k any day of the week, but as you can see, I'm more of a cyclist.
We will be on the Fantasy, so I will assume each lap is also a quarter mile. I've got a 4 mile run with a Magic Mile that Saturday, so I'll probably use the treadmill since I've got that pacing mile.
I've done the Castaway Cay 5k also. That part of the course running through the hedges is a killer, heat wise. I stopped at every water dispenser to dump several cups of cold water over my head. I'll run that race again if I ever take a cruise in December or January.
Cycling's a great workout - it's really improved my leg strength (along with squats). If only I could run at the pace I can cycle....