Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT! Reviews, Photos, Info


Well-Known Member
How feasible would it be for them to put this same system in the Paris or Tokyo towers? Could they put the same system in one of those, but change it to be based on the elevator scenes in the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer and/or Captain America: The Winter Soldier?
Well Paris is a literal carbon copy. (Technically it was designed for Paris first but I digress). So yea they could the same to the Paris version and I wouldn't even be upset. Leave Orlando alone

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I accept it, just wish they would have had the car move forward out of the drop shaft right up to the elevator doors and had the unload area look eerily similar to the Boiler Room. Or even blackness with stars until the elevator doors light up and we move directly toward them. Seeing the screen with the silent projection swirling and then having the car move about in bright lighting reminds me of the end of Midway Mania.
Well, there is a thematic reason for ending in a different area of the hotel. The incident happened in the guest elevators. You board the service elevator, and in the 5th dimension scene your elevator gets transported, both thematically and literally, to the guest elevator shaft to repeat the incident.


Well-Known Member
Well from what insiders say, it isn't. Guess you'll have to suffer through the campy style of it for a while longer ;)
Depends on which week you ask the insiders. I've heard rumblings about it, and should DCA's prove successful, those rumblings will only rise. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm hoping for Guardians Tower to open in Orlando in the next few years.


Premium Member
The unload in Florida felt like the end of a theme park ride. The car swivels around, the wall closes, and the ride vehicle pulls up to the unload area. Its not like the ride ended as it began. At the end, its very clear you are in a theme park ride vehicle moving between scenes.

More like.. OMG wt h is this thing doing NOW?? We're taking 20 years of familiarity now and knocking the ride because you know what is going on.. where as new riders really are still in this haunted box they thought was an elevator type device, but now has befuddled them multiple times.

Meanwhile DCA's feels like walking through the basement of a government building.


Well-Known Member
Well, there is a thematic reason for ending in a different area of the hotel. The incident happened in the guest elevators. You board the service elevator, and in the 5th dimension scene your elevator gets transported, both thematically and literally, to the guest elevator shaft to repeat the incident.

But the doors are for service elevators and you're clearly in a service area with the crates and whatnot. And the guest elevators wouldn't generally unload around the corner from the shaft. The ending has always been a bit muddy.


Well-Known Member
More like.. OMG wt h is this thing doing NOW?? We're taking 20 years of familiarity now and knocking the ride because you know what is going on.. where as new riders really are still in this haunted box they thought was an elevator type device, but now has befuddled them multiple times.

Meanwhile DCA's feels like walking through the basement of a government building.

Yeah, the DCA queue/exit is weaker, we've established that. As for familiarity breeding contempt, I recently went with a lot of first timers so I don't know about that. The ending is functional, not artistic. It gets us out of the shaft and to the unload. I wish it was more of a scene and hopefully when it goes to Guardians, they can add an AA there to give us a good final moment before unload.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Depends on which week you ask the insiders. I've heard rumblings about it,

Ever since Chapek said GotG isn't going to Orlando's ToT, our insiders here have been consistent, week after week, month after month that there is no plan for any changes to DHS's ToT (even the one who doesn't trust Chapek to remain true to his word, and was the original breaker of the possibility of GotG going to Anaheim and/or Orlando hasn't heard anything new).

So, what is the source of your rumblings?


Well-Known Member
The park needs more attractions, not a reskin of one of WDI's most successful projects.

The park needs a focus, and it seems that focus is becoming IP inspired lands with Star Wars Land, Toy Story Land, and Muppets Courtyard. A Super Hero Land fits the new park very well.


Well-Known Member
Ever since Chapek said GotG isn't going to Orlando's ToT, our insiders here have been consistent, week after week, month after month that there is no plan for any changes to DHS's ToT (even the one who doesn't trust Chapek to remain true to his word, and was the original breaker of the possibility of GotG going to Anaheim and/or Orlando hasn't heard anything new).

So, what is the source of your rumblings?

Folks who work in Imagineering and were around when Guardians Tower was just a "Huh, I have a crazy idea...What if..."

Ismael Flores

Well-Known Member
No, it was cut because this design was far cheaper to build. The DCA version's differences may have ended up having some nice positives and appealed to you more overall, but you're fooling yourself if you think they built a smaller version for any reason other than to get it done quicker and cheaper.
I used to Carpool with one of the WDI that was part of the group that worked on the tower, according to him the forward 5th dimension movement was not removed because of budget constraints. It was removed because they never liked the outcome and the idea worked better on paper. They had too many technical issues and had to modify the original idea quite a bit to make it functionally work.

The room was suppose to make the guests feel like they were floating thru an endless room but all the mirrors and props caused several issues with the ride system. They also didn't care for the rough movement of the elevator as it moved along the floor, it supposedly made the effect feel dead on arrival. during test and adjust of the ride system they had to go back to the drawing board and at the end they decided on adding dimly lit props hoping that the forward movement alone would be a surprise to most guests used to just going up and down on an elevator shaft. During the design element for the Paris version they tried to solve the issue but decided that they would still not get the desired effect and therefore removed it. It also solved the technical issues that plagued the Orlando version.

even When The Oriental land company toured both WDW and Disneyland WDI gave them proposal ideas for both ride systems. The OLC didn't care for the WDW feeling it was pointless and slowed down the storyline


Well-Known Member
Except for the pesky Universal/Marvel contract...

Doesn't inhibit Guardians. Nor Big Hero 6, The Incredibles, Doctor Strange and many Super Hero IPs. Disney just has to steal Universal's thunder and then they believe they can force Universal to the negotiation table.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
It also solved the technical issues that plagued the Orlando version.
And those technical problems never fully went away. Something most people may not be aware of is that Tower of Terror is one of the least reliable rides at WDW. You just don't notice because it has two independent sides, so if one side goes down, the other can keep loading guests.


Well-Known Member
Having the ability to regularly update attractions is a good thing IMO. I also think you may be overstating the reliance on screens in MB and other new attractions. What I see trending, at least at Disney Parks, is the use of mutiple mediums to tell a story, and that includes screens, sound effects, AA figures, practical effects, scents, projections, synchronized vehicle motion, and thematic props. Mission Breakout, Flight of Passage, Mystic Manor, and SDL's Pirates are recent examples of how Disney is combing a range of techniques on different scales.

Being able to regularly update attractions can be a good thing as long as that doesn't mean an over reliance on screens as the main story telling device. Screens can be a good thing like you mentioned with SDLs pirates. It all comes down to execution. I don't think that currently there is an overreliance but i fear it may be the formula moving forward. I have no problem with they way are used in SDLs pirates where they are blended in seamlessly with sets. In GOTG they are the focal point and in doing so they downgraded the show scenes from realistic looking 3D Environments to 2D environments.

I would have no problems (although I would be confused why they chose a drop ride) with GOTG:MB the ride (ugly exterior aside) if it was a brand new ride. To me it's just a downgrade from TOT in many ways.
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Active Member
The park needs a focus, and it seems that focus is becoming IP inspired lands with Star Wars Land, Toy Story Land, and Muppets Courtyard. A Super Hero Land fits the new park very well.
Changing the WDW tower to having something to do with Dr. Strange could create a ride with a more similar tone to the current WDW tower than something like Mission Breakout. The ride could feature some of the quasi-kaleidoscopic visual perspective changes that are shown in the Dr. Strange movie during the time when the elevator moves horizontally.

This could allow for the Rockin Rollercoaster area to maintain or improve the degree of a connection of some sort with the Tower because the rollercoaster could also be change to a Dr. Strange ride. It could be based on the scene in the movie where Dr. Strange goes through various dimensions.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
They did? Is that recent?

It's been in development hell for the last four years. I don't think we will ever see it.

Again don't count it out. James Franco has signed on the last I heard. Plus the Broadway show Wicked is getting a movie with a release date of Dec 20, 2019. That was in "development hell" for years, but worked its way through. So Oz and its world of characters is popular and will likely continue to be. I'd expect to see the sequel in 2020/2021.

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