Well-Known Member
And an older generation reactor style...
But Back to the Green buses... We have covered this in other threads.... Electric fleet would be "greener" on property but unless it was generated by solar, you are just moving the combustion elsewhere.
Just a random question/thought but electric vehicles are much more efficient vs internal combustion.
So with that in mind even if the power is still coming from fossil fuels to power the battery it would still take less energy to go the same distance and in that case would be better...
That being said I think natural gas is a likely move for Disney's buses until renewable energy is cheaper.
Edit: Sorry not less energy, less of the same fuel, if we use natural gas to create electricity it would most likely take less of it to power your car than the internal combustion engine does, I hate to say it but I think this stretch of human history where we rely on internal combustion of everything is nearing it's end, it has taken us as far as we can go most likely....
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