"Greening" The Disney Fleet


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have wondered at times if Disney would ever consider going "green" with their huge fleet of buses. The idea of electric or fuel cell vehicles in the general public is problematic as we don't have the infrastructure across North America to make it practical. Disney however is self contained and might be the perfect testing ground for alternate fuel mass transportation.

I suppose from a "bottom line" perspective it might not make sense but I wonder under different leadership if this might be considered. Just a thought.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Eh. Disney is extremely green in so many other areas, I don't see the huge need for the buses to be more environmentally friendly. It would be nice for them to one day turn to a more efficient way of running their buses, but that's not really their main concern, you know? I'm not sure how it would affect the transportation around the property, if at all. Interesting thought, though.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Definitely this would an experimental project that would basically be an example of very forward thinking. I suppose it could provide an example for major cities in North America that it can be done.

I understand that from a business perspective it might be a hard sell. In many ways so are monorails...but they did that. They did it because it was unique and lined up with Walt's vision for WDW. I guess electric buses aren't as flashy as monorails but it would be nice when I am in my cabin in FW not to hear the diesel engines rumbling by!


One Little Spark...
The monorail is "green"...in terms of propulsion.

But, it's still not.

Green, from a broader viewpoint, is so hard to pin down. All forms of technology have their "dirty" side. Even solar.

I do believe Disney has a few natural gas busses (don't quote me on that).

It's not all bottom line economics. It's also reliability, maintainability and efficiency.


Well-Known Member
I have wondered at times if Disney would ever consider going "green" with their huge fleet of buses. The idea of electric or fuel cell vehicles in the general public is problematic as we don't have the infrastructure across North America to make it practical. Disney however is self contained and might be the perfect testing ground for alternate fuel mass transportation.

I suppose from a "bottom line" perspective it might not make sense but I wonder under different leadership if this might be considered. Just a thought.

Any thoughts?

They've done some tests. They've tried bio-diesel a few times.

You have 300+ buses. Unless someone is going to straight up give them alternative fuel, electric, or fuel cell buses, I believe Disney will continue to do the most cost effective method possible.


One Little Spark...
They've done some tests. They've tried bio-diesel a few times.

You have 300+ buses. Unless someone is going to straight up give them alternative fuel, electric, or fuel cell buses, I believe Disney will continue to do the most cost effective method possible.
Or allow Disney to build that Nuclear Plant that Walt originally planned. :p

But...Nukes ain't Green according to Greenpeace.


Well-Known Member
In modern reactors the risks are grossly overstated. It's the "greenest" tech we have, frankly.

But, that's for another discussion.

Rather I should say, the political repercussions far outweigh any potential benefits to TWDC. Not to mention the actual costs. Its some expensive stuff.

Another convo for another time.


Provocateur, Rancanteur, Plaisanter, du Jour
Between the political, environmental and actually operating costs.... sure isn't worth it whatsoever.

As for Fukushima? Thats more a result of horrible and inept crisis management than anything else.

And an older generation reactor style...

But Back to the Green buses... We have covered this in other threads.... Electric fleet would be "greener" on property but unless it was generated by solar, you are just moving the combustion elsewhere.



One Little Spark...
And an older generation reactor style...

But Back to the Green buses... We have covered this in other threads.... Electric fleet would be "greener" on property but unless it was generated by solar, you are just moving the combustion elsewhere.

Ding ding. The vast majority is from Coal plants, which granted, with scrubbers, offer significantly less pollution than they used to (to the air, that pollution and radiation...yes, they generate radiation) has to be disposed of and cleaned in a different manner.

And that doesn't even get into Lithium mining and other chemicals required for the batteries to be produced.

Electric vehicles are sold as green by and to those who don't understand what goes into the manufacture of them. I mean, note...your CEL PHONE has so many toxic chemicals in it's production (namely the battery) that they ask you not to throw it away, rather to "recycle it" because it can leak in landfills and potentially damage groundwater with enough concentration.

What do you think about a car with enough batteries to power it? Or a bus?

That said, I still support them. But, we have a lot of growing up to do as a society about the realities of the "environment" before a mature discussion may be had.


Provocateur, Rancanteur, Plaisanter, du Jour
Is that as bad as the concerns over a tsunami hitting the new and existing reactors at Plant Vogtle?

Yikes... California has San Onefre reactors sitting right on the cliff edge...but I believe they are decommissioned... Again they are older tech...



Well-Known Member
And an older generation reactor style...

But Back to the Green buses... We have covered this in other threads.... Electric fleet would be "greener" on property but unless it was generated by solar, you are just moving the combustion elsewhere.


I think the best thing Disney will ever get is bio-diesel, assuming they can get it that cost effective. Based on how much diesel fuel Disney uses (300+ buses), unless they can get a local refinery near Tampa (or closer), I dont see that happening. IMO.


One Little Spark...
Is that as bad as the concerns over a tsunami hitting the new and existing reactors at Plant Vogtle?
I doubt a Tsunami would hit Vogtle. It's pretty darned for inland (like...the whole state of SC), and a storm surge would have to travel pretty far up the Savannah River to get to it.

That said, it is built only a few miles from an active fault line (an active fault line runs through downtown Augusta).


Well-Known Member
Yikes... California has San Onefre reactors sitting right on the cliff edge...but I believe they are decommissioned... Again they are older tech...

Plant Vogtle is well over 100 miles from the ocean, but following Fukushima there were concerns about a tsunami hitting it.

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