Great trip BUT.....


New Member
Original Poster
I live in the UK and I've just returned from my 3rd trip to WDW (others were in 2000 and 2005). As expected, the whole family had a great trip and we enjoyed it immensely. However, there were some worrying trends - namely a significantly higher number of examples of bad manners by guests AND cast members than previous years, and some surprisingly poor standards of cleanliness at Downtown Disney. In the interests of brevity I'll just briefly describe 1 example of each, though I could describe quite a lot more. Guest bad manners: in Philharmagic, one family stubbornly sat down in the middle of a row and refused to move along to the end as requested by cast members. We had to scramble past them to the end of the row. When my wife asked them if they realised they were acting selfishly they just said "Yeah, so what?". CM bad manners: a supervisor on the Kali Rapids was extremely rude to people getting on the boats, barking instructions to them and clearly upsetting young children. His manner was definitely not "humourous" or tongue-in-cheek, and I felt that he fell short of what Walt Disney would have required. Poor cleanliness at Downtown Disney: I went in the rest rooms near the marketplace entrance and they were absolutely disgusting. They were dirty and smelly, and there was a lot of water on the floor. A nearby Disney employee just shrugged his shoulders at me when I reported it.
Have other people, maybe those of you who visit more frequently, noticed a deterioration over the last few years? Or perhaps I was just unlucky this year?


Well-Known Member
I can relate! on our previous trip (may06) I found many people to be rude in the theater style attractions, such as stiches great escape and philmarmagic people would sit in the middle of the rows and you would have to step over them and they would leave a empty seat between them and the next family so when we get all the way down there wasnt enough room for our group. Also i did come across some rude cm's. One was on space mtn, he was barking orders as well. There were two of us waiting to go on and a man and child infront of us (they were about to board and we were next). The cast member was screaming at us to get in to the car even though we were not next, im not sure why the man and child were waiting there maybe a baby swap but i dont see how that would work considering it dosnt end where it starts. I just didnt want to but infront of other people but i thought there could have been a better way of him asking us to go ahead rather then screaming "GO GO GO HURRY UP AND GET IN!!!" then shaking his head at us when we do get in. About the cleanleness, i always found disney to be very clean in every aspect. From the park grounds, bathrooms, garbages, and all hotels from value on up!
In defense of these cm's about barking orders. Unfortunatley we have to do that. At each attraction we strive to hit a certain number of riders per hour. We call it our OHRC. If we arent hitting that OHRC constantly we usually have managers on our back yelling at us to pick up the pace. You will see this yelling alot at attractions with Fastpass. They have to merge the fastpass line and the regular line. The faster that the people load and unload, the faster the line moves and the less complaints we get from people in the stand by line. When we are moving the station along quick also it will reduce guest wait time. This isnt great show but sometimes we have to do it. We dont do it all the time and most of us try to do it in a manner that doesnt upset guest.


Active Member
We ran into rude guest behavior at the Country Bear Jamboree . We were waiting in the gueue area the CM came out and stopped guests from comeing into the theater. The CM asked us to wait to see if there was anymore room...a man and his family who was waiting in the line behind us wait to an opposite door opened it and said to his family there is room lets go. I looked at the people over my sholder in stunned silence...I thought did that just happen ? What do I say?


New Member
In defense of these cm's about barking orders. Unfortunatley we have to do that. At each attraction we strive to hit a certain number of riders per hour. We call it our OHRC. If we arent hitting that OHRC constantly we usually have managers on our back yelling at us to pick up the pace. You will see this yelling alot at attractions with Fastpass. They have to merge the fastpass line and the regular line. The faster that the people load and unload, the faster the line moves and the less complaints we get from people in the stand by line. When we are moving the station along quick also it will reduce guest wait time. This isnt great show but sometimes we have to do it. We dont do it all the time and most of us try to do it in a manner that doesnt upset guest.

I'm all for moving rides along as fast and efficiently as possible...I certainly get the whole point of good operations management...but managers also need to be mindful of guest experiences...I personally would be put off by a cast member barking orders of my family...and I'm the sort of guest that would report that kind of treatment to a shift supervisor... I'm THAT guest...the one that makes sure management knows about a CM that goes "above and beyond" and also THAT guest that makes sure they know about service that falls way short.

I would be very upset that you CMs would have such pressure put upon you that management would prefer you bark orders at guests rather then treat them with the usual decorum. Especially on rides like Space Mountain or Kali River Rapids that can be QUITE intimidating to young, first time riders... I know last year my daughter was very anxious about riding Kali River Rapids the first time... I certainly didn't want to push her to go on the ride...but she was walking a thin line between whether she felt brave enough to do it... I'd have hated to have waited in line with her only to have her bail at the last minute because a CM frightened her right over the edge! (In the end she liked the ride... but she could have easily backed out at the last minute!)

Your managers should not expect you to be drill sargents while operating a ride... I get that some guests just go "tharn" when it's time to load a ride... that probably drives you a bit crazy when you've got quotas to meet...but you gotta do the best you can with what you've got. :)

Me? I'm always on the alert for someone looking for another single rider (we still have small children that require us to baby swap, so I am often riding alone these days) I'll help make up the difference in keeping the lines moving. :)

Overall, I find that Disney CMs are extremely courteous and helpful... I certainly WOULD have reported the CM that shrugged his/her shoulders about the bathroom conditions..

Back in the 70s when the parks opened, the bathrooms and streets were so clean I swear you could've eaten off them... Over the decades Disney has become much dirtier overall...but still heads and shoulders above any other place around.

As for the guest experiences... that happens... I find that you have to look at the numbers. Considering the huge numbers of people that Disney attracts, the overwhelming majority of guests are EXTREMELY well behaved. This is why the guests that DON'T behave stick out like sore thumbs. And yes, they really can ruin the magic... You've just gotta step over them and step around them, and pity them that they "don't get it." I try to excuse teenagers left to run loose and realize that they are in a very self-centered stage of their lives...hopefully they'll learn, eventually. I agree that it is more bothersome when whole families condone bad behavior... And people who keep their kids in the parks so long without a break that they are screaming and crying their frustration need to get a clue...they ruin it for the rest of us with kids who are allowed to be well rested and expected to behave...guests without kids tend to lump us all together... (I have a schedule that I try to stick to that requires a lot of extra work on my part--getting the kids up and ready and out the door EARLY in the morning--when they are anxious and rearing to go, but DH and I are still strying to get our eyes screwed back in--but we get more done and get OUT of the parks for a mid afternoon break before trying to tackle something else).

My biggest gripe is with smokers who don't observe park rules in regards to that particularly nasty habit. I don't want to be walking in a crowd behind someone s__________g on a cigarette... I don't need to be sharing in that...or worrying that I'm going to get a cigarette burn when trying to navigate a crowd. (That's happened more times than I'd like to count).

Okay...this got longer than I'd anticipated!!!

Disney still rocks... the positives outweigh the negatives by a titanic margin. :sohappy: And the CM's are better than any other employees anywhere!


If you write a letter to Disney they sometimes give you something free, like tickets to the parks. Not that you should write a letter to just to get free tickets, but if you had a bad experience, you should write a letter, and will probably get something in return for your efforts.:D


One was on space mtn, he was barking orders as well. There were two of us waiting to go on and a man and child infront of us (they were about to board and we were next). The cast member was screaming at us to get in to the car even though we were not next, im not sure why the man and child were waiting there maybe a baby swap but i dont see how that would work considering it dosnt end where it starts. I just didnt want to but infront of other people but i thought there could have been a better way of him asking us to go ahead rather then screaming "GO GO GO HURRY UP AND GET IN!!!" then shaking his head at us when we do get in. About the cleanleness, i always found disney to be very clean in every aspect. From the park grounds, bathrooms, garbages, and all hotels from value on up!

The only reason I can think of someone yelling at the guests to hurry up at Space Mountain is if the station was getting backed up with trains. A CM said that if more than four trains have to wait before the loading station, the ride will auto e-stop, which will take at least 15 minutes to reset, usually.

When I was at Disney at the end of July, I did not see too many grumpy CMs. I saw a lot of them socializing more.

There was only one that was grumpy. He was working the standby/FP/single rider merge point at Test Track. Evidentally, he hated single riders because he let one group go and then after 40 minutes we finally asked him why he had not sent our group to the preshow. He said "oh, thanks for reminding me." He let a large group go to the preshow and then did not start the video. After five minutes, everyone just gave up and pushed the exit doors open. A number of guests complained to the load CMs and said they were going to guest relations after the ride to file a formal complaint against him.

I too have always found Disney to be clean. If a bathroom is a mess, usually it is cleaned within a short period of time. If there is a large pile of trash next to a trash can that is full, it is usually emptied quickly.


New Member
This will be my 10th trip to WDW and I can say that only once have I very been "disappointed" by Disney. It was in Disney Quest. The childrens play area was HORRIBLE! Trash on the floor, half the games were broken, and the ones that did work didn't give any tickets. (My 4 year old was in tears)

Other than that one time everything has been great.

There will always be visiters that are going to be rude or what have you. But I am guilty of expecting the CM's to be "perfect" Even though I know that these are the same people that could be making the same amount per hour at McDonalds or the mall.

Disney is different from every other place in the world you could vacation. 10 days at Port Orleans with the meal plan, and the best tickets plus airfare are going to run my family of 3 $4000. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTLY!


Active Member
By nature, people are selfish. Unfortunately, a trip to WDW brings it out even more. EVERY TIME we visit, and attend Philharmagic, or any theatre style attraction, there is always a few groups that refuse to follow directions. So, instead of going into my usual rage, I just step on their feet or fart by them as I pass by.:fork:
Yeah, I know, real mature.

I don't know, I just do not have much respect for people who intentionally ignore rules. Rules that have been designed for the comfort of everyone.

As far as the CM being rude, I would just be polite in a smart axx way, and report them.

You think the bathrooms at DTD are dirty? Use the one in Morrocco at Epcot.:lol:


New Member
Yeah I can relate to the performance/show criticism. When I went to see the Philharmagic (sp?) I was very annoyed with people just sitting RIGHT in the middle. We moved all the way to the end of the row, and other people just stopped in the middle. The CM was literally SCREAMING at them to move to the end (because it was the middle of the day during spring break and it was CROWDED). People were irritated at other people and some were even yelling back at the CM to shut up.


Well-Known Member
It's not just at WDW either. It's pretty prevalent everywhere. People feel they're all entitled to something better!

...and I we've all got Jerry Springer, Oprah, Sally Jesse, and their spawn to blame for empowering the masses. :lol:

Seriously, it's gotten pretty bad in most places, from Wal-Mart to Macy's, and Burger King to Olive Garden. Even at WDW.

Who told certain people they were more special than others? Their behavior is misguided and reflects poorly on them and all of society. They are all contributing parts of the downward spiral.

But who will tell them now??? TV isn't gonna put THAT show in the air! HAHA!

I better go now....I've run out of nice things to say......



Well-Known Member
...and I we've all got Jerry Springer, Oprah, Sally Jesse, and their spawn to blame for empowering the masses. :lol:

Seriously, it's gotten pretty bad in most places, from Wal-Mart to Macy's, and Burger King to Olive Garden. Even at WDW.

Who told certain people they were more special than others? Their behavior is misguided and reflects poorly on them and all of society. They are all contributing parts of the downward spiral.

But who will tell them now??? TV isn't gonna put THAT show in the air! HAHA!

I better go now....I've run out of nice things to say......

I don't think it's just TV that's responsible for it. I don't want to go out on a tirade here, but it's a whole different world out there than the one that my generation was brought up in, and I really mourn the loss of social graces in today's world.

end of potential rant...

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
So, instead of going into my usual rage, I just step on their feet or fart by them as I pass by.:fork:
Yeah, I know, real mature.
I see nothing wrong with doing this to people who are intentionally disrespecting CM's as well as fellow park guests. We all paid the same price to sit in that air conditioned theater, so get over yourself. It's 3D and it makes absolutely no difference where you sit, you will still get the effect.

The Boy and I have a bad habit of saying sarcastic comments as we walk by people like that. We take great pleasure when we see that they've realized what we've said. It's like watching the lightbulb literally go off over their heads. If they say something to us, then we like to kill them with kindness and point out their ignorance (which enrages them ten fold usually).

I'm not saying that what we do is mature or even nice. Some people just need to get offended at people pointing out their own bad behavior in order to understand that their actions can make or break an entire experience for everyone around them.



New Member
I see nothing wrong with doing this to people who are intentionally disrespecting CM's as well as fellow park guests. We all paid the same price to sit in that air conditioned theater, so get over yourself. It's 3D and it makes absolutely no difference where you sit, you will still get the effect.

The Boy and I have a bad habit of saying sarcastic comments as we walk by people like that. We take great pleasure when we see that they've realized what we've said. It's like watching the lightbulb literally go off over their heads. If they say something to us, then we like to kill them with kindness and point out their ignorance (which enrages them ten fold usually).

I'm not saying that what we do is mature or even nice. Some people just need to get offended at people pointing out their own bad behavior in order to understand that their actions can make or break an entire experience for everyone around them.


Amen sista.. lol


Active Member
I am afraid to say to you that sometimes, this just happens. It is very common for rude people to sit in the middle of the rows in the shows. Even with the cast members telling everyone to move down. And sometimes cast members don't really like their job, and cringe coming to work everyday. They are usually part time workers who just have the job to get the Disney World parks (free admission, discounts, etc....) That is why they have a bad attitude.

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