Does anybody out there know all of the songs used in the finale film shown at the end of the Great Movie Ride? I want to obtain all of the songs and remix them together the same way they are in the ride.
Not including the entrance music and exiting music (Hurray for Hollywood), I have counted 8-10 songs.
1.) The Entertainer
2.) ______?______
A few others that I know of are; Gone With the Wind, some Star Wars theme, and 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Can anybody complete the list?
Not including the entrance music and exiting music (Hurray for Hollywood), I have counted 8-10 songs.
1.) The Entertainer
2.) ______?______
A few others that I know of are; Gone With the Wind, some Star Wars theme, and 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Can anybody complete the list?