This is part one of what I'm hoping to extrapolate into a five act ride. Act 1 is this intro, Act 2 is running through the canopy and eventually falling into a lake. Act 3 Arthur is a fish and we explore the lake until we get caught in a net by Madam Mim. in Act 4. We take to the Air with Arthur as a sparrow and Merlin/Mim having a duel in the air around us, at some point we get separated and fall towards the lake only to be saved by Arthur. Act 5 is us returning to the class room and being de-shrunk by Merlin, who says enough lessons for one day, class dismissed.
Anyway, here's part one.
We enter a room with a ride vehicle inside. Wart, an animation on the front screen, tells us we’d better sit down, as Merlin likes to start class on time. Also, sometimes the lessons get a bit hairy, so we’d better take some precaution and strap on our safety harnesses, one time Merlin was teaching his class and Sir Ector went flying over the castle, ever since then we’ve been sure to strap everyone in.
“Merlin, Merlin? I’m all ready for today’s lesson, my chores are done and everything.”
“Well then lad, we’d better begin.” Merlin speaks as a poof of smoke and a flash give way to reveal has just appeared before us on screen. “Well who are all these people lad? You know it’s dangerous to bring friends along on your lesson.”
“I know Merlin, but they wanted to see some real magic, and I kinda promised them they could tag along. Please?”
“Oh all right, but I can’t transform them all into various creatures, we’ll have to think of something else. AHA! I have it, let’s shrink them down!”
“Shrink them down? Are you sure?”
“Absolutely my lad, we’ll just shrink them down and then I’ll cast a spell to connect them to you, that way you won’t get separated. But, before I do, you’d better put on your special spectacles. They will allow your eyes to adjust and see the magic properly. Prepare yourselves; this won’t hurt a bit… WINKITEE DINKITEE SHRINKITEE!”
From this point forward everything switches to 3-D
The room seems to grow around us, Merlin and Arthur now tower over us and an ant walks by in front of us to give us a proper sense of perspective.
“Well hello down there! I’d better transform you lad, so you can join them, Whilrilus Squirellus”
Arthur is transformed into a squirrel and craws towards the ride vehicle.
“Oh boy, you’re going to love this, we’ll be able to dart around the tress and climb everywhere! Just let me know if you spy any girl squirrel’s, I’d like to avoid having to learn THAT lesson again.”
“And presto chango rearango, POOF!” Merlin is now a squirrel as well, and we begin to take off towards a window in the room, begin dragged along by Arthur, who we are tethered to by a stream of magic.