good news on MS


Original Poster
2 things i had happen today....First after getting off test track the people i was with need to go use that bathroom so i said ok after the bathroom meet me at MS. Well i ran from the exit to MS and just sat there in aww there was 6 people with me at that little wall they have that seperates you from the ride. "i heard them say i wonder where they are". me being nosey i didnt move. about 3 mins later i saw 2 people come out of MS in suits. i started to snap pictures of them. then they went back inside. about another 2 mins went buy 4 cast members came out and up to the little door in the wall on the right side. they said are the families of WDI here? the 6 people went over and said yes. well i ran over to the door and said what is going on? " is this soft openings?" the cast member who open the door said to me "yes for Walt Disney Imaginers faimilies" I was in awe.. well we must of hung around for another 10 minutes and nothing else happend. i kept checking back to see if anything was going on and there was no action. the next thing that happend really made me belive that this ride will be open soon. around 3:30 we took the boat over to MGM so we could ride TOT and RRC then see fantasmic (which once again was awesome) the standbye on TOT was 13 minutes so up we went {and yes i love the new drops} after that we went down to RRC and it just went down tech. problems so we got a fastpass and went back to TOT for another ride. after that it was time for our fastpass and we went back to RRC still not working so we sat down on the ledge near the fastpass stations. well after about 10 mins of sitting there the castmember that was telling everyone the ride was broken started to talk to us after some joking about how mad and sad he made people i just had to ask him about MS. He told me"thats funny you ask i just put in for getting on the ride crew over there" i said what do you mean "he said they are starting to man the ride with CM because in about 3 weeks the soft openings are going to happening and they want to start training. i said well today i was over at MS and they where letting the WDI faimily on for soft opening he said yes they always do that before the softs for the public. well then we went back to talking about RRC.

now i know alot of people think that CM like to play games and tell guest stuff like that but with the 2 things that happend in one day i seem to belive that this is real and that we will see the soft opening soon and hopefully the grand opening. well that is all i have to report i will give a full trip report and pictures of all kinds of neat stuff i have seen down here on this trip...


Original Poster
i cant wait to post the pics

i cant wait to post them. you will all see the cast members come out and then go back in with the 6 guests. i dont have my link cable to put the pics on this computer but when i get home on 2/9 it will be the first thing i do.


Well-Known Member
If everything in this post is to be believed (and at this point there is no reason to dis-believe it) then there are going to be a lot of excited people who are going to EPCOT in three weeks time.
If its not true and a rather large hoax has been created by Mike dvcmember - then I hope for his sake he knows a very good hiding place coz I'll come looking for him :animwink:


Premium Member
I think your chain is being yanked here ;)

The last I saw of the interior it looks far from complete, to the extent that the ride system for at least some of the 4 ride bays is in pieces all over the floor. Some of the ride capsules arent even in the building yet, and on the completed bay, they are still working in audio/visual timings etc.

While it is certainly true that some of WDI have ridden it (a few months back), it wasnt in a completed state at that time.

Its possible that opening crew staffing is beginning now. Thinking back to RnR, the opening crew were in there doing test and adjust months before soft openings. If that were the case, it would fit along with the scenario of possible openings around late July 2003.


Original Poster
well you all

seems to me that you all want to put me down and say that i am lieing to you all well that is fine but i know what i saw and heard with my own ears. going into this trip i was thinking that MS was going to open somtime late in 2003 so i figured i could share the info on what is going on the time that i was there but it seems as though you all are trying to call this a hoax i know what i heard and saw you want to belive good you dont well thats fine.


New Member
Re: well you all

Originally posted by mikedvcmember
seems to me that you all want to put me down and say that i am lieing to you all well that is fine but i know what i saw and heard with my own ears. going into this trip i was thinking that MS was going to open somtime late in 2003 so i figured i could share the info on what is going on the time that i was there but it seems as though you all are trying to call this a hoax i know what i heard and saw you want to belive good you dont well thats fine.

Um... you have only heard from like 2% of the active board members. Many people here are curious and waiting for the pictures and to see if more reports come in from others.

Unless you are lying, just wait and give us the goods first. No one has said directly you are wrong, just it is hard to believe. Great way to establish yourself too if this is late breaking.


New Member
Although the ride may not open in 3 weeks, I think he's serious in what he's talking about. I remember during the superbowl a Disney commercial displaying all their parks througout the world,
some of their animated films, and some of their attractions. Their
was about 5 seconds where they showed the Mission Space building and the logo that must be hinting towards something!


Premium Member
Re: well you all

Originally posted by mikedvcmember
seems to me that you all want to put me down and say that i am lieing to you all well that is fine but i know what i saw and heard with my own ears. going into this trip i was thinking that MS was going to open somtime late in 2003 so i figured i could share the info on what is going on the time that i was there but it seems as though you all are trying to call this a hoax i know what i heard and saw you want to belive good you dont well thats fine.

We dont want to put you down at all. I value all the contributions here. All I am saying is that I know for a fact that the ride is not complete inside that building. This would be the equivalent of letting guests ride ToT when only one of the drop shafts is built and the other is still in pieces. It simply isnt going to happen.

We all want MS to open as fast as possible, but we don't want people planning trips around all these rumors, and then being dissapointed that it didnt open as rumored.

It is is also fairly common for groups of VIPs to have tours of attractions prior to opening. This does not neccessarily mean they are riding the attraction, they could just be taking a walking tour.

On the other hand, since I last saw the interior, they may have worked very VERY fast and rapdily finished things up and it will open in 3 weeks time afterall! :)


Well-Known Member
Re: well you all

Originally posted by mikedvcmember
seems to me that you all want to put me down and say that i am lieing to you all well that is fine but i know what i saw and heard with my own ears. going into this trip i was thinking that MS was going to open somtime late in 2003 so i figured i could share the info on what is going on the time that i was there but it seems as though you all are trying to call this a hoax i know what i heard and saw you want to belive good you dont well thats fine.
Dude, first off, don't bite the hand that feeds you here, namely Steve. Steve is sharing info with what he has and it doesn't seem to mesh with what he knows about MS. That being said, yes, it's possible you're correct. And if so, thanks for the new info. Being a new member to the forum, you've got to understand that there has been a ton of false stuff thrown around the forums about MS and everything is kinda taken with a grain of salt. Thanks for posting and I'm sure you're excited about what you saw and heard. Looking forward to your pictures when you can get them posted.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: Re: well you all

Originally posted by wdwmagic
On the other hand, since I last saw the interior, they may have worked very VERY fast and rapdily finished things up and it will open in 3 weeks time afterall! :)

Steve! Post your Pictures :sohappy: :) ;)


Well-Known Member

At first read, you guys seem a bit harsh to someone sharing information. That's what the board is for, isn't it?
That attitude could scare away folks from posting new info, no?

(HEY -- I'm just asking! I got the same impression after re-reading the thread a second time!)

The man reported what He saw , and I thank Him for it.
No reason to suck the excitment out of His post or question his experience! At least the first thing He did was come on here to let us know! That's what we all want, isn't it? Immediate feedback on happenings at the Parks?!?!?! :veryconfu

Also....if people plan their trips around rumors on a message board without verifying the information, I don't think that is their biggest problem. you can attack me too. (BUT PLEASE DON'T!!) :lookaroun

Thanks for the info MIKEDVCMEMBER! We look forward to seeing the pics! That is....if you will still post them for us?

(Hopefully that won't kick off WAVE 2 of the attacks on your integrity!)



Harsh messages aside, this is potentially both good and bad news. Good, of course, because a ride that has been 3+ years in the making could be opening very soon. And bad, because it may be inappropriate to open it just yet (or at least open it officially), for obvious reasons.

Incidentally, I'll be in WDW in about four weeks, and if there _is_ a soft opening (fingers crossed) and there isn't any restraint on telling people about it, I'll be sure to post it in a trip report. And btw Grizzlyhall, it looks like I may be owing you an apology about the storyline after all. . .


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figment99

Incidentally, I'll be in WDW in about four weeks, and if there _is_ a soft opening (fingers crossed) and there isn't any restraint on telling people about it, I'll be sure to post it in a trip report.

WOOHOO!!!! :sohappy:

Me too FIGMENT99!!!

You can bet if there's a chance to ride, I'll be in line!


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