Going tomorrow!!


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So we're headed down to WDW tomorrow to spend the weekend. We're planning on going to AK on Sat. & MK on Sunday. I have a few questions as I've never been to AK. I was planning on packing a small bag of snack, drinks, and pb&j sandwiches for my 2 kids to save some cash (hate seeing a plate of nuggest for $6 go into the trash!) Is this allowed? Also, does anyone have advise on a good place to eat lunch at AK? I'm not packing the adults lunch so we'll need to eat. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Oh! one last question, I promise. Is there a ride/attraction we should go to first thing that get's way too crowded in the afternoon?

Thanks so much!


Active Member
I have never had any trouble bringing food/snacks/drinks into the park but last time i was there was november but i dont see how that policy could of changed.

There are multiple places around the park to stop and enjoy the shade at a table, the names of the places i do not know off the top of my head, my only advice is to check the area where you sit for birds above you HAHA. my lil brother got it bad last time we were waiting for a turkey leg, but in all honesty that bird had to of been sick of some thing!

The first ride i would hit would be Expedition Everest, its a thrill ride and usally has a huge line but it is smooth enough for kids to enjoy. I would also catch the show "its tough to b a bug". i like it

also remeber AK is by far the biggest park so your favorite walking shoes are a must


Missing my mind...
Premium Member
For lunch I would do either the Yak & Yeti (it is TS and CS) or Flame Tree BBQ. Flame Tree has some very nice seating areas down back.

As for the first ride I would Fast Pass EE and head straight to the safari. KS can also get some long lines, but the biggest reason to ride it first is the earlier you ride it the more animals you will see. Once the sun start to get up the animals start to hide.

Enjoy the weekend!


Well-Known Member
Either head straight for safari or EE. Both will get busy but not bad in the morning. We usually do safari first because the animals seem to be a bit more active early on.


Well-Known Member
I agree - head straight for the Safari. Mornings are the bset time for the animals.

We ate at Pizzafari on our last trip - we liked it, and the pieces were plenty big enough to share. 3 slices would probably feed the 4 of you for lunch easily.
Definitely do KS first. On the way there grab some fastpasses for EE. And as someone said, you will see most of the animals in the morning


New Member
Check out Flame Tree BBQ. The food is good and there are several choices on the menu.
One thing- all the seating for it, which is very nice with a good view, is behind the stand where you order your food. You may think there is no seating but get your order and then walk around behind the food stand.

Have fun.:)


New Member
I'd say head straight to EE... get a fastpass... then go immediately to the Safari...

not only is it good to get on it early to beat crowds; but you'll see more animals the earlier you get out...


Well-Known Member
It looks like all your questions have been answered ~ but I'll just echo that it seems like the best plan is a fast pass to EE, and onto the Safari's. I've also had the best luck w/animals early in the day!

Have a wonderful trip! :wave:


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Thank you so much everyone! I'll definately head over to get a fast pass for EE first thing and then straight to the Safari it is for the first adventure of the day.

Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
I think I just read that AK is having morning EMHs Saturday morning. If staying on property get there by 8 am.

Hubby and I will be on our way down tomorrow, too! I can't wait. Packing packing packing....


Active Member
If you already have food for the kids and only the adults are eating then I would suggest Flame Tree BBQ. you can sit behind it and enjoy a relaxing break........


I think most things got covered here already. But I wanted to point out a show that some people pass by. Finding Nemo The Musical is great! i know some peopl ehere may not agree with me but we love it! Especially depending on the ages of your kids it might be the greatest thing to them. Mine are 6 and 16 mo. My sons first trip was when he was 11 mo. old and he adored it staying alert and attentive the whole time. My 6 yr. old hjas seen it a few times and always loves it. We are also big fans of the Lion King Show. It has lots of difforent elements to it that keep you entertained as well as some audiance participation. I do not believe you can get a fastpass for eaither performance but I wouldnt think you would need to.

Have a great time and enjoy the AK and MK!


Well-Known Member
Head for Everest and get a Fast Pass then proceed directly to Kilimanjaro Safari - return and ride Everest when the FP Return window opens.

For lunch - its got to be Flame Tree BBQ


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I think we'll definately try to see Nemo, DS is 3.5 DD is almost 2. I think they would get a kick out of it. Staying at the Beach Club so Friday afternoon will be a pool day and we'll aim to be at AK for 8am (thanks for the heads up on the EMH!) All your posts are getting me so excited to just get there. I think I might be more excited than DS!

I finally put up a photo, hopefully it will come up. It's DS and I in January on Goofy's barnstormer after running the 1/2 marathon. What a great weekend.


Active Member
I am sorry that I can not think of the name of the place, but it was barely distinguishable as a counter service since as I recall there was a small chalkboard sign and a hole in a wall to order food (sandwiches and such), but there was a covered area and live entertainment. It was African themed and a group of guys came out and did all kinds of dances and it was quite entertaining so the kids will probably love it. Hopefully some one here will know the place I am talking about. I did not have kids with me, so I did not need to bring food in, but knowing how my kids eat, I understand your concern about them not eating and wasting money. :wave:


The kids would also really enjoy Festival of the Lion King. In my opinion it is one of the better shows in any Disney park.


I'm also going to vote for Flame Tree BBQ. The food is really good, we always eat there for lunch and the view of EE from one of the seating areas (and there are multiple areas to eat around Flame Tree) is breathtaking.

You must see Finding Nemo the Musical. It's wonderful! My whole family loved it (son 8 and daughter 5) and my husband was very impressed. We saw the first show of the day and walked right in, so if you can catch the first show, you may not have to wait in line as long as the later shows (I don't know this for sure, but we walked in 5 min. before the show began to a 3/4 full theatre, and when we left after the show, the line was VERY long.) Have a great time. I'm very jealous that you get to spend Mother's day weekend at the World!!!!!! (Meanwhile, I'll be here, on a rainy day in Wisconsin, temp forcast for 55 degrees, yuck.)


New Member
Flame trees great to grab food at. I still like it even after a screwy animal jumped on my lap while eating ...lol

if your not staying on property you can grab the 2.69 or 3.99 sandwiches at 7-11 and with a ice pack you are set for lunch for the day . Disney has the mustard or mayo everywhere you eat. Grab a drink and your set.

I understand people have budgets , I have seen people with a loaf of bread and they toast the slices at a value resort for breakfast. Hey a lot of people are taking their family for the one and only trip.

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