going to WDW pregnant?


New Member
This september my husband and i are traveling with another couple (and this is their first time at WDW). We just found out that our friend is pregnant! She will be about 4.5 months along in Sept.

My questions (having never been pregnant myself!):

How will it be maneuvering the parks? I'm assuming that it will still be pretty warm in Sept. and we'll have to stop and take lots of breaks to rest.

What rides will she be able to ride / not ride?

Anything else we should know / take into consideration?


Well-Known Member
Two things:

1.) Have her talk to her physician about the kinds of rides she can and can't ride. You'd be surprised what kind of rides are allowed and not and why. This is the most important.

2.) Pick up the Unofficial Guide to WDW, it has a whole section dedicated to pregnant women. Very well done and highlights some of your questions. Written by someone who went to the parks while pregnant.

Hope this helps, have a fun time.
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Well-Known Member
LOTS of rest, LOTS of fluids, have her pace herself, stay at hotel for naps if necessary, suncreen, wear a hat, loose-fitting clothing. Visit air-conditioned attractions/restaurants. I believe AllEars.net has a few pages for pregnant travelers.

We traveled when my wife was 4.5 months pregnant, and it was late June and very hot, humid and raining...we skipped a few arranged meals, luckily, we were with a group, and my 11yo son could go with his grandparents or aunts/uncles.

She should avoid any rides with lots of fast motion and sudden stops. All rides are well marked.
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New Member
I went hiking in the mountains when I was 5 months pregnant. I guess it all depends on the person.

Make your plans, she can always skip a ride, and be flexible!
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New Member
My wife and I went this past March with her at about the 5 month mark. We made sure to take things easy. Lots of water (brought bottled water on lanyards) and lots of time for bathroom breaks. We didn't rush around the parks like we usually did and one a few ocations, she stayed in the room to sleep in while I went to morning EMH's then met up for a later breakfast at the resort. Your milage may vary of course.

It did change what attractions we rode. We pretty much stuck to the warning signs. If it said pregnant women shouldn't ride, we didn't. That of course means no mountains, no RnRC, no ToT, no Test Track or Mission:Space (didn't try the green side either). We took in a lot more of the shows and sit down attractions.

It wasn't a bad experience by any stretch of the imagination but we both missed riding some of our favorites.
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Well-Known Member
The main thing is she needs to talk to her Doc... and heed their advice regarding what she should and should not be able to do during the week. Also, she should not assume her doctor knows everything about Disney. Be prepared for the discussion and know as much as she can about the parks. It will help the doctor give good recommendations.
At 4-5 months, she should still be able to get around ok, unless there are other underlying health issues.

I like the idea for reading the latest information in the Unoffical Guide on Pregnancy and the Parks.
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I took my four year old by my self for three days while I was 8 months pregnant and my husband attended business meetings. (We also went when I was 3 months pregnant, 5 months pregnant and 6 months pregnant that year.)
I avoided any ride that suggested I should (all the rides have signs) and my four year old did the big ones, (TOT, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Test Track, Dino) after my husband met us there in the evenings. We didn't have tired problems, bit we did drink alot and had to eat when I was hungry, NOT when it was scheduled.
Good luck!
ps. the unofficial guide is great too.
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Well-Known Member
It wasn't a bad experience by any stretch of the imagination but we both missed riding some of our favorites.

Some of those rides that you mentioned have Single Rider lines. That wouldn't have been too bad...You get in the single rider lines, and that could give your wife a little time to sit down and rest a bit, so that you could enjoy some of your favorite rides. It must be difficult having to walk by your favorite rides and not be able to go on. But even if that were the case, it wouldn't be bad at all. Just being in Disney alone is enough for me. :)
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Active Member
While skipping rides/attractions individually is an option for her. The rest of the group should possibly be making back-up plans/ideas, to avoid feeling guilty when leaving her behind on some of the forbidden experiences.
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I went to WDW about halfway through my 3rd pregnancy. How she does will somewhat depend on what kind of shape she is in. I did fine except for Animal Kingdom. It was so hot, and there was so much walking!! I finally just sat down and cried.

She will probably be fine, but be flexible. Pregnant women tend to tire easily and be emotional - so give her some grace!

One thing about the signs that say don't ride if you are pregnant. There are some that say that just to be on the safe side. I'm not reccommending you take any chances, but I rode Kilimanjaro Safaris (against their warnings) and found it to be mild.

Have a great trip!!!
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Well-Known Member
I was actually going to post this question being that I will be 16 weeks when we go.

I went to the Mom's panel and there were quite a few questions already asked about being pregnant in Disney. Water, water and water...breaks, know limits...when she is tired, she should stop to relax.

Rides to not go on: SM, SM, BTM, Dino, Kali, Kili Saf, Everest, RnRC, ToT, ST. I have heard of some going on Kili but I know how bumby it can get and I don't want to risk it, although it is one of my favs.

I'll be there with my 4 1/2 year old, DH and 14 year old nephew. I have no problems with staying back while they ride the big ones. I can sit and soak up Disney and relax.:)
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Well-Known Member
yep, these post have covered it. ive never had myself( i am 17) nor anybody we have gone with have been pregnet when they went. i can also recomend getting the unoffical guide because of the section on being pregnet at disney and things to know
hope this helps
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New Member
Some of those rides that you mentioned have Single Rider lines. That wouldn't have been too bad...You get in the single rider lines, and that could give your wife a little time to sit down and rest a bit, so that you could enjoy some of your favorite rides. It must be difficult having to walk by your favorite rides and not be able to go on. But even if that were the case, it wouldn't be bad at all. Just being in Disney alone is enough for me. :)
I did a lot of the when she slept in. Just not the same not being able to share those rides with her. Like I said, it didn't suck but it wasn't as good as can be.
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New Member
I am only 12 but my mom went when she was pregnant with me and then again with my sister. when she was expecting my sister i was 6 and noticed she tired out quicker and i spent a lot of time at the hotel pools and with just my dad and she wouoldnt ride ant rollercoasters or motion rides but we saw a lot of shows and spent a good amount of time an small world and the friendship taixs at EPCOT we went in october so it wasnt to warm but she still said it was really hot and needed to rest every 30min-1hour just for a sec. I think it went ok when she was there and pregnant with me i turned out ok and a huge disney fan so i think its great shes going when shes pregnant:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
There is a bright side to this. I can think of no better place to satisfy those odd food cravings that pregnant women get. :) Perhaps you should introduce her to the Kitchen Sink at Beaches n Cream.
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Well-Known Member
This september my husband and i are traveling with another couple (and this is their first time at WDW). We just found out that our friend is pregnant! She will be about 4.5 months along in Sept.

My questions (having never been pregnant myself!):

How will it be maneuvering the parks? I'm assuming that it will still be pretty warm in Sept. and we'll have to stop and take lots of breaks to rest.

What rides will she be able to ride / not ride?

Anything else we should know / take into consideration?

My wife and I went last Sept, she was also 4.5 months pregers.
Rule of thumb, no coasters or anything that could eStop and cause a sudden stop. She had a great time, watch the heat and make sure she drinks alot of H2O. The safari is the only thing that they advise against that isn't an obvious one to avoid. Our Dr. said it was fine, we did it and were lucky not to be in the back as it is a bumpy ride. Advise her to practice walking and to know her limits so she can pace herself during the week.
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My daughter is due with her first Sept. 5 and we went down on May 11th for 6 days. It was hot but she drank alot of water and we made reservations to sit down and have a lunch or dinner to get her out of the heat and rest for awhile. There were rides she had to skip (Test Track, MS, BTMRR, Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, ToT) but was able to do alot of the others (POC, HM) and even went on the preview for Toy Story Mania. A couple of days we went back to the resort and went in the pool. She held up great - even stayed at the Pirates & Princess PArty until after 11:00. Her and I even did the spa and she had the expectant mother massage - which she loved - while the husbands went golfing. I don't think you will have any problems. Have fun!
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