Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][Epcot!][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Hello folks![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Inspired by Mr. Bricker's wonderful honeymoon WDW recount, I thought I would share with you an account of my last trip there. I am a Walt Disney Word lover, and have been since my early youth (as you can see in the photo below). I went at least once every year til I was about 14, then not again til I was 17, then not again til I was 27. What happened those 10 years? I was a fool! hah[/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][This is 2 year old me crying because I didn't want to say bye to Mickey][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]At 27 though, I met a fellow Disney lover and we went, and had a blast. I felt like a complete child. That, and I got to do all the things my dad would never let us do (park hopper, The Land, Monorail to MK from Epcot). My love was reignited. I did not get to go last year for my birthday (free!) like I had intended, which was a shame, but I did get to go on the last weekend of the Food and Wine Festival, as another friend had a friend working there and she got us in for free. WDW in a day is not really anything I like doing...but hey, it at least satiated my fix for the year.[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][I was a bit apprehensive to witness the much maligned "Tronorail" in person, but I was pleasantly surprised...I did not find it to be offensive at all. Sure, it totally clashes with the original design but it looks pretty cool in and of itself][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]This year I planned to go again with the same friend, a grand 4 day fest to take advantage of the "4 for $99" Florida resident special. All was planned and perfect...til I got ditched last minute. Not one to be deterred, I decided to go ahead. I mean, I do all of my adventures/vacations by myself as it is (Hawaii, Seattle, London, Paris), so how bad could WDW solo be? Worst comes to worst, I could just focus on my photography, something I was not really able to do on my last two trips. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]So here's the rundown:[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Monday, April 26, 2010[/FONT]​

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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][Of course, I have to be first in line to enter. And sitting there for over an hour makes you have some crazy photography ideas. I am glad though, because I love this one!][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Woke up early, and had some Chik Fil A for breakfast. Those mini chicken breakfast sandwiches are one of the best food items I have ever put in my mouth. Delicious! I got to EPCOT and was first in line at one of the turnstiles. It was really dreary out, clouds and the occasional light sprinkle here and there. I bought my raincoat just in case (my family had a collection of those yellow mickey mouse raincoats due to always being unprepared!). As opening time neared, the sun came out. When they started doing the soft opening, the clouds had all but disappeared. [/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][This girl and her brother found their way through the crowd of much taller people to make their way to the front of the rope. They were both very happy to see the characters come out!][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Walking under Spaceship Earth always brings out a large amount childhood giddiness. We continued along, and made our way to the middle of FW and waited for the ropes to drop. I wish I would have had a chance to do the 'park opens, run to the ride' thing I had always heard about, but by the time I had gone to WDW on my terms 2 years ago, and was able to get to the park before opening, they had stopped this practice. Two years ago, they would soft open the park 15 minutes before, walk you to a predetermined spot, and then at opening time they would drop the ropes and everyone would speed walk to the rides. I guess some people were still running and getting trampled, so now the cast members make you walk behind them to the rides to ensure no one gets hurt.[/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][The Tronorail definitely helped make this photo much nicer! It was dreary and blue toned out, and the classic monorails wouldn't have worked as well][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Soarin was first on the bill. Great ride, although I always get stuck in the top left section, in the middle of the row. I've been on this ride 5 times, and every time I have had that seat! Ran over to Test Track after, and got a FP (which was useless, I didn't realize they had a single rider line that moves faster than the FP). I then decided to do the GREEN at Mission Space, hoping it wouldn't bring up memories of the disaster that was riding ORANGE a few years ago (was dizzy/sick for 2 days haha). I made it out alive and healthy.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I went to Innoventions and saw Storm Struck, and did some of the other activities. I tend to look over Innoventions every time I am here...it is but a mere shadow of what Comminicore once was. Back then, these were my favorite areas of EPCOT, especially since they were connected to the food and we could just go eat right after. I gave it a chance this time though, and there are some cool things to do. I will have to make sure I spend more time there in the future.

[You can visit my Flickr page at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ohhector/
The direct link to the WDW '10 album is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ohhector/sets/72157624168041515/
Check out all these photos in their larger formats!]


Active Member
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]2) I was a little peeved to find out at that Garden Pavillion at Epcot was only open Fri-Sat, I was really hoping to step inside the old Wonders of Life Pavillion again[/FONT]

I agree. I was there Sunday - Friday the first week in May and was bummed that it was a weekend affair.

That was my fourth solo trip, I love going solo. I am going again in February alone. Way too fun. Great report!


Original Poster
Yeah I don't want to end up in fisticuffs with someone! That wouldn't be magical :(

Haha you get 5 points for using "fisticuffs" in everyday speech (err...text)

Great report, really enjoyed all of your amazing photos:).

Thank you! =]

I agree. I was there Sunday - Friday the first week in May and was bummed that it was a weekend affair.
That was my fourth solo trip, I love going solo. I am going again in February alone. Way too fun. Great report!

I'm going to the F&W festival while I'm there in Nov, thankfully I'll be staying through Friday so I'll at least have a chance to go into the pavillion!


Active Member
Love the pictures!! I have recently been thinking about taking a short solo trip. I'm not sure how well I would do being alone though. I'm very social and think I might break down at some point lol. On another note though, Japan is my favorite country also. I took Japanese for two semesters and try to remember some of it when I go there to talk to the cast members.


Original Poster
Love the pictures!! I have recently been thinking about taking a short solo trip. I'm not sure how well I would do being alone though. I'm very social and think I might break down at some point lol. On another note though, Japan is my favorite country also. I took Japanese for two semesters and try to remember some of it when I go there to talk to the cast members.

Thank you! I very highly recommend the solo trips. Yes, even if you aren't anti social like me! Haha...there were plenty of solo people around, and even if not I saw a lot of unrelated groups of people socializing with each other. If anything, it'd be a great conversation starter that you were there solo.

I def want to learn Japanese...alas, I have no will power!

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