Go See Reign of Fire!/BK is waiting..


New Member
Reign of Fire was a great movie! They had a lot of scenes with the dragons and a lot of action. I would rate it 9 out of 10. :)

GREAT MOVIE, better than Jurassic Park!:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sorcerer Mickey
"Here is somthing interesting I noticed: On the trailer they give the year as 2084. But in the movie the "awakining" happens about 2002/2003. With the movie taking place in 2020."

The dragon was awakened 2020, but after that it moved to 2084. See, Quin was the kid at the beginning if you didnt notice. :)

Anyways, as you can tell, I saw the movie yesterday. I thought their wasn't enough dragon, but the movie is alright. I'll get it on DVD, but it wasn't as good as most people have said.

What rave reviews are you guys talking about? I've seen one that gave it one star(Ebert) and my local newspaper gave it two stars...

I give it 2 and a half stars out of four.

No (have you seen it?). When they get to when all the action happens is when they say the date is 2020.

Besides, if it "awakened 2020, but after that it moved to 2084." Then Quinn would have to be over 60.

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
"No (have you seen it?). When they get to when all the action happens is when they say the date is 2020.

Besides, if it "awakened 2020, but after that it moved to 2084." Then Quinn would have to be over 60."

It says 2020 when the kid goes to his mother's mining work site. And, I think Quinn does look a bit 60, but hey, a lot of people can look young these days.


Well-Known Member
Go to the offical site (reignoffire.com) and launch the website. Click on SYNOPSIS.


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Well-Known Member
Reign of Fire ignited in third place with an estimated $16,020,000 at 2,629 theaters. Marketed as if it were "The Fast and the Flammable" in its high octane campaign, the post-apocalyptic man-vs.-dragon movie yielded the biggest opening for the dragon sub-genre, edging out the $15,027,150 start of 1996's Dragonheart. However, Reign didn't quite become the action smash that early buzz had indicated.



Well-Known Member
>>>Reign of Fire ignited in third place with an estimated $16,020,000 at 2,629 theaters.<<<

That works out to roughly $6,000 a theater. I'm willing to bet that most of them will probably keep the film until after it's second weekend to maximize any profits they can from it, but...

This is movie is going to be a bomb, you can bet the farm on it. If, and that is a BIG if, this movie develops legs, then they might be able to make a go of it and break even [NOTE: RoF cost over $90 million to produce and market], but if they have a steep drop off next weekend of around 40--50% (also consider that it's day-to-day performance during the week will probably suck), it is all over but the crying. The good news is that Halloween: Resurrection is actually good, and will almost certainly make a profit. That will help, but depending on how much money RoF loses, it may be forgotten.

Sigh, with Country Bears coming out next weekend, the shareholders can write this quarter for the studio off as a disaster.

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
I seriously doubt Country Bears will make a lot. I think it was a bad idea for Disney to make movies based on existing attractions, it shows how desperate they are, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by no2apprentice
I know this has been tossed around on other threads, but I just don't understand the mentality of Disney management worrying about how well ROF does at the box office, and how that should effect BK

Its called Corporate Incentive. Money. Merchandising legs. ________ Tracy bombed at the box office. Why make an attraction based on it?

Discovery Bay was going to be a great attraction until the Island at the top of the World bombed.

The majority of attractions these days are based off of movies because its smart for corporate reasons. Characters and movies have a built in fan base and can generate more income than an attraction like, Akbar's Adventure Tours or Kali River Rapids. (It seems like Imagination at Epcot is the only original attraction that has an extreme fan base all its own, w/o a movie or tv series.)

Mainstream audiences would rather shell out money for a t-shirt or toy with a well known trademarked character attraction than something unique that no one else knows about. Spider-man, Hulk, Men in Black, Winnie the Pooh, Brer Rabbit, etc. How many people have you seen with Kali River Rapids t-shirts?

Yes, there are plenty of roller coasters not based on characters, but its just business smart.

Would you like to go on the Rock N Rollercoaster featuring Glenn Frey and Sheila E? or would like to go on a Rollercoaster featuring Aerosmith??

Amazing Adventures of Happy Slappy Guy or the Amazing Adventures of Spider-man?


I still want an Atlantis attraction to be made. Even if the movie got bad reviews and didn't make a dime of profit.


Well-Known Member
Disney killed Atlantis by opening it on the same weekend as Tomb Raider, so I am not surprised they screwed up yet again. This movie would have at least done Scorpion King numbers if they had waited for a less active weekend.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sketch105

Its called Corporate Incentive. Money. Merchandising legs. ________ Tracy bombed at the box office. Why make an attraction based on it?

Hmm...mabey you should have referred to him as "Richard" Tracy :) .

I thought Atlantis got good reviews. I liked it, it just came out at a bad time.

And whatever happened to that "quality will always win" schpiel I heard earlier? I can bet you anything Atlantis was a better movie than Tomb Raider.

It seems that only Epcot continues to make attractions not based on movies or shows. The MK has a TON of original attractions (Pirates, Carousel of Progress, Timekeeper, Space Mountain, Alien Encounter, Thunder Mt, Country Bears, Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Tiki Room), but no new ones have been made for a while.

MGM studios, well, are basically centered on movies because of its theme, and its not always a terrible thing to have attractions based on well known shows (spiderman, Twilight Zone ToT)

Did I get off the subject? Sorry, where were we....

..oh yeah, Reign of Fire.

Uhh.. I have yet to see it :D


Well-Known Member
I have to really agree with you guys. Disney would have rocked the box office (for Atlantis) if they had not put it next to Tomb Raider. Even I winced when I found out that it opened the same day. All the younger boys (and older demographics) Disney was looking to target with Atlantis decided to see Angelina Jolie "strut her stuff " for two hours instead, and that hurt.

As for Reign of Fire, it was not really promoted properly. It wasn't hyped like MiB 2 and it was not on any "Must See" lists. Road to Perdition was not really heavily promoted either.

I still hold a lot of hope that Beastly Kingdom will rise some day. (hopefully close to its original form.)

You're right about original attractions though. My mind doesn't work really well late at night, but I was thinking more along the lines of Universal IOA, Disney MGM, the Fantasyland dark rides all being based off of Disney movies, Splash Mountain, Dinosaur/Countdown to Extinction, etc.

Keep in mind that a majority of the ORIGINAL attractions were built many years ago (in the 70s) and lately they have been to either promote sponsors (Like EPCOT'S attractions) or to promote movies/characters (Four out of the five islands at IOA are based off commercial properties, the Lost continent being the exception. recent attractions like Splash Mountain (Song of the South, which is hard because it was banned in the U.S.) (92), Twilight Zone ToT (94) Rock N Rollercoaster featuring AEROSMITH (99),Winnie the Pooh (98). Even the renovation of the TIKI ROOM incorporated Zazu and IAgo to appeal to newer generations who found the show with Pierre and the gang long and stale.

Although Kiliminjaro Safaris and Kali River Rapids are not based off of movies, they were made to deliver an un-commercialized message about the preservation of earth. Those not coming under those guidelines were Tough to be a Bug, Dinosaur/CTX,Pocahontas, Tarzan Rocks, and the Festival of the Lion King. Whenever there is a commercial property to use, they use it.

Not to say that this is a bad thing. Its a good thing.

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