It seems like nearly everyone from the original Ghostbusters film has been confirmed for a cameo appearance in Paul Feig’s upcoming reboot. However, one face that for sure won’t show up is Rick Moranis.
Moranis, speaking to THR, stated, “I wish them well. I hope it’s terrific. But it just makes no sense to me. Why would I do just one day of shooting on something I did 30 years ago?”
The 62-year old actor took an extended hiatus after his wife passed away from breast cancer. He spent his time raising his children, who have since grown up and are young adults themselves. As a result, he’s considering returning to the acting world, although he’s very careful about what projects he’ll take on.
“I took a break, which turned into a longer break. But I’m interested in anything that I would find interesting. I still get the occasional query about a film or television role and as soon as one comes along that piques my interest, I’ll probably do it. [But Ghostbusters] didn’t appeal to me.”