Getting stuck in rides


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Do you find it fun? I do, kinda. I remember the boats in Pirates bumping into each other and getting stuck so we were stuck. Right under that hairy leg. :lol: I found it kinda funny.


New Member
I have gotten stuck on many rides while a handicapped rider is boarding/disembarking. It always seems to happen to me on the way down in SSE. And they took away "Tomorrow's Child" so you don't even have anything to look at or listen to.

It's also happened to me at Dtorybookland Canal Boats in Disneyland. Not fun.


New Member
Last May, what a nightmare.....We got stuck in "It's a Small World" for about 25-30. Getting stuck wasn't too hard to take, we were in the ride it was cool and it is a very beautiful ride....HOWEVER..out of the 25-30 minutes the music played for about 20 of those!
To this day my son hears the tune and his eyes get real wide and he says..."Please make it stop"...:lol:
When we finally did get off the ride they gave everyone a few speed passes to get on any ride we wanted. The park wasn't all that busy so later that night, we gave our passes to another couple and their kids who were visiting from UK (I think) waiting in a long line at Space Mountain.
My opinion, it was another class move on Disney to speed pass everyone on the ride. They could have just said, "Sorry, it happens, have a nice day"...But the passes were a nice touch.


Active Member
I guess it all depends on where you are on the ride. This weekend we got stuck on Splash Mountain. I had to luck to be stuck opposite the drop. Two cars when down while we were stuck & I got soaked. Ride stopped two more times while we were on it. It was a first for us. Especially when some other riders decided to get out of their cars & walk out.


New Member
Dragonrider1227 said:
Do you find it fun? I do, kinda. I remember the boats in Pirates bumping into each other and getting stuck so we were stuck. Right under that hairy leg. :lol: I found it kinda funny.

Exactly what happened to me once!
We once got stuck on Pirates in the treasure scene. We were stuck there for at least 30 minutes until finally some CM's brought out this "plank" or board or something. We had to "walk the plank" off the boats and got to actually walk through the treasure scene and out some back exit. It was pretty fun, my family and I were singing away with the rest of the pirates, and probably driving everyone else nuts!! A very memorable experience.


New Member
We got stuck on PoC once with boats bumping into one another. It wasn't very long and we also got speed passes.

However, my friend went and they didn't actually get stuck, but they were in line for 2 hours (spring break time) and the ride closed when they were about to board. They went to City Hall and talked to a CM about their experience and were given free passes to Typhoon Lagoon.

Things happen, but IMO Disney goes out of their way to compensate for these problems and keep the magic alive.:)


psheeder said:
I have gotten stuck:brick: in Splash Mountain before...What else is new.:lookaroun

That seems to happen to me every trip I make. At one point it was funny but after the 4th and 5th times it got kind of annoying.


executivechef said:
We gave our passes to another couple and their kids who were visiting from UK (I think) waiting in a long line at Space Mountain.

My opinion, it was another class move on Disney to speed pass everyone on the ride.

In my opinion, it was an even classier move on YOU to give your passes to someone else :)

Nothing is more magical than guest made magic!


Well-Known Member
splash mountain always stops whenever im on it -but i dont mind i sometimes find it quite fun, other rides that have broke down when i was on them:
space mountain
rock n' rollercoaster
spaceship earth
test track


I've gotten stuck in Pirates and also in the Haunted Mansion. In the HM, we were actually stuck backwards coming down into the graveyard for quite a while and then again by the singing busts.
We were once stuck on Test Track on the section with the steepest sideways slope of the outside track for over 10 minutes! It became quite uncomfortable after a while. We did get to ride again, though, without waiting!


New Member
We got stuck a few years ago on SSE. Not funny when you are at the TOP and a guy with a flashlight comes and says "everybody out the ride is going to be stopped for a while because a guest lost their gift shop bag that got stuck under the car and twisted around the track"! I still to this day cannot figure out how a bag can come flying out of the car and land under it and get mangled in the track. Hum? We sat in the cars for at least 20 minutes before they CM's made it to us at the top but we didn't get any speed passes just a big sorry and watch your step going down!

37 days and counting to POR!


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tink81 said:
It always seems to happen to me on the way down in SSE. And they took away "Tomorrow's Child" so you don't even have anything to look at or listen to.

absolutely!! that's funny...that seemed to happen to me all the time on that ride.


Active Member
Buzz Lightyear stops almost every time we ride it. I that is our "cursed" ride, because last June we went out to DLR and it happened on Buzz out there, too.


New Member
David said:
Buzz Lightyear stops almost every time we ride it. I that is our "cursed" ride, because last June we went out to DLR and it happened on Buzz out there, too.

I love when I get stuck in Buzz because then I can get extra points :animwink:

I also got stuck in Haunted Mansion at the going down backwards part before the graveyard and in the going down backwards part in SSE. I love watching the rainbow of colors near the bottom - very relaxing. :snore:



At MNSSHP we were stopped in the pre launch area of Space Mountain, were were there for about 15mins, it was actually quite fun, a CM came and was trying to get us to sing Campfire songs etc, and telling us jokes.

The best one was when Splash went 101, there was a huge storm coming and we just reached the very top (before the first drop into the show building), we were there for about 20 mins, (they were waiting to see how bad the storm was, then they evacuated us, as we were at the very top we were the last off, but we were under a little arch so we were sheltered from the rain. The bast bit however, we were led backstage, and through the show building, out to the exit. So cool.

Other than that the usual delays.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the ride I think and for how long. We got stuck in the final scene of It's a Small World and even my 5 year old daughter who loves the ride said, "This song is driving me crazy".


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JMishy said:
I've gotten stuck in Pirates and also in the Haunted Mansion. In the HM, we were actually stuck backwards coming down into the graveyard for quite a while and then again by the singing busts.
My dad told me he got stuck in the mansion one time as well in the attic. (Imagine being stuck THERE! :lookaroun ) and as they passed the mirrorscene in the end, the ghosts in the mirror wern't moving. :lol:

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