I have been wanting a treadmill for sometime now and it looks like I will be getting one this week. I would like to ask you guys for some help. I live in an upstairs apartment and I have already (don't laugh...okay well laugh cause I did while I was doing it) jumped in the various areas that were possible locations for the treadmill. And have narrowed it down to the most sturdy area in the living room. Are there any suggestions for mats or flooring of some sort to minimize the impact/sound.
Thanks for any help you can give me. I want to get in shape and I live in an area where I don't feel safe walking outside alone. I am looking forward to using my treadmill to start racking up the miles on my running shoes. :sohappy:
Thanks for any help you can give me. I want to get in shape and I live in an area where I don't feel safe walking outside alone. I am looking forward to using my treadmill to start racking up the miles on my running shoes. :sohappy: