I HATE the Stitch attraction. I have visited it exactly once, and that was enough. When a Disney attraction fails to entertain and, even worse, makes little kids cry, then I think it's safe to say that it's a major FAIL.
And I'm not saying that because I'm sorry it replaced Alien Encounter. I never saw Alien Encounter. For the record.
I HATE the sappy nasal tween-girl-singer-voiceover we get for too many Disney songs. When I was at WDW last, there was this weird mini-parade for Sleeping Beauty. The song Once Upon A Dream was playing out of the park's speakers, and this treacly girl singer screeched it at the top of her lungs. AUUUGHGHHH!!! Horrible horrible horrible. I wanted to scream: :zipit:
I hate that the Yeti's been broken for two years.
I hate that Dreamfinder is gone. I never saw it in person, but I watched a Youtube video of the original ride, because I'd read so many positive comments about it. And it was indeed awesome. Unfortunately, the new ride is terrible. Like a bad Saturday morning cartoon. Worse, it's the kind of bad Saturday morning cartoon that tries to teach you something. And little Figment is very annoying. Such a charming-looking character too. Bummer.
I don't exactly hate, but I strongly dislike that Disney is buying up stuff like Marvel and the Muppets. Uncle Walt would never do that. If he wanted to have superheroes amongst his characters, he would create original ones. As for Muppets, they are so last century and don't fit within the Disney pantheon. He'd have no use for them at all. And so I strongly dislike the idea of Spiderman or the Muppets showing up anywhere in any Disney park. Buying a character doesn't make it a Disney character. So begone, Spiderman! Back to Universal with you! Same to you, Muppets. Go away! Shoo! Go build your own park and appear in it if you're so popular. Or find one with which your style won't clash. How about Sesame Place?
On the other hand, I don't hate Star Wars or Indiana Jones being in the parks, although it still seems a bit wrong somehow. They're just guest stars. Nobody's pretending they're part of the Disney stable.
I hate that Jungle Cruise hasn't been majorly refurbed or simply replaced. Riding it was an embarrassment. I felt bad for the CM. He did his level best to make a hokey has-been ride enjoyable, but it was just lame.
And I really hate that Beastly Kingdom was cancelled. One of the dumbest moves the Disney suits ever made. AK is almost fatally weakened without it, because as zoos go, it's a wash. I have been there numerous times, and seeing the wild animals is, well, wildly variable. They do learn how to hide after awhile, and I can hardly blame them. Then there's the abysmal Hester and Chester junk, the underwhelming Dinosaur ride (bereft of any real scares or wonder), and again, the broken Yeti. In fact, the only really cool think in AK is the Tree of Life and the show beneath its roots. That is awesome. But still, all in all, while AK looks nice, as a park, it's in real trouble. After the Fantasyland expansion, I think the Imagineers and co. really need to get to work on AK. It's in dire need of help.