Pre-Trip George and Scott plan a family-free ToT Ten Miler trip

I guess you could say that the beginnings of this thread started in another Trip Report. Mine actually. In November of last year I took a trip to run in my first runDisney race, the Wine and Dine 1/2 Marathon. I finished the race, had a good time, got home, wrote up my trip report. Next thing I know, I get a message in my WDWMagic Inbox from @George

I read the beginning of your trip report and it gave me an idea. Since my kids are school age, the Disney races aren't at good times, would you consider doing a half marathon or Tower of Terror Ten Miler with me? We could pick the exact dates and times later, since there are 4 or 5 options.
- - George

With this, the seeds of a trip were planted.

We've had a few brief conversations via phone and PM to set some of the basics. We decided upon the Tower of Terror Ten Miler race, in October 2014, mostly because we're excited for the afterparty at DHS. We've registered for the race.

We've also somehow gotten the blessings of our spouses that this trip will be "solo". Just two gentlemen heading down for some wholesome fun, to run a 10 mile race through the WDW Property, to ride some rides, enjoy some of the fine food options, and have a good time enjoying the parks without kids slowing us down there to join us in the fun. I've even got my wife to let me put off telling my kids until just about a week before I leave for the race, so I don't have to spend the next 8 months with my children openly hating me.

What I thought would be fun though is if @George and I would make the plans for our trip out here in the trip report forum under a Pre-Trip heading. That way we can solicit the opinions of anyone who would be so inclined to read this little thread, and we can utilize the vast knowledge of our fellow WDWMagic fans to prepare a great short vacation.

So, to start off @George I think we firm up the dates. I'm thinking we fly down on Thursday, 10/2 and return on Monday 10/6. That'd give us a couple days in which we're not being asked to run ungodly distances where we can enjoy the parks. A day or two prior to the race, and a day or two limping around after the race.

I think the flight schedules open up soonish, so if you'd like to fly out of your local airport and meet me down there, or if you'd like to pop up to my place and stay on Wednesday night and we fly together out of Midway, that would work as well. If we did that, it would give me the added benefit of staging a faux kidnapping in front of my kids so that I can claim plausible deniability in knowingly leaving them to go to WDW.


The Epcot Manifesto
Original Poster
I'm looking a little at flight times. Since I'm a bit beholden to Southwest Airlines, I'm stuck with what Southwest will give me.
So if their schedule stays the same as it is now, starting at the earliest I could arrive would be getting to MCO at 9:35am, followed by 11:10am, then 12:50pm. @ShookieJones I don't know what time you are departing the wonderful kingdom, but I'm guessing the earliest I can make it to the parks would be 11ish am.

Either way, I'm probably buying 5 day tickets, because with the special runner's discount, it's only like $35 more between a 4 and a 5 day pass, and either way I can get $35 worth of fun on that extra day. There are likely going to be some non-gung-ho days in this trip, since we'll have our day of arrival, our day of departure, the race day (when we're not going to want to kill ourselves walking around a ton).

The only thing that would change that 5 day ticket purchase would be if we want to be the bane of Disney's existence and go over to Universal for Potter 2.0. I'm leaning towards a no on this. Why would I want to go see some silly little boy wizard in London anyway?


We need time for things to happen.
I'm looking a little at flight times. Since I'm a bit beholden to Southwest Airlines, I'm stuck with what Southwest will give me.
So if their schedule stays the same as it is now, starting at the earliest I could arrive would be getting to MCO at 9:35am, followed by 11:10am, then 12:50pm. @ShookieJones I don't know what time you are departing the wonderful kingdom, but I'm guessing the earliest I can make it to the parks would be 11ish am.
I'm ALWAYS looking for the last plane out (unexpected Toy Matinee reference - great band) last few years we've been leaving around 5-6 and usually in the MK last day until 1:00 - 2:00 so if all goes well perhaps we raise a toast of Dole Whips in honor of your soon to be first place finish in the TOT Ten Miler.


The Epcot Manifesto
Original Poster
I'm ALWAYS looking for the last plane out (unexpected Toy Matinee reference - great band) last few years we've been leaving around 5-6 and usually in the MK last day until 1:00 - 2:00 so if all goes well perhaps we raise a toast of Dole Whips in honor of your soon to be first place finish in the TOT Ten Miler.
Maybe I can convince @George to smuggle a little something in to put into our Dole Whip Floats. Rum and Pineapple Juice go together so well.
Now we can just discuss where and how it is best to smuggle said rum into the parks.
So, here's my thought. We rent an ECV. As soon as we arive at WL, we proceed to go all A-Team on it (though, in this case, I think we have 2 Howlin' Mad Murdoch's and absolutely 0 BA Baracus'). We spend a good 30-45 minutes welding strategically placed rum reservoirs onto various places on the scooter. Maybe even an oil slick and/or smoke screen in case security catches onto us. I think with a little pre-work, we can knock this out quickly, with many sparks and exciting music playing in the background. If you would like, you could join us at the room for the last bits and spark up a cigar for the ceremonial "I love it when a plan comes together" moment.
Then we proceed to Aloha Isles and proceed to gorge on rum-spiked Dole Whip Floats until it is time for you to race to the front of the park just in time to make your escape.



Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Maybe I can convince @George to smuggle a little something in to put into our Dole Whip Floats. Rum and Pineapple Juice go together so well.
Now we can just discuss where and how it is best to smuggle said rum into the parks.
So, here's my thought. We rent an ECV. As soon as we arive at WL, we proceed to go all A-Team on it (though, in this case, I think we have 2 Howlin' Mad Murdoch's and absolutely 0 BA Baracus'). We spend a good 30-45 minutes welding strategically placed rum reservoirs onto various places on the scooter. Maybe even an oil slick and/or smoke screen in case security catches onto us. I think with a little pre-work, we can knock this out quickly, with many sparks and exciting music playing in the background. If you would like, you could join us at the room for the last bits and spark up a cigar for the ceremonial "I love it when a plan comes together" moment.
Then we proceed to Aloha Isles and proceed to gorge on rum-spiked Dole Whip Floats until it is time for you to race to the front of the park just in time to make your escape.


Captain Morgan's spiced rum looks just like apple juice and a baby bottle works quite well as a dispenser.

Just saying...:cautious:


We need time for things to happen.
Maybe I can convince @George to smuggle a little something in to put into our Dole Whip Floats. Rum and Pineapple Juice go together so well.
Now we can just discuss where and how it is best to smuggle said rum into the parks.
So, here's my thought. We rent an ECV. As soon as we arive at WL, we proceed to go all A-Team on it (though, in this case, I think we have 2 Howlin' Mad Murdoch's and absolutely 0 BA Baracus'). We spend a good 30-45 minutes welding strategically placed rum reservoirs onto various places on the scooter. Maybe even an oil slick and/or smoke screen in case security catches onto us. I think with a little pre-work, we can knock this out quickly, with many sparks and exciting music playing in the background. If you would like, you could join us at the room for the last bits and spark up a cigar for the ceremonial "I love it when a plan comes together" moment.
Then we proceed to Aloha Isles and proceed to gorge on rum-spiked Dole Whip Floats until it is time for you to race to the front of the park just in time to make your escape.



Dumbfounded, Completely in awe and thoroughly impressed with this scenario.
I'm already picking out a cigar.

Hmmm...Rum and Pineapple...mmmm.....

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
"Look, I was on the internetz and in a chat room and I was told that this place was basically like a Walmart for pedo... um... HEY, LOOK OVER THERE, THAT GUY HAS A UNIVERSAL SHIRT ON!!!"
Seriously though, pick up a couple of the single serving sized bottles and just put them in your pocket if you want to spike your dole whips. A little spiced rum takes the Dole float to another level of awesome.


The Epcot Manifesto
Original Poster
Seriously though, pick up a couple of the single serving sized bottles and just put them in your pocket if you want to spike your dole whips. A little spiced rum takes the Dole float to another level of awesome.
Done. I'm considering this #1 on my packing list.
1) rum
2) running gear
3) welding equiptment (just because an ECV with smoke screens sounds amazing)
last) change of clothes (if room in my carryon fits)


The Epcot Manifesto
Original Poster
The next step has been taken, well, at least mine.
I've got my plane tickets purchased for the trip. You know, it makes it all so much more real. I had a nearly free flight, I had enough points on Southwest that I was CLOSE to a free flight, so a quick log-in to my wife's Southwest account, a quick transfer of points (with a bit of a fee, but oh well) and I'm all set. Yes, I did at least check with my wife first before I did the transfer. All told, $35 for the transfer of points, $5 booking fee, round trip airfare to MCO.

The flight down was easy. I took the first flight in the morning. Leaves at 6:30am. Now, once the polar vortex decides to go away (seriously, go away vortex, shoo, shoo), I'm starting to train again, so I'll start rolling out of bed at 5am on normal days. I also don't sleep well the night before a Disney trip, so getting up a bit early to make it to the airport is not going to be a big deal at all. I can sleep on the plane. Or start drinking. One or the other.
My flight lands at MCO around 10am. That means I should hopefully be hitting the Wilderness Lodge by noon-ish, after a quick stop in the airport for small bottles of rum (right @ShookieJones ?).

That's the easy part. 6:30am-10:00am. Before my brain is fully awake, I'll be in sunny Florida.

The return flight gave me a bit of a challenge. I had to balance time in the park vs. making it home in time to tuck my girls in for bed. On one hand, a shorter day at the park (more like a couple hours) and a direct flight back, making it home by 5:30 so I can make it from the airport to home in time to see the girls, heck, they might even come pick me up from the airport at that time.
On the other side, a later flight, one that has a stopover, and gets me home right around bedtime. Longer day in the park vs. making it home to see the girls.

For the sake of my wife's sanity, I chose the earlier flight. Still, enough to make rope-drop at MK (maybe see the Good Morning show for the first time), catch a ride or two, overpay for a quick service lunch, and then back to WL for Magical Express. That way, the girls can be awake when I get home, they can run around with whatever swag I bring home for them for a bit, my wife can go hide in the bedroom and rest after a weekend of taking care of the girls solo while I handle bedtime routine, and all will be right with the world.

As tempting as the last flight out at night was, I think I hopefully made the right call here.


We need time for things to happen.
The next step has been taken, well, at least mine.
I've got my plane tickets purchased for the trip. You know, it makes it all so much more real. I had a nearly free flight, I had enough points on Southwest that I was CLOSE to a free flight, so a quick log-in to my wife's Southwest account, a quick transfer of points (with a bit of a fee, but oh well) and I'm all set. Yes, I did at least check with my wife first before I did the transfer. All told, $35 for the transfer of points, $5 booking fee, round trip airfare to MCO.

The flight down was easy. I took the first flight in the morning. Leaves at 6:30am. Now, once the polar vortex decides to go away (seriously, go away vortex, shoo, shoo), I'm starting to train again, so I'll start rolling out of bed at 5am on normal days. I also don't sleep well the night before a Disney trip, so getting up a bit early to make it to the airport is not going to be a big deal at all. I can sleep on the plane. Or start drinking. One or the other.
My flight lands at MCO around 10am. That means I should hopefully be hitting the Wilderness Lodge by noon-ish, after a quick stop in the airport for small bottles of rum (right @ShookieJones ?).

That's the easy part. 6:30am-10:00am. Before my brain is fully awake, I'll be in sunny Florida.

The return flight gave me a bit of a challenge. I had to balance time in the park vs. making it home in time to tuck my girls in for bed. On one hand, a shorter day at the park (more like a couple hours) and a direct flight back, making it home by 5:30 so I can make it from the airport to home in time to see the girls, heck, they might even come pick me up from the airport at that time.
On the other side, a later flight, one that has a stopover, and gets me home right around bedtime. Longer day in the park vs. making it home to see the girls.

For the sake of my wife's sanity, I chose the earlier flight. Still, enough to make rope-drop at MK (maybe see the Good Morning show for the first time), catch a ride or two, overpay for a quick service lunch, and then back to WL for Magical Express. That way, the girls can be awake when I get home, they can run around with whatever swag I bring home for them for a bit, my wife can go hide in the bedroom and rest after a weekend of taking care of the girls solo while I handle bedtime routine, and all will be right with the world.

As tempting as the last flight out at night was, I think I hopefully made the right call here.
This plan is coming along nicely...especially the rum part (can't wait).


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Good thing @George had the home resort advantage--VWL studios are all booked up for that weekend!! Saratoga and AKL are available... :cautious:

So, if I was to be considering joining this party, any of the other cheerleaders interested in doing the Happy Haunted 5K? Since my AP will have expired in September, if I register for the 5K I can get the discounted park tickets. Or I could just renew my AP. @sshindel, can you tell me what is the runner's park ticket pricing for a 4 day park-hopper?

Also, judging by the runDisney website, in order for actual cheerleading to be done, a ticket for the ToT Villains Bash would have to be purchased, as there are no spectating spots outside of the park.

Jet Blue has a reasonable fare, so I'm trying to get a handle on the other costs to see if I can make it all work. I never got to be a cheerleader in high school, so I could make up for it now. LOL Plus, Food & Wine Festival...:hungry:


The Epcot Manifesto
Original Poster
Good thing @George had the home resort advantage--VWL studios are all booked up for that weekend!! Saratoga and AKL are available... :cautious:

So, if I was to be considering joining this party, any of the other cheerleaders interested in doing the Happy Haunted 5K? Since my AP will have expired in September, if I register for the 5K I can get the discounted park tickets. Or I could just renew my AP. @sshindel, can you tell me what is the runner's park ticket pricing for a 4 day park-hopper?

Also, judging by the runDisney website, in order for actual cheerleading to be done, a ticket for the ToT Villains Bash would have to be purchased, as there are no spectating spots outside of the park.

Jet Blue has a reasonable fare, so I'm trying to get a handle on the other costs to see if I can make it all work. I never got to be a cheerleader in high school, so I could make up for it now. LOL Plus, Food & Wine Festival...:hungry:
No problem. A 4-day park hopper (minus the Water Parks option ) is $244.95 (assuming without taxes here).
Think I'll pick up my 5-day hopper today ($280.10).

BTW @Tiggerish , it looks like we (10-miler runners) can pick up discounted tickets to the Villains Hollywood Bash (after-party) for guests. Currently, that ticket is $55 for me to grab. I think it goes up in price closer to the race.
Good thing @George had the home resort advantage--VWL studios are all booked up for that weekend!! Saratoga and AKL are available... :cautious:

So, if I was to be considering joining this party, any of the other cheerleaders interested in doing the Happy Haunted 5K? Since my AP will have expired in September, if I register for the 5K I can get the discounted park tickets. Or I could just renew my AP. @sshindel, can you tell me what is the runner's park ticket pricing for a 4 day park-hopper?

Also, judging by the runDisney website, in order for actual cheerleading to be done, a ticket for the ToT Villains Bash would have to be purchased, as there are no spectating spots outside of the park.

Jet Blue has a reasonable fare, so I'm trying to get a handle on the other costs to see if I can make it all work. I never got to be a cheerleader in high school, so I could make up for it now. LOL Plus, Food & Wine Festival...:hungry:

Let me know your dates when you decide. I want to go 10/3 through 10/6 :happy:


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Let me know your dates when you decide. I want to go 10/3 through 10/6 :happy:

Those are the dates I'm looking at.

My big hiccup is getting vacation days a week after I come back from girls cruise. Like, week off work, come back for 4 days, and be looking for 2 more days off. :confused:

Also, I might have to bring the hubs. But you've met him, Linda, and can vouch to everyone else the fact that he respects our mania. And you'd have a smoking buddy. ;)

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