Geocaching in Disneyworld.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Anyone ever participated in Geocaching in Disneyworld? Or better yet, know what Geocaching is? I'm sure it would be the ultimate challenge. Would be like finding hidden mickeys.. Only more extreme..


Well-Known Member
Some idiot did this at Disneyland and it caused an evacuation of the Esplanade because there was suspicion that it was a bomb.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I guess that would make sense.. Nevermind then. Probably a really crappy idea. Seeing as it's very easy to do it wrong and be mistaken for something like a bomb.


Active Member
Agreed. Leaving small-ish, unattended packages around a densely populated area seems like a bad idea.

Luckily, Imagineering placed plenty of Hidden Mickey's around...

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Howdy, fellow cacher! :wave:

The Reedy Creek fire chief is apparently a big fan of Geocaching. Until relatively recently there was one cache at each of the four WDW fire stations. Alas, they were ultimately removed by Disney security. Even though WDW property is now strictly virtual territory, there are some really good caches in the area. Celebration has a TON of them, and there are some fun park and grabs along 192.

The individual who led to the evacuation of the Disneyland Esplanade violated one of the big rules of placing a cache--getting permission from the landowner. It was a really stupid move on their part and gives the game a bad name.


Well-Known Member
One of our members here was at WDW the week before we were going to be there, so she left something for me to find. That was great fun!

Here's what she left for me to find:



Well-Known Member
There used to be several in WDW including one at the Stave Church in Norway. They were all good. But then like Disneyland but actually years earlier, someone put out an ammo can cache in a sensitive spot without getting permission and that ended it, Disney contacted Groundspeak and all but virtuals have been banned since. Of course Groundspeak won't list virtuals so no caches at Disney except grandfathered virtuals.


I remember years ago a friend was into geocaching. It sounded fun but I was never able to go with her. Can anyone tell me what it is exactly & how to get started? I need fun stuff to do down here while the parks are so crowded.


Well-Known Member
Geocatching is using a GPS to locate hidden "treasure" in various locations. Usually a can full of small toys, or sometimes just a log-in book.

Info here...

I used to do this a lot. I thought the other reason there are no longer any in WDW is because they need to be in locations that are free...that don't cost an admission fee to get into?

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