The Phantom Meance is the best of the PT movies because it's a simple fun adventure film full of that George Lucas Magic
It's interesting that years ago people would have said the opposite.
Personally, I rank Revenge of the Sith as one of the top 3 SW movies of all time. It delivered on what everyone had wanted to see for 20 years. It had the jedi purge, the epic ObiWan/Anakin duel, the rise of the Empire and Palpatine, the birth of the twins and how they got to where they are in ANH, the beginning of the Death Star, and of course the rise of Vader. It had everything and was even a bit emotional. I rank it right under ANH and TESB.
The thing about the PT that may stand the test of time is that, while the dialogue was clunky and awkward at best, the story and narratives were actually very very good. The content and visuals were right on if the dialogue and direction were not. Same movie, different directors and more dialogue working and they would have been phenomenal. For now, they actually have aged pretty well.
As for the ST, I "make" them work for me. I wrote a story outline that fits in between TLJ and TROS that actually makes it work better. I my own head canon, I have an episode 8.5 that transitions the two movies nicely (at least in my mind). Oh, and I keep the fan-made scene where the ghosts of Jedi past help Rey at the end of TROS.