I have yet to use "the perfect" camera. It stinks...every single body has a flaw..some are able to be overlooked..some not so much. What was said above does sort of ring true...you never really know how well (or poorly) your camera is for you until you get it out and use it for what you bought it for. Example: If I shot sports (I don't, nor do I ever plan to), I'd be pretty upset with the D7100. Why? Even with a super fast AF, the buffer on the camera is pretty small. If I shot jpg, it wouldn't be an issue, but for raw? 6 burst shots and then the buffer starts showing its ugly head. Thankfully..for what I use the camera for..I CAN overlook it. So I guess the tip that would go along with this would be as follows:
Make sure the camera you own is the camera you need.