Gas SOLD OUT!!! Long lines all over!


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Original Poster
Well, decided to head up to the Taco Bell at the Crossroads today about 5pm for dinner. Took a drive along 192, checking out the damage as I went.

Power seems to be back on for most of the area here. Many stores signs are out and damaged, but I really didn't see anything all that big., lots of little damange thought that will take sometime to fix. Many signs and trees are still down.

Every grocery store I went to was packed, I mean the parking lots were full. I went into a publix, and it was a mad house. No bread on the shelves, tons of people all over.

Gas stations are SOLD OUT. Unreal, but I'd say that every other station I drove past was sold out. The ones that were not had LONG LINES. 20 cars deep at one place to get into. You'd think that the storm was going to hit us again tomorrow the way it looks out there. I'm glad I gassed up the car yesterday before it hit.

The worst of this, seems to be down on the US 27 end of 192. From the people I saw, it seems like many were getting ready to head back to the coast, as well as many were just checking in for there vacations. But it's nasty out there right now, to many people! Heck, the local pizza place had a sold out sign on its door. The Chinese takeaway next door had a line OUT THE FREAKING DOOR. UNREAL!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update, Thelazer. It was kind of like that here last September, after Isabelle came through.

It will calm down soon. I think, despite the warnings, many people were caught off guard. And, sadly, those whose homes were damaged or power out too long, may have lost the food and supplies that they may have bought yesterday (not counting gas).



Active Member
I heard more gas is being trucked into Orlando tomorrow so things should be getting back to normal int hat area soon. I hope they truck some down to Tampa as well as most gas stations around here are out as well! Makes me glad I gassed up Thursday afternoon! Not going to be venturing too far from home until the RaceTrac by me is "back in business" (because they always have gas the cheapest).


New Member
Have the gas stations adopted a rip off policy? When we had the fuel strikes a few years back, the station opposite me added 50% to the price of his petrol.

The Mom

Premium Member
barnum42 said:
Have the gas stations adopted a rip off policy? When we had the fuel strikes a few years back, the station opposite me added 50% to the price of his petrol.

We fortunately have laws against price gouging, IF the perpetrators can be caught! This is why there are signs on the doors of hotel rooms, listing a price range. The highest price is usually 2-3 times the price you're paying, but it can LEGALLY be charged. There were some motels in GA that got into trouble during the mandatory evacuation of the beaches in anticipation of hurricane Floyd.

Gas stations are a little trickier. You have to prove that the prices were jacked up; obviously, if a station starts charging $3 a gallon, and you can PROVE it (get a receipt) they will be fined.

I did hear of people charging outrageous prices for ice, water, etc. after Andrew.


New Member
Don't you hate how much taxes add to the price of gas? Up here in the Boston area gas prices are running $1.77 to $1.83. I would much rather pay the price here than in Flprida or even the $2.00 in Michigan.


Active Member
No idea how much it is in Orlando, but here in Tampa I've seen gas as cheap as $1.74. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services here in Florida are warning businesses about price giuging on essential items such as food, ice, generators, fuel, lumber, lodging... They are taking reports of price gouging very seriously. They're even running public service announcements reminding businesses it's illegal to raise prices for essential goods like those listed.

If you've seen price gouging anywhere here in Florida, please report it to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at (800) HELP-FLA (435-7352).


New Member
patelaine1953 said:
Don't you hate how much taxes add to the price of gas? Up here in the Boston area gas prices are running $1.77 to $1.83. I would much rather pay the price here than in Flprida or even the $2.00 in Michigan.
Don't get me started on Petrol Tax. In the UK it is a set amount per litre, not an actual percentage, but we are paying three times what you are in Ma for petrol / gas. I've just done a conversion and we are paying the equivalent of over $5.60 per US gallon.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
price gouging in Orlando has been happening :(

Gas Stations have been putting bags over their regular, only selling premium and super. They get discovered when someone aciddentially pumps regular and gas comes out.

Where else... when I tried to buy a little tiny battery powered radio. Little cheap thing, no bigger than a DVD Case for... $70. I peeled the price tag, and underneath it said $25. No thanks. Got the stores name and address and called the police. I then went to Eckerds and bought a proper battery powered boombox for $30


Well-Known Member
Thelazer said:
...Every grocery store I went to was packed, I mean the parking lots were full. I went into a publix, and it was a mad house. No bread on the shelves, tons of people all over.

Gas stations are SOLD OUT. Unreal, but I'd say that every other station I drove past was sold out. The ones that were not had LONG LINES. 20 cars deep at one place to get into...Jay

Sounds just like the conditions durring the power outage last summer all over the US. The only bread left was the $7 heathy kind and gas was very scarce.


New Member
Hi, the most expensive gas that was posted on the signs I saw was 1.77 at the Hess's on Disney Property. I don't remember seeing gas any higher but that maybe because they didn't have the gas posted. At every single gas station I passed that was not closed due to no gas/power there was a line and on 17-92 it went down the street, caused quite a bit of traffic backup. The lowest gas I saw was $1.73 in Altamonte Springs.

Woody13 said:
Don't forget to add that Florida has suspended all gasoline taxes for the entire month of August, 2004. So, gasoline prices are $0.08 cheaper than they would be normally.

*edited to add the quote by woody13 as I forgot about the gas tax being out this month and wanted to give him credit for reminding me*


New Member
Phosphate said:
Hi, the most expensive gas that was posted on the signs I saw was 1.77 at the Hess's on Disney Property. I don't remember seeing gas any higher but that maybe because they didn't have the gas posted. At every single gas station I passed that was not closed due to no gas/power there was a line and on 17-92 it went down the street, caused quite a bit of traffic backup. The lowest gas I saw was $1.73 in Altamonte Springs.
Don't forget to add that Florida has suspended all state gasoline taxes for the entire month of August, 2004. So, gasoline prices are $0.08 cheaper than they would be normally.


New Member
Daaaaaaanng, $1.77 gas??? I wish we had it that cheap here in San Diego! It's at $2.04 and that's close to the lowest it's been in a year.



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Tomorrow early AM I may go out and look for gas, just to top off my tank, but from what I understand, you can get gas at the Florida's Turnpike rest stops still... there's one of those conveniently near me :D


Premium Member
I was out driving yesterday down 192 toward St. Cloud to see my folks and saw a lot of the gas lines. What seems to be happening is that folks in areas without power are venturing out to get gas and as soon as they find a station with power, the line starts to build. With the huge line the gas doesn't last long

If you got about half a mile past that, if there is power the stations were open and still had gas. This is tracking very close to the power outage problems.


Active Member
Gas stations purpously putting "sold out" bags over the regular and only selling the more expensive gas is price gouging! Call that number I posted earlier and report it! That's totally taking advantage of us consumers and is illegal!

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